Message Forum


  • Loon suffers a family loss our Buster View
      by Bugsy8150 on April 8, 2007 at 12:26:55 PDT

    It is with great sadness that I am here to tell all of Busters Loon family that he passed away last Thurs 4/5/07.

    He was my friend and one of our original TD's for Loon. Buster will be placed in the #1 position on Loon for 3 days in honor and rememberance of his devotion and love of the game and his love of the Loon League.

    We will miss him very much and hope that each of you will say a prayer for his family. If you would like to send a note of sympathy please email it to me at jmobugsy@hotmail.com and I will forward it to his family.

    His sister sent me this information.

    Ralph William Todd, Jr., of Reno, NV, was born 9/28/53 in Chelsea, MA. He died suddenly from complications with lung cancer. He had stopped at a local grocery store on 4/5/07 but never made it inside. Paramedics were in the store at the time and they tried to help to no avail. He was pronounced dead after being transported to a local hospital. He has three sisters: Me (the oldest) and I live in Minden, NV; Linda in Las Vegas, NV; and Virginia in Phoenix, AZ. His body will be cremated next week and I hope to bury his ashes with our parents who are interred in Las Cruces, NM.

    • Re: Loon suffers a family loss our Buster View
        by msgrumpy6 on April 10, 2007 at 19:17:57 PDT

      : It is with great sadness that I am here to tell all of Busters Loon family that he passed away last Thurs 4/5/07.

      : He was my friend and one of our original TD's for Loon. Buster will be placed in the #1 position on Loon for 3 days in honor and rememberance of his devotion and love of the game and his love of the Loon League.

      : We will miss him very much and hope that each of you will say a prayer for his family. If you would like to send a note of sympathy please email it to me at jmobugsy@hotmail.com and I will forward it to his family.

      : His sister sent me this information.

      : Ralph William Todd, Jr., of Reno, NV, was born 9/28/53 in Chelsea, MA. He died suddenly from complications with lung cancer. He had stopped at a local grocery store on 4/5/07 but never made it inside. Paramedics were in the store at the time and they tried to help to no avail. He was pronounced dead after being transported to a local hospital. He has three sisters: Me (the oldest) and I live in Minden, NV; Linda in Las Vegas, NV; and Virginia in Phoenix, AZ. His body will be cremated next week and I hope to bury his ashes with our parents who are interred in Las Cruces, NM.

    • Re: Loon suffers a family loss our Buster View
        by --Brian-- on April 10, 2007 at 17:37:25 PDT

      We didnt know each other long but I gained the uppermost respect for you when you posted your comment regarding my TOC here in forum. I did thank you for it but now wish I had told you how much it truly meant to me. You will be missed bud!!


    • Re: Loon suffers a family loss our Buster View
        by Angel-Eyes64 on April 8, 2007 at 17:39:15 PDT

      ((((((((((((Buster Dear ))))))))))))

      May you find comfort in the memories that are yours to cherish always, and strength in the companionship of those who share your loss. God is your stronghold, and with Him as your guide you need never be afraid.

      With Love and Sympathy,
      Angel-Eyes & THunderhawk
      Mr.Mrs. Lindsay

    • Re: Loon suffers a family loss our Buster View
        by Keffy2 on April 8, 2007 at 16:39:11 PDT

      we will all miss u Bill I know we had our differences but we always over came any obsticle and u will always remain a part of us and in our hearts :(

      • A post from Les Mordus Du Backgammon VU Games Fred View
          by Bugsy8150 on April 9, 2007 at 01:19:41 PDT


        It is with much sadness that I learn the death from ** BUSTER99A **. He was TD on the Loon League and also member of our 1st league of backgammon (Club des Amis du Backgammon). I do not know yet the reason of his death, but I know that he mades its last tournament for the league of Loon on Sunday April 1, 2007, in our room, in Competitive Room. Between the league of Loon and our, there always was a very good agreement and I make a point of presenting to them, like to the Buster familly and this at the name of the players, TD's and administrators of our Backgammon League, all our sympathy. Thank you to the TD's of our league to want in this Monday April 9, 2007, to remark well before each beginning of tournament, one minute of silence in its memory of Buster. That god protects our friend Buster

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