Message Forum


  • To The Loon TD's View
      by dopeyest1 on February 10, 2008 at 13:02:12 PST

    Here's to all of you for all your time and hard work you do for the members of this ladder!!

    • Re: To The Loon TD's View
        by ariesram65 on February 19, 2008 at 12:31:24 PST


      : Here's to all of you for all your time and hard work you do for the members of this ladder!!

      Thank you dopeyest that was such a wonderful thought we most apprieate it. Aries

    • Re: To The Loon TD's View
        by Cham on February 14, 2008 at 19:19:49 PST


      : Here's to all of you for all your time and hard work you do for the members of this ladder!!

      Thanks dopeyest for the appreciation that makes it all the more worth while to know that by hosting we bring joy in someone's life. xx

    • Re: To The Loon TD's View
        by Bugsy8150 on February 11, 2008 at 17:15:55 PST

      thanks dopey I know Team Loon tries very hard to bring our members tourney's and being able to have a great fun time in THe Playground.

      Hugs to you for recognizing them this way.


      • Re: To The Loon TD's View
          by Gruffiest on February 12, 2008 at 20:23:56 PST

        Thanks Dopest!

        But, you still have to pay for your parachute.


        • Re: To The Loon TD's View
            by dopeyest1 on February 13, 2008 at 10:49:30 PST

          : Thanks Dopest!

          : But, you still have to pay for your parachute.

          : Gruffi

          Ya right --- The last one you gave me was lead lined! (and how about my request for some fresh peanuts huh?)

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