Puttys Haven of Wizards
Message Forum


  • My Apology to Summer and Duke View
      by lunatic1 on November 15, 2006 at 12:41:00 PST

    I am very sorry you to see someone accuse you two of cheating. I know you don't. I would also like you to know why I did not say anything in the lobby, as much as I wanted to. TD'S have additional rules to follow and one of those rules is not to interferre in another TD's tourney. I try to follow all the rules and Especially that one.

    It seems some have forgotten what our league is all about.


    All members are to follow the Rules. On our tourney pages and on our Main Page there is a link that will take you to the rules.

    Summer and Duke are two members, among many others, who follow ALL the rules, Putty's and Hardwoods. They follow them to the letter, including not having their IM'S on at anytime during a tourney, not even to talk to the host, as I have ask Summer to turn her yahoo on and she told me not during a tourney. Summer and Duke are two of the nicest people that play in Putty's. They DO NOT CHEAT and to be accused of it, is absurd. I have seen them many, many times help other members in various ways, and they have also helped me at times, when I miss something in the lobby.

    Just Last Night, Summer actually called me on the phone to let me know a TD was needed in the room. She did this for the players and for us TD's, as she knows we would never want our members left waiting for a TD.
    Sometimes things happen beyond our control, but the TD's in Putty's work very well together so every thing turned out fine and the tourney was a go, thanks to Summer.

    Summer and Duke have been a team for a long time and play well together. Yes they use certain stratagies, which are totally acceptable. Many others use the same strategies. There are many ways to play euchre, and just because because a person doesn't know, understand, or like the way people play, it does not give anyone the right to insinuate or call other members cheaters.

    I enjoy hosting in Putty's because of the members we have. You are ALL Great and I really have fun. When something like this happens it puts a damper on the whole tourney. So lets think of other people's feelings before we say something. A Golden Rule I was taught when I was very young - - - "If you can't say something nice, don't
    say anything at all".

    Unless a person has PROOF of someone cheating, Please DO NOT SAY IT AT ALL. However, if a member feels they must say something to someone, Putty and his TD's are always available to talk with anyone that would like to discuss an issue. Please let us know. The place to have these discussions is either, at a TABLE, or on IM's, NOT in the LOBBY. This is simply, showing respect to other members.

    This is a game, Let's all enjoy !!!

    • Re: My Apology to Summer and Duke View
        by summernights on November 16, 2006 at 20:56:04 PST

      My dearest Luna, you have no need to apologize to us for anything.
      You at least came to the table when I had asked, urgently, that a td please come to the table (3 times I sent a request for a td via the lobby).
      Being accused of cheating was not the driving factor in my discussion in the lobby that night. The fact that neither the hosting td nor the haven league owner would let the accusing people know that we were loyal and respected members of the haven is what really hurt me.
      I realize that the haven has many respected members but I dare say there are few who are any more loyal, helpful and devoted to the haven as we were.
      To sit there and watch the td and the owner seem more concerned that duke called the accusing person "stupid" than they were about the original incident was shocking. I’d rather be called stupid than a cheater. But I’d rather be called a cheater than be betrayed by “family.”
      Never once did I see a reprimand directed at the accusing person (I might have missed it but I doubt it).
      Instead Duke got chastisement for "calling names".
      Yes, I did go nuts in the lobby knowing I shouldn’t but not because I was being accused of cheating... it’s not the first time and probably won't be the last time as I use Hoyle strategies. But the feeling of betrayal for my loyalty and devotion to that league broke my heart. And that is why I lashed out like a man in the dark against a monster. My heart was crumbling.
      I had what I thought were good friendships in “the best little bar in hardwood”. It was like a home away from home. Now I’m at a loss as to how I feel.
      There are issues I have with the way certain things have been conducted in that league but until this incident I could look the other way and declare that I was a loyal member of the league…… right or wrong it was still my home.
      Now I feel betrayed and I’m lost.
      I will continue to pray about this and find peace in my heart about it all.
      I still wish you all “angels on your pillows and many *smile*s.”
      Thanks again, Luna, for ALL of your help and good wishes and loyalty!

      • Duke and Summer View
          by Sir Pizazz on November 16, 2006 at 21:21:13 PST

        Maria71055 and I play nightly in Putty's usually only the 10:15 because of our schedules. Summer and Duke have become our good friends and for anyone to accuse them of cheating is absurb. We have played them numerous times and they do play the "Hoyle" way. We don't really understand all that Hoyle game play but they do play it very well and it shows by their amount of wins in there. Maria and I win sometimes against them and sometimes we don't. But we have the utmost respect for both of them as players, partners, and our friends. We have had alot of fun in Putty's and look forward to more fun in the future too. No one should be called a CHEATER unless there is absolute proof and then should take the TD aside or Putty himself, not accuse two of the nicest players you will ever find on HW Euchre. I have seen alot worse players out in Smoots, and that is why Maria and I tend to play more Tourneys then spend our time in smoots. Anyway, Duke and Summer are very good players and very good friends to all of us in Puttys. Take care you two, hope to see you at the tables in Putty's again soon. Bill aka Sir Pizazz and Maria aka Maria71055
        • Re: Duke and Summer View
            by spang1 on November 26, 2006 at 20:46:36 PST

          : Maria71055 and I play nightly in Putty's usually only the 10:15 because of our schedules. Summer and Duke have become our good friends and for anyone to accuse them of cheating is absurb. We have played them numerous times and they do play the "Hoyle" way. We don't really understand all that Hoyle game play but they do play it very well and it shows by their amount of wins in there. Maria and I win sometimes against them and sometimes we don't. But we have the utmost respect for both of them as players, partners, and our friends. We have had alot of fun in Putty's and look forward to more fun in the future too. No one should be called a CHEATER unless there is absolute proof and then should take the TD aside or Putty himself, not accuse two of the nicest players you will ever find on HW Euchre. I have seen alot worse players out in Smoots, and that is why Maria and I tend to play more Tourneys then spend our time in smoots. Anyway, Duke and Summer are very good players and very good friends to all of us in Puttys. Take care you two, hope to see you at the tables in Putty's again soon. Bill aka Sir Pizazz and Maria aka Maria71055

          I don't much about Duke unless he is using another name only name by Duke I know is Duke Spyder or something like that but I do know Summer very well and have played in tourneys with her and I for one know that she would cheat and if it is the Duke I know, neither would he but I know how summer feels cause I was accused of cheating one time and the owner of the league would not even defend me and he knew that I never cheated so I know how she feels. I wish them both the best. And honesly it is hard to tell if someone is cheating unless someone specifically asks u to cheat which people have done to me and their excuse is everyone does it and I say no everyone does not do it so never ask me that again or I will report u so they never ask more than once.
          Good luck and best wishes Duke and summer.

          • Re: Duke and Summer View
              by spang1 on November 26, 2006 at 20:51:59 PST

            : : Maria71055 and I play nightly in Putty's usually only the 10:15 because of our schedules. Summer and Duke have become our good friends and for anyone to accuse them of cheating is absurb. We have played them numerous times and they do play the "Hoyle" way. We don't really understand all that Hoyle game play but they do play it very well and it shows by their amount of wins in there. Maria and I win sometimes against them and sometimes we don't. But we have the utmost respect for both of them as players, partners, and our friends. We have had alot of fun in Putty's and look forward to more fun in the future too. No one should be called a CHEATER unless there is absolute proof and then should take the TD aside or Putty himself, not accuse two of the nicest players you will ever find on HW Euchre. I have seen alot worse players out in Smoots, and that is why Maria and I tend to play more Tourneys then spend our time in smoots. Anyway, Duke and Summer are very good players and very good friends to all of us in Puttys. Take care you two, hope to see you at the tables in Putty's again soon. Bill aka Sir Pizazz and Maria aka Maria71055

            : I don't much about Duke unless he is using another name only name by Duke I know is Duke Spyder or something like that but I do know Summer very well and have played in tourneys with her and I for one know that she would cheat and if it is the Duke I know, neither would he but I know how summer feels cause I was accused of cheating one time and the owner of the league would not even defend me and he knew that I never cheated so I know how she feels. I wish them both the best. And honesly it is hard to tell if someone is cheating unless someone specifically asks u to cheat which people have done to me and their excuse is everyone does it and I say no everyone does not do it so never ask me that again or I will report u so they never ask more than once.
            : Good luck and best wishes Duke and summer.

            Sorry summer I should have read my message over before sending it, did not mean to say I know u would cheat, meant to say I know u never would cheat, please forgive me. Next time I will read first before I send and I am sorry.

            • Re: Duke and Summer View
                by summernights on November 26, 2006 at 23:28:19 PST

              Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Spang and Bill and Maria. You are wonderful friends and i do appreciate you defending our names.
              No apolgies needed, spang *smile* i knew what you meant and that's all that matters. and yes we know some people are fast to yell cheat when they don't like the way the game is going... that doesn't bother me at all and yes i too have been approached and turn them down just as you do. I just pray that if i ever fail to stand up for a friend or even an innocent acquaintance that someone will give me a swift kick in the ... well you know. i do not understand why things happened the way they did. i guess the one's who were in charge that night have a better grip on things than i do.
              God bless you all for standing tall for us. hugs and *smiles* for you. to those that have said it in person instead of here we thank you as well. angels on all your pillows. hugs, summer

              : : : Maria71055 and I play nightly in Putty's usually only the 10:15 because of our schedules. Summer and Duke have become our good friends and for anyone to accuse them of cheating is absurb. We have played them numerous times and they do play the "Hoyle" way. We don't really understand all that Hoyle game play but they do play it very well and it shows by their amount of wins in there. Maria and I win sometimes against them and sometimes we don't. But we have the utmost respect for both of them as players, partners, and our friends. We have had alot of fun in Putty's and look forward to more fun in the future too. No one should be called a CHEATER unless there is absolute proof and then should take the TD aside or Putty himself, not accuse two of the nicest players you will ever find on HW Euchre. I have seen alot worse players out in Smoots, and that is why Maria and I tend to play more Tourneys then spend our time in smoots. Anyway, Duke and Summer are very good players and very good friends to all of us in Puttys. Take care you two, hope to see you at the tables in Putty's again soon. Bill aka Sir Pizazz and Maria aka Maria71055

              : : I don't much about Duke unless he is using another name only name by Duke I know is Duke Spyder or something like that but I do know Summer very well and have played in tourneys with her and I for one know that she would cheat and if it is the Duke I know, neither would he but I know how summer feels cause I was accused of cheating one time and the owner of the league would not even defend me and he knew that I never cheated so I know how she feels. I wish them both the best. And honesly it is hard to tell if someone is cheating unless someone specifically asks u to cheat which people have done to me and their excuse is everyone does it and I say no everyone does not do it so never ask me that again or I will report u so they never ask more than once.
              : : Good luck and best wishes Duke and summer.

              : Sorry summer I should have read my message over before sending it, did not mean to say I know u would cheat, meant to say I know u never would cheat, please forgive me. Next time I will read first before I send and I am sorry.

    • Re: My Apology to Summer and Duke View
        by summernights on November 16, 2006 at 20:49:11 PST

      : I am very sorry you to see someone accuse you two of cheating. I know you don't. I would also like you to know why I did not say anything in the lobby, as much as I wanted to. TD'S have additional rules to follow and one of those rules is not to interferre in another TD's tourney. I try to follow all the rules and Especially that one.

      : It seems some have forgotten what our league is all about.


      : All members are to follow the Rules. On our tourney pages and on our Main Page there is a link that will take you to the rules.

      : Summer and Duke are two members, among many others, who follow ALL the rules, Putty's and Hardwoods. They follow them to the letter, including not having their IM'S on at anytime during a tourney, not even to talk to the host, as I have ask Summer to turn her yahoo on and she told me not during a tourney. Summer and Duke are two of the nicest people that play in Putty's. They DO NOT CHEAT and to be accused of it, is absurd. I have seen them many, many times help other members in various ways, and they have also helped me at times, when I miss something in the lobby.

      : Just Last Night, Summer actually called me on the phone to let me know a TD was needed in the room. She did this for the players and for us TD's, as she knows we would never want our members left waiting for a TD.
      : Sometimes things happen beyond our control, but the TD's in Putty's work very well together so every thing turned out fine and the tourney was a go, thanks to Summer.

      : Summer and Duke have been a team for a long time and play well together. Yes they use certain stratagies, which are totally acceptable. Many others use the same strategies. There are many ways to play euchre, and just because because a person doesn't know, understand, or like the way people play, it does not give anyone the right to insinuate or call other members cheaters.

      : I enjoy hosting in Putty's because of the members we have. You are ALL Great and I really have fun. When something like this happens it puts a damper on the whole tourney. So lets think of other people's feelings before we say something. A Golden Rule I was taught when I was very young - - - "If you can't say something nice, don't
      : say anything at all".

      : Unless a person has PROOF of someone cheating, Please DO NOT SAY IT AT ALL. However, if a member feels they must say something to someone, Putty and his TD's are always available to talk with anyone that would like to discuss an issue. Please let us know. The place to have these discussions is either, at a TABLE, or on IM's, NOT in the LOBBY. This is simply, showing respect to other members.

      : This is a game, Let's all enjoy !!!

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