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      by PuttyHead on June 28, 2007 at 17:28:04 PDT

    Hi all,
    > I wanted to let you know what has been going on and why you havent seen Ted online or out around anywhere. He is very sick right now. It all started May 29th. He had a seizure that night and then every night there after for the next 6 nights. I took him to the emergency room on the 31st because he hurt his sciatica during his 2nd seizure really bad, but all they did was treat his sciatica and send him home, they did not even check his levels. I was so frustrated!!! That was on Thursday. His seizures are grandma seizures, he does not have epilepsy, they are the really bad seizures, not to say that any seizures are not bad, they are all very hard on your body and your mind and brain, but they say that the grandma seizures are the worst of them and that is what he is having. It is a horrable site to witness. On Tuesday June 5th, Ted was sitting down and screamed at me to call 911, he said he could not fight it off any longer, that he had already fought off one and this
    > one was building up fast and strong, hurry, hurry, he said and was crying. I called and told them everything as best I could, I was scared and crying and Ted was screaming, they better hurry and get here, then he told me how much he loved me and told me his goodbyes and his goodbyes to kimberly, our daughter. I cant talk about that anymore, its too upsetting even now for me to write about. 911 was still on the phone, I am trying to calm him down, just as he started seizing, they arrived and took him to the hospital. Thank God, they got him there in time. Ted kept saying before they got to the house, that all those other seizures had been leading up to this one and this was the one that was going to kill him, he could feel it, it was too powerfull. He said it felt like a bomb inside him. Thats why he said his goodbyes.
    > They admitted him into the hospital this time and the next day they called in a specialist, a neurologist who specializes in seizures. Of course the first thing he wanted to do was run some tests and they did. They ran a test on him where they ran a thing up his nose into his brain to moniter his brain waves while he was sleeping. We still have not gotten the results on that yet. Wont get those untill July 3thd. He was way low on potassium so they put him on a IV of that. His levels were way out of wack, so the Dr decided to change his medication. Now Ted had his first seizure when he was 15. He goes years and years without having any seizures as long as he takes his medicine and gets enough sleep and eats. He admitted that he had missed taking some meds because we had been staying out at my mom and dads taking care of both of them because my dad had just had surgery and my mom is paralyzed and dad could not take care of her. Then mom ended up in ICU in critical
    > condition and we didnt know if she was even going to live or not. It was extremely stressfull and neither Ted or I were getting any sleep or eatting and I didnt know he was skipping his meds, so that is what led to his seizures. Anyway, the Dr changes his medications and puts him on an additional new medication to take, very strong, 3 times a day in addition to what he already has, he just changed the dosages and times. After doing this, they watched Ted for less then 24 hours and then released him from the hospital. He was in the hospital for a total of 3 and a half days. I was very mad!!!! They released him way too soon.
    > So he comes home and he is really tired, which is understandable. We are back out at mom and dads taking care of them, or I am and taking care of Ted too. But Ted is confused now all the time. He is dropping everything he touches, he cant hold or pick up anything. He is walking into walls. He has no memory of anything since before May 29th. His speech is slurred. At night, he gets worse, every night. I have had to take his car keys from him and hide them and his cigs. I am now having to stay up all nite with him and everytime he is up untill I can get him to lay down and go to sleep because he cant be left alone. Now I am not getting any sleep at all. He gets confused on who people are and places, he is changing into another person. At nite its kinda like he has alsheimers, but he is way to young for that, he is only 39. Then on the 18th, my dad, me and Ted are sitting on the front porch at dads smoking a cig and Ted again says he fought off one and he cant fight this
    > one off, call 911. I first take him inside and lay him down and then call. I try to talk to him to calm him. I take his blood pressure, its 189/134 and Ted always runs low blood pressure. The squad comes and by this time, I have calmed Ted down and he no longer feels a seizure coming on anymore, but they take him to the hospital anyway. I notice that one side of his face is droopy and his speech is not right again. I explain all this to the paramedics and everything else that has happened so far. They take him to the hospital and I follow. When I get there, they have taken Ted off the stretcher and put him in a regular waiting room chair and have him waiting. I go and ask what is going on, why isnt he being seen, he came in by squad, they said they are too busy, but he will be seen soon. We sat and waited, with me ^@*!#ing, parden my language, for 6 and half hours at that hospital in the waiting room and never did get into the actual emergency room to see a Dr. They called
    > security on us because I was so pissed off at what was going on. They said well we have to take people who come in on the squads first, I was like, he came in on a squad and I think he may have just had a minor stroke or something, come on. I told Ted, Its a good thing, he didnt have a major one, or he would have died waiting to be seen. We ended up walking out and not even seeing a Dr because it still was not our turn to be seen. So now Ted is sooo leary of even going back to the emergency room and I really cant blame him.
    > I brought Ted home to our house that night and I told my parents that right now I am so sorry but I have to look after Ted right now and it is just too much for me right now to take on everyone at the same time, with me being disabled too. Believe me, I have never been in so much pain in all my life, I am in constant pain because of all I am doing now. Ted started getting worse everyday since he got out of the hospital and it has really been bad since we came home. He went to bed and he has stayed there. I have been making sure he takes his meds and he eats everyday, I just take it upstairs to the bedroom. The state that Ted has been in for the last few days is that of an infant. He cant feed himself, dress himself, walk, he cant go to the bathroom by himself, he cant even sit on the side of the bed without falling out of the bed, he cant sit up in bed, he cant sit up without help. His hands have balled up into fists. He constantly sleeps. I have to wake him to take
    > his meds and eat and to sit him up and to bath him and dress him. He is jerking all the time, 24 hours a day. His hands are shaking 24 hours a day and his head bobs up and down. If you hold his head so it doesnt bob, then his jaw will bob up and down. He is very weak. He cant hold anything. He cant drink unless I put a straw in it and hold it up to his mouth. He cant smoke unless I light it and then put it up to his mouth. If he tries to roll over in bed, he falls out, if he tries to get up on his own, which he has tried, he falls. He tried to walk without me and he fell. I have to feed him like a baby. He is so sick. I think it is that new medication that the Dr put him on. I think they have him on too much medication now. He has a Drs appt tomorrow with one of the Dr.s. The family Dr, the one who admitted him, then he sees the other Dr., the neorologist on July 3thd, the day after our wedding anniversary.
    > I do think he has had some sort of stroke on top of all these seizures and all of this has taken a huge toll on his body or maybe that last seizure, he did have one here at home, did something to his brain, I dont know, I know he needs a Dr that is going to run some tests and find some answers and put him back in the hospital and not just play with medications, that is dangerous to a person and I am going to make sure the Dr knows that tomorrow, how that medication affected Ted and have him run a new level on him.
    > I will let you know more later as I know more. I have been so busy trying to take care of mom and dad, my grandpa, and Ted and Kimberly, that this is just the first chance I have had to write and explain about Ted and why you have not seen or heard from us. I am sorry if I have not responded to emails or phone calls. I just feel like I am losing my mind right now. I want Ted better and back to his old self again. I just cant stand seeing him like this and watching his body go through all of this over and over again. Everytime I close my eyes, it all replays again, so I need him to get better, so I can talk to him again. I love him very much. I love him with all my heart. I would give anything to make him better. There I go crying again, this email has turned out to be so hard for me to write, I guess there is alot of things I really find hard to talk about, sorry.
    > You all be safe, tell your loved ones you love them. Stay healthy and have fun this summer. Hugs and Love, Deana

    [Post automatically censored for profanity]

        by CrispyJoyce on June 28, 2007 at 18:12:04 PDT

      I do hope that each and every person who reads this letter will sign Hippy's card. He is such a sweet man, and sure doesn' deserver to be this sick. Along with Putty & several others, I have know Ted & Deana for many years. If for any reason you can't get the link to work that was put in here, please get ahold of me and I will send it to you. Tyvm for your prayers. TC
      CrispyJoyce (CJ)
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