Kanasta_ Friends
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  • We have lost Noputt View
      by SassiPlayer on September 5, 2023 at 11:10:09 PDT

    Noputt aka Mary Ann passed away today around 11 am Illinois time due to her heart. Just talked to her last week and was so excited that her blood sugar was down to 5 and had lost 30 lbs and feeling great. She has not felt well the past few days and collasped at the grocery store due to lack of blood circulation, the doctors checked all her stints and tried a heart pump to get total circulation but to no avail. Prayers please for her husband Gary, children, Christopher and Tina and w grand kids....include quinton and I too as we were all close friends. Vacationed together in May at myrtle beach for over 22 yrs now or longer
    • We have lost Noputt View
        by Bestovian on November 11, 2023 at 22:17:44 PST

      Sorry to hear. I remember Noputt from way back in the yahoo days. Seems quite a few of the originals has since passed unfortunately.
    • We have lost Noputt View
        by Shaun on October 4, 2023 at 11:24:45 PDT

      Noputt aka Mary Ann passed away today around 11 am Illinois time due to her heart. Just talked to her last week and was so excited that her blood sugar was down to 5 and had lost 30 lbs and feeling great. She has not felt well the past few days and collasped at the grocery store due to lack of blood circulation, the doctors checked all her stints and tried a heart pump to get total circulation but to no avail. Prayers please for her husband Gary, children, Christopher and Tina and w grand kids....include quinton and I too as we were all close friends. Vacationed together in May at myrtle beach for over 22 yrs now or longer

      Got to say I have just read this as have not been around much. Another of our long time friends has left to join so many others. Wonder what the league up there would be called? Heavenly Angels Canasta. May I send my condolences to her family and friends and i will pray for all. She will be truly missed as many others are and Linda big hugs to you hun and Q as i know you were all close. x

    • We have lost Noputt View
        by Crosbee on September 11, 2023 at 17:28:05 PDT

      Noputt aka Mary Ann passed away today around 11 am Illinois time due to her heart. Just talked to her last week and was so excited that her blood sugar was down to 5 and had lost 30 lbs and feeling great. She has not felt well the past few days and collasped at the grocery store due to lack of blood circulation, the doctors checked all her stints and tried a heart pump to get total circulation but to no avail. Prayers please for her husband Gary, children, Christopher and Tina and w grand kids....include quinton and I too as we were all close friends. Vacationed together in May at myrtle beach for over 22 yrs now or longer

      • We have lost Noputt View
          by Crosbee on September 11, 2023 at 17:31:18 PDT

        RiP Noputt
        I Didn't know you personally, but I have known your ID for over 20 years, and you will be missed.
    • We have lost Noputt View
        by lb911pd on September 6, 2023 at 13:47:28 PDT

      My deepest sympathy and condolences Sassi as I too was privileged to have met such a wonderful and selfless woman. May God hold you all close during this most difficult time. Hugs and love always.
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