Hardwood Mystics
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  • Swiss Tourneys View
      by NoodleJr on March 13, 2023 at 15:58:40 PDT

    Hi all, I, Stargate13, normally host a Swiss Tourney on Monday's, however, my Dart league is starting back up, and this is the only time that I will not have a Swiss Tourney. If I can find someone to take my Monday's until the league is finished with I will, but if not, then there will not be a Tourney that night. I will have them Tuesday thru Friday's though. Hope to see you there! Thanks, Stargate13
Tournament Time EST
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LadderBux Redemptions
Drawstring Backpack (367000)
Mini Pop Push It Keychain (267000)
Magnetic Floral Bookmark (184000)
Tree of Life Pendant (120000)
Rooster Tail Spinner Fishing Lure (250000)

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