Message Forum


  • Late Condolences View
      by dopeyest1 on April 19, 2007 at 01:02:55 PDT

    To all of you who play and/or host on the Loon Ladder - I am very sorry to hear of the loss to your fine league with the passing of Buster. I used to always enjoy the many matches we played over the years. He was a very good player and a better yet Tournament Host.
    It always makes me stop and think about how we make such close friends playing on these leagues. We get to know people often time I think closer then we would if we had actually gotten to know them in person. Maybe it has something to do with feeling less inhibited about talking of things with someone we know that we will probably never meet in person. I remember some really good talks I had with Buster especially when I was trying to play shortly after my illness hit me and messed my vision up so bad. Bill told me - "Dopey, you cheat way to good to need to see" LOL".
    Always enjoyed playing in a well hosted tournament so that puts all of yours right there at the top of my favorites Buster. Thank you for that. You will be missed.
    • Re: Late Condolences View
        by Keffy2 on June 30, 2007 at 21:51:37 PDT

      Hi dear lovely friend miss seeing you thanks for all the kind words even if i saw your post only today :( drop by just to say hi and you are right about all you wrote we sure do make so good friends and come to love them dearly and think of them as part of our family not just a friend and these couple of months we seem to have had our share of bad news,

      love you dopey

    • Re: Late Condolences View
        by Bugsy8150 on April 21, 2007 at 08:31:33 PDT

      Thank you Dopey. We are surely going to miss him thats for sure. Man I forgot the TOC invites because he always took care of that for our ladder.

      Hope to have you pop in sometime. We miss YOU.


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