- When is Enough Enough? View
by terriquad on February 18, 2025 at 22:18:03 PST
I sent email tonight to 3 admin and talked to one during our game about this topic but I'd just like to say when a player BRINGS their drama with another player(me or anyone else) to the lobby that is when we should see the TD say ENOUGH. NOT wait till the person who is being talked about in the lobby defends themselves. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH WHEN THEY START IT. If it wasn't started then someone else wouldn't think they have to finish it and then get another 5 people in lobby thinking they need to get involved. Give the person who starts in lobby about anything to another player a little 3 day box and maybe that will stop it all.- When is Enough Enough? View
by Crosbee on March 5, 2025 at 16:17:39 PST
Blowing up your im is an outright lie. I have all the lobby talk and my im box saved. You were in a foul mood and took it out on more than me. Would you like me to post it to show members the truth. I'm moving on from this now. Stop blaming other people and just face up to you being in a bad mood on the day. We all have days like that.
As you say bye felecia which I consider quite rude.
- When is Enough Enough? View
by Crosbee on February 22, 2025 at 15:44:44 PST
I sent email tonight to 3 admin and talked to one during our game about this topic but I'd just like to say when a player BRINGS their drama with another player(me or anyone else) to the lobby that is when we should see the TD say ENOUGH. NOT wait till the person who is being talked about in the lobby defends themselves. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH WHEN THEY START IT. If it wasn't started then someone else wouldn't think they have to finish it and then get another 5 people in lobby thinking they need to get involved. Give the person who starts in lobby about anything to another player a little 3 day box and maybe that will stop it all.
- When is Enough Enough? View
by Crosbee on February 22, 2025 at 15:45:31 PST
and this gives you the right to call people names?- When is Enough Enough? View
by terriquad on February 24, 2025 at 21:16:55 PST
Crosbee- I had already closed up the IM on you as you came to MY IM blowing it up. That wasn't hint enough for you to leave me alone I guess... So Bye Felecia is a dismissal... here is the official meaning: "Bye, Felicia" is a dismissive farewell directed towards someone deemed insignificant, annoying, or undesired in a given context.
- When is Enough Enough? View
- When is Enough Enough? View
- When is Enough Enough? View
by Bren17320 on February 22, 2025 at 11:31:48 PST
why do you think I left nothing is ever done an always blamed on someone else
- When is Enough Enough? View
by terriquad on February 24, 2025 at 22:03:33 PST
it's so frustrating and doesn't have to be. The rules and code of conduct are there for all to read. They should be black and white and applied to all. And truly I'm here to play canasta and hopefully get good fun close games and some laughs with some of the genuine people I call friends in here...I don't care what fake people who haven't taken the time to really talk to me and get to know me think so don't waste your time with the fake hugssss and gl and gg. I probably have you on ignore now that I have found that button so feel free to do the same.
- When is Enough Enough? View
- When is Enough Enough? View
by Bren17320 on February 22, 2025 at 08:22:33 PST
I sent email tonight to 3 admin and talked to one during our game about this topic but I'd just like to say when a player BRINGS their drama with another player(me or anyone else) to the lobby that is when we should see the TD say ENOUGH. NOT wait till the person who is being talked about in the lobby defends themselves. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH WHEN THEY START IT. If it wasn't started then someone else wouldn't think they have to finish it and then get another 5 people in lobby thinking they need to get involved. Give the person who starts in lobby about anything to another player a little 3 day box and maybe that will stop it all.
- When is Enough Enough? View