HexAU Poker League (hexau)

Know When To Hold'em

Message Forum


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      by Case on


    This message forum is here to allow you to talk to the other members on your ladder. Talk about strategy, gameplay, who's the best out there, etc!

    We also operate a number of general interest forums, some of which you will see linked at the top of the forum page. These let you talk to members from all over the ladder about various topics.

    Our Gold and Platinum members receive access to their own special forums to talk with the staff and other premium members. We invite you to check them out and participate. If you aren't a premium member you can still read them!

    Enjoy the forums,

Tournament Time 4:39:24 pm EDT
Now playing at steam
League Admins
KiriB0t (Head Admin)  
League Tips
If you want to play, but there are no tournaments scheduled, try challenging someone to a League match.
LadderBux Redemptions
Silver Mama Charm (63000)
18-n-1 Stainless Steel Multitool (517000)
MyLeague Bumper Sticker (20000)
Lucky Four-Leaf Clover in Wishbone (77000)
Lucky Four-Leaf Clover in Wishbone (77000)

Over $4,907,300.00 worth of prizes awarded so far!
Click here to view available prizes!
Tournament Director
Interested in becoming a tournament director for the League? Click here for the application and more information!