Puttys Haven of Wizards
Message Forum


  • Congrats Nightowl and Jessie View
      by Gaisie on January 24, 2006 at 18:38:30 PST

    Congrats you two on being on the team at Puttys as TD's. I will be looking forward to playing in your tourneys. It's the best league around and I am sure you both will love working with Putty and all his staff. I know I surely enjoy playing in all the tourneys I can...very good luck to the both of you...big huggggggggggggggggs, Gaisie

    • Re: Congrats Nightowl and Jessie View
        by Gaisie on January 25, 2006 at 08:45:38 PST

      Yea Jim it is easy to put a pic in here.....You are such a good sport about the kidding you take about the pumpkin butt....just had to join in on the fun. You will probably never live down this nic that was given to you but you know we all love ya and enjoy your humor. Now as to me doing the wet towels...mmmmmm you have to do them cause my washer and dryer are broken ha ha ha!!! so get to it and get them ready for tonites tourneys!!!! Big hugggggggggs to my partner and best friend...oh yea...and my love monkey...lol just kidding but remember I told you I thought that was a better nic for you anyways...lol Gaisie

      • Re: Congrats Nightowl and Jessie View
          by Jessie176 on January 25, 2006 at 14:07:09 PST

        : Its ok Jim...Gaisie didnt realize it...But I found a picture of the both of you. Uhmm...someone needs to wash the towels before they start to stink!!!

        LOL you 2 are great!!

    • Re: Congrats Nightowl and Jessie View
        by jim6577 on January 25, 2006 at 04:52:51 PST

      I have two things to say:

      1. Good to have you here at Puttys Jessie & Nightowl. The both of you along with the other fine TD's here will bring us all many a fun night. Ohhh...and just remember it's Gaisie's job to do the laundry so dont ever worry about clean towels for the wet crowd.


      2. Gaisie you big show off with those icons in your message forum letters....LOL Hugs partner!!

      • Re: Congrats Nightowl and Jessie View
          by Jessie176 on January 25, 2006 at 06:24:41 PST

        Thank you Jim & Gaisie!

        Oh Jim...Its not that hard to put a picture up in here....Maybe we can find your pumpkin butt & plaster it all over in here hehehe

        • Re: Congrats Nightowl and Jessie View
            by jim6577 on January 25, 2006 at 14:51:19 PST

          Hey Jessie....did you forget my train?

          CHOO! CHOO!!

          and hey Gaisie...you have so many ladder bux I think you can buy your own washer and dryer! You better hurray cause the towels are piling up and me and Duke want 'em warm and fluffy!!

          • Re: Congrats Nightowl and Jessie View
              by Jessie176 on January 25, 2006 at 15:08:30 PST

            Nope...got yer train right here LOL

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