- Merry Christmas View
by Gaisie on December 23, 2005 at 11:50:47 PSTMerry Christmas to all my "Putty friends"...may your holidays be filled the the love of your families and friends! I would like to wish my partner "Jim6577" a very Merry Christmas. Thanks hun for all the enjoyment you have given me this last year, you are the BEST! A big hug to my good friend "Luna", have a very Merry Christmas Luna! I am so proud of you, you are great TD. I am so glad we are friends in Puttys and in real life! "Putty" I wish the best Christmas ever for you and ur family and want to thank you for the great league you have. As I have said before to you, I am so proud to be a member of your league. To the TD's in Puttys, you are all the best, you make the tourneys fun and I enjoy your humor so much. Keep up the good work and Merry Christmas to each of you! All my love to you all...MERRY CHRISTMAS! big hugggss, Gaisie