Know When To Hold'em
During a Gift Matching Promotion, MyLeague will match your LadderBux Gifts! This means that the recipient of your LadderBux Gift will receive TWICE as many LadderBux as you gift. For example, if you gift a fellow member 500 LadderBux during the promotion, the member will receive 1,000 LadderBux.
Our next Gift Matching Promotion is scheduled for: 28 Nov 2024
Platinum and Diamond Memberships allow you to gift away your LadderBux to other members!
The schedule for gifting LadderBux works on a sliding/rolling scale. Seven (7) days after a LadderBux Gift has been given, that amount is added back to the amount of LadderBux you are eligible to gift.
This means the number of LadderBux you are eligible to gift can change on a daily basis, depending on the amount of LadderBux you gifted and the number of days since the LadderBux Gifting occurred.
Gift 100 LadderBux today and one week from today you can gift 100 LadderBux again! Don't worry; we keep track of this for you!