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  • Update on hubby View
      by nrgizebunny_99 on March 7, 2022 at 06:14:44 PST

    Wesley went to DNR status this weekend. Nothing more they can do for him Just too many issues and he just keeps losing weight since he has been in skilled facility We will be taking it day by day at this point. Have been staying at Hospital for past 6 days He is exhausted and told me this weekend he's ready to go . Prayers please for less suffering while he's still with us and a peaceful transition when his time comes. I WANT TO THANK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WHO UAVE SENT PRAYERS,WELL WISHES AND KIND NOTES TO US. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU NOT SURE WHEN OR IF WILL CONTINUE TO HOST WILL CRISS THAT BRIDGE WHEN I GET THERE....LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL!! nrgizebunny_99@yahoo.com

    * PATTY

    • Update on hubby View
        by nrgizebunny_99 on March 16, 2022 at 21:54:37 PDT

      Hello all ......

      I believe alot/most of you know that I lost my husband last night at 8:30 PM. My heart is broken
      I am so lost and miss this wonderful man so much, however I am at peace knowing he is at peace .. no more pain noo more BS ! Please pray for my family and I as we prepare to bury him .... Thank you ALL for the kind words of support .... Patty

    • Update on hubby View
        by silkybutsweet36 on March 14, 2022 at 15:36:13 PDT

      Wesley went to DNR status this weekend. Nothing more they can do for him Just too many issues and he just keeps losing weight since he has been in skilled facility We will be taking it day by day at this point. Have been staying at Hospital for past 6 days He is exhausted and told me this weekend he's ready to go . Prayers please for less suffering while he's still with us and a peaceful transition when his time comes. I WANT TO THANK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WHO UAVE SENT PRAYERS,WELL WISHES AND KIND NOTES TO US. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU NOT SURE WHEN OR IF WILL CONTINUE TO HOST WILL CRISS THAT BRIDGE WHEN I GET THERE....LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL!! nrgizebunny_99@yahoo.com* PATTY

      Hugs im so sorry to here this my prayers are with your husband Patty love and miss you we are all here for you

    • Update on hubby View
        by ___FreeFallin on March 12, 2022 at 14:44:10 PST

      Wesley went to DNR status this weekend. Nothing more they can do for him Just too many issues and he just keeps losing weight since he has been in skilled facility We will be taking it day by day at this point. Have been staying at Hospital for past 6 days He is exhausted and told me this weekend he's ready to go . Prayers please for less suffering while he's still with us and a peaceful transition when his time comes. I WANT TO THANK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WHO UAVE SENT PRAYERS,WELL WISHES AND KIND NOTES TO US. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU NOT SURE WHEN OR IF WILL CONTINUE TO HOST WILL CRISS THAT BRIDGE WHEN I GET THERE....LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL!! nrgizebunny_99@yahoo.com* PATTY

      So sry Patty hugzzzzzzz

    • Update on hubby View
        by nrgizebunny_99 on March 11, 2022 at 15:02:28 PST

      Wesley went to DNR status this weekend. Nothing more they can do for him Just too many issues and he just keeps losing weight since he has been in skilled facility We will be taking it day by day at this point. Have been staying at Hospital for past 6 days He is exhausted and told me this weekend he's ready to go . Prayers please for less suffering while he's still with us and a peaceful transition when his time comes. I WANT TO THANK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WHO UAVE SENT PRAYERS,WELL WISHES AND KIND NOTES TO US. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU NOT SURE WHEN OR IF WILL CONTINUE TO HOST WILL CRISS THAT BRIDGE WHEN I GET THERE....LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL!! nrgizebunny_99@yahoo.com* PATTY


      • Update on hubby View
          by nrgizebunny_99 on March 11, 2022 at 19:47:59 PST

    • Update on hubby View
        by tuxedobear on March 9, 2022 at 17:48:53 PST

      Wesley went to DNR status this weekend. Nothing more they can do for him Just too many issues and he just keeps losing weight since he has been in skilled facility We will be taking it day by day at this point. Have been staying at Hospital for past 6 days He is exhausted and told me this weekend he's ready to go . Prayers please for less suffering while he's still with us and a peaceful transition when his time comes. I WANT TO THANK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WHO UAVE SENT PRAYERS,WELL WISHES AND KIND NOTES TO US. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU NOT SURE WHEN OR IF WILL CONTINUE TO HOST WILL CRISS THAT BRIDGE WHEN I GET THERE....LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL!! nrgizebunny_99@yahoo.com* PATTY

    • Update on hubby View
        by SassiPlayer on March 9, 2022 at 15:57:30 PST

      My heart is breaking for you and your family Patty. I was praying for a better outcome but sometimes the Lord needs another sweet angel. Wes, You and your family remains in my prayers and when God take Wes home, I pray it will be peacefully. So thankfull they are letting you stay with him and know how much he is feeling your strong love and devotion.
      Love n hugs,

      Wesley went to DNR status this weekend. Nothing more they can do for him Just too many issues and he just keeps losing weight since he has been in skilled facility We will be taking it day by day at this point. Have been staying at Hospital for past 6 days He is exhausted and told me this weekend he's ready to go . Prayers please for less suffering while he's still with us and a peaceful transition when his time comes. I WANT TO THANK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WHO UAVE SENT PRAYERS,WELL WISHES AND KIND NOTES TO US. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU NOT SURE WHEN OR IF WILL CONTINUE TO HOST WILL CRISS THAT BRIDGE WHEN I GET THERE....LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL!! nrgizebunny_99@yahoo.com* PATTY

    • Update on hubby View
        by Meowfrog on March 9, 2022 at 15:47:47 PST

      Oh Patty.. I am so sorry you are going through this. I recently saw your FB post regarding this. I'm sorry he hasnt gotten better. Prayers to you, your husband and family! If you need anything let me know!!
    • Update on hubby View
        by katlvr1229cg on March 9, 2022 at 13:23:09 PST

      Your main concern is your hubby. Be there with him let him know you will remember all the good times. Let him know you will be ok if he goes. We will be there with you NRG thru this hard time.
      Hugsssssssssss sending you strength and love.
    • Update on hubby View
        by tiffers_intexas on March 7, 2022 at 17:32:23 PST

      ** Hugss nrg! So sorry to hear this! Love you and our prayers are still going out for you and hubby! ** xoxo - tiffers_intexas
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