Kanasta_ Friends
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  • Please Pray View
      by ___Howmanylicks on October 13, 2022 at 10:07:59 PDT

    Please keep angelvamp (Susie) in your prayers. Her boyfriend of almost 20 years passed away Tuesday after a very short illness. Susie has been through a lot the past 6 months(cancer) and really needs your support.

    Shes a great person and I love her Hugzzz Susie

    I'm here Susie if you need to talk, So sorry for your loss.


    • Please Pray View
        by terriquad on November 7, 2022 at 17:40:38 PST

      Please keep angelvamp (Susie) in your prayers. Her boyfriend of almost 20 years passed away Tuesday after a very short illness. Susie has been through a lot the past 6 months(cancer) and really needs your support. Shes a great person and I love her Hugzzz SusieI'm here Susie if you need to talk, So sorry for your loss.Joesph

      • Please Pray View
          by terriquad on November 7, 2022 at 17:42:13 PST

        So sorry for your loss Angel. They say god doesn't give us more than we can handle so you must be one very strong lady. Looking forward to when you are up to playing again. Sending you prayers and hugs!
    • Please Pray View
        by angelvamp4you on October 30, 2022 at 17:11:09 PDT

      Thank you so much Joe for the post you made. You are such an incredible friend to me and I love you too. It's been a rough few weeks now that Bobby has passed. Not sure how to live without him but I'm taking things day by day. Thank you also Dani and Shaun for the prayers and such kind words.

      As Joe said in the post it's been a hard few months, but I know God is with me through all this. In case others wanted information about Bobby, he played in the league here and other leagues in the past under his ID BIGKINGGARFIELD. We were together for many years and I miss him like crazy but he loved playing Canasta as we all do and hopefully I'll be up to playing again soon. I miss you all and please keep me and our family in your prayers. Again thank you my dear, dear friend Joesph

    • Please Pray View
        by Shaun on October 18, 2022 at 05:40:35 PDT

      Please keep angelvamp (Susie) in your prayers. Her boyfriend of almost 20 years passed away Tuesday after a very short illness. Susie has been through a lot the past 6 months(cancer) and really needs your support. Shes a great person and I love her Hugzzz SusieI'm here Susie if you need to talk, So sorry for your loss.Joesph

      Hugzzzzzz vampy so sorry for your loss, in my prayers and my heartfell condolences to you and yours.

    • Please Pray View
        by Stonergurl on October 16, 2022 at 16:46:28 PDT

      Sending my prayers and my condolences to her and to the family in there time of need!! Huggiessssss And Always here if you need anything

      Td Stoner (Dani)

Tournament Time 6:07:50 pm EDT
Safe Harbor Games
Now playing at Safe Harbor Games
League Admins
smokediver310 (Head Admin)  
DiscoDancinDuck (Td Manager )  
harleyz_angels (birthdays )  
itsmedonna (Specials )  
icemaiden (Birthdays )  
bb_designs2 (page design)  
League Tips
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LadderBux Redemptions
1 TD Donation (7500)
Cases Arcade I Love Bingo Badge (100000)
Linked Hearts Charm (65000)
Amish Cooking Cookbook (Kindle Edition) (75000)
Lucky Four-Leaf Clover in Wishbone (77000)

Over $4,908,950.00 worth of prizes awarded so far!
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