- My Poem In Memory Of SassyNanny View
by CrispyJoyce on September 9, 2007 at 15:44:38 PDT
To My Heavenly SisterMy heavenly sister, I miss you so much,
Your sweet voice and tender touch.
Whenever something was bothering us,
We'd get together, till there was no more fuss.You taught me everything about being a T.D.
You certainly were a good teacher to me.
You taught me all the in's and outs,
And how to deal with the peoples pouts.The day that PuttyHead told me you had died,
I could have filled a bucket, with the tears I cried.
But the Haven is so very lucky too,
To have a Gaurdian Angel, as special as you.Love CrispyJoyce (your sis)
Nancy passed away on Sept 10th/04. It was a great shock to all of us. I had the priveledge of meeting her at one of the live tourneys. She was an awesome lady.