- Rules for a formal Challenge View
by Bugsy8150 on February 25, 2008 at 17:23:20 PST
The use of the formal challenge needs to be clarified and made known to ALL members of Loon.The formal challenge should only be used in the event that the player directly above you seems to avoid a rank advancing ladder match with you. You should request a min of 2 times in the room..(Preferabley in OPEN Lobby Chat). If you do not receive the match then you should email the player as well as a cc of the email to the Head Admin of this ladder which happens to be me. I will also send an email advising that the match must be played with in a certain time frame or a formal challenge will be issued. If the formal challenge is not met the player refusing the ladder advance match will be deranked 10 ranks as a penalty.
The formal challenge on Loon has been for the TOP 5 players. But is ONLY to be used as I stated to a player 1 rank above.
Leapfrogging and rank hogging are against the rules of Loon. Please keep this in mind. If you are found to do either it will be an automatic deranking and possible stay in the Loon jail for 3 days.
Players who are in the top 5 and know that they will not be available for ladder or tourney play for a period of time should show good sportsmanship and request a personal deranking to keep the ladder actively moving.
Thank you