Message Forum


  • Police Report Filed View
      by Gruffiest on March 11, 2008 at 17:50:23 PDT

    On March 11, 2008 I went to check on the Loon Jet only to discover that it was missing!

    I believe the drunk pilot (wanna be pilot) to be none other than "Shady Prezident Elect Dopest".
    If you see him, please be advised that he is armed and dangerous. Call the Loon Police Department immediately!


    • Re: Police Report Filed View
        by Bugsy8150 on March 11, 2008 at 18:00:53 PDT

      Gruffy you can be rest assured that Loon Police will do everything possible to locate the Jet and the perpatrator, the alledged hijacker.

      Maybe if it is the Pres Elect he thought it was AIRFORCE 1 LOON, and he had rights to the use???


      This could be a very Looney case to solve.

      Chief Bugsy

      • Re: Police Report Filed View
          by dopeyest1 on March 11, 2008 at 18:25:02 PDT

        Plane?? what plane?? I'm a victim of circumstances!!!

        • Re: Police Report Filed View
            by dopeyest1 on March 12, 2008 at 09:11:26 PDT

          So so sorry Gruffster - I think it was either the tequila or that dang blow up sheep you had in the cupboard. Happy to report everyone had bailed out before impact and other then some major hang-overs, everyone is fine.

              by dopeyest1 on March 12, 2008 at 18:14:00 PDT

            Surprise Our Dear Gruffy!! In reality, we had all chipped in and sent your plane in for a top to bottom make over (new seats, carpet, fixtures, the works). The one I pretended to steal wasn't yours but an old broke down thing just like it we picked up at the salvage yard to trick you.

            Sure hope you like all the new stuff on your real plane hon - especially the new satan parachutes we got for you. Why you ask? - cause we wuv you and think you're the best!! Looking forward to 1st flight out!! And may all your future flights be the smoothest. Smoooooches hon

                by Bugsy8150 on March 12, 2008 at 18:25:58 PDT

              LOL well that police report has gone into the circular file hope you like your new super Loon Jet.


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