Kanasta_ Friends
Message Forum


  • TD's View
      by Shaun on June 15, 2021 at 12:32:36 PDT

    Some people are not allowed to host even though they are peolly one of the best that this league has ever seen and yet allowed are TD's with bad attitudes and i thought that you needed to be a good if not great communicator to be a TD with the right attitude, NOT have a I dont care what happens attitude , ill deal with it later, Most TD'S do their damnest for our enjoyment then you get 1 or 2 like this. I just want to say a great big THANK YOU to all the hard working TD's who know I for one appreciate them giving us their free time to enable us to play and for the 1s who need ....well i wont or cant say because i will get banned, But we as memebers dont want it or need to see it paraded in the lobby not now not ever. Keep up the good work TD's especially u2 Donna and Patty
    • TD's View
        by jazzy0252 on June 15, 2021 at 18:48:07 PDT

      Some people are not allowed to host even though they are peolly one of the best that this league has ever seen and yet allowed are TD's with bad attitudes and i thought that you needed to be a good if not great communicator to be a TD with the right attitude, NOT have a I dont care what happens attitude , ill deal with it later, Most TD'S do their damnest for our enjoyment then you get 1 or 2 like this. I just want to say a great big THANK YOU to all the hard working TD's who know I for one appreciate them giving us their free time to enable us to play and for the 1s who need ....well i wont or cant say because i will get banned, But we as memebers dont want it or need to see it paraded in the lobby not now not ever. Keep up the good work TD's especially u2 Donna and Patty

      I am sorry you felt I had and attitude today when I said that I dint care,but it was wrong of me to talk like that. I thought I was helping .

Tournament Time 6:07:51 pm EDT
Safe Harbor Games
Now playing at Safe Harbor Games
League Admins
smokediver310 (Head Admin)  
DiscoDancinDuck (Td Manager )  
harleyz_angels (birthdays )  
itsmedonna (Specials )  
icemaiden (Birthdays )  
bb_designs2 (page design)  
League Tips
Gold members can transfer their membership to another League or Ladder they are playing on once every 90 days.
LadderBux Redemptions
1 TD Donation (7500)
Cases Arcade I Love Bingo Badge (100000)
Linked Hearts Charm (65000)
Amish Cooking Cookbook (Kindle Edition) (75000)
Lucky Four-Leaf Clover in Wishbone (77000)

Over $4,908,950.00 worth of prizes awarded so far!
Click here to view available prizes!
Tournament Director
Interested in becoming a tournament director for the League? Click here for the application and more information!