Cribbage RC (rencrib)

Message Forum


  • #1 vs #2 not honored View
      by slayurcru on October 27, 2015 at 09:25:40 PDT


    On 10/26/15 at the end of the day I was ranked #2. The last match played was a #2 vs #1 match of which I was involved.

    Today the #1 player bob_tygart plays other players and bounces me from the #2 spot before playing 1 vs 2 with me.

    1. bob_tygart
    2. p_f_flyer_1
    3. spicelad2007

    The following are matches played/reported as of right now

    bob_tygart(1) defeated spicelad2007(3)
    spicelad2007(5) defeated bob_tygart(1)
    bob_tygart(1) defeated spicelad2007(5)
    p_f_flyer_1(3) defeated bob_tygart(1)
    p_f_flyer_1(5) defeated bob_tygart(1)
    bob_tygart(1) defeated p_f_flyer_1(5)

    Why wasn't the #1 vs #2 match held first before bouncing me out of #2?

    It doesn't matter to me if the ladder is small, people are all friends etc etc, it has always been this way. It's wrong plain and simple.

    • Re: #1 vs #2 not honored View
        by lil_thummper on July 8, 2020 at 00:22:11 PDT

      : Hello,

      : On 10/26/15 at the end of the day I was ranked #2. The last match played was a #2 vs #1 match of which I was involved.

      : Today the #1 player bob_tygart plays other players and bounces me from the #2 spot before playing 1 vs 2 with me.

      : 1. bob_tygart
      : 2. p_f_flyer_1
      : 3. spicelad2007
      : 4. SLAYURCRU

      : The following are matches played/reported as of right now

      : bob_tygart(1) defeated spicelad2007(3)
      : spicelad2007(5) defeated bob_tygart(1)
      : bob_tygart(1) defeated spicelad2007(5)
      : p_f_flyer_1(3) defeated bob_tygart(1)
      : p_f_flyer_1(5) defeated bob_tygart(1)
      : bob_tygart(1) defeated p_f_flyer_1(5)

      : Why wasn't the #1 vs #2 match held first before bouncing me out of #2?

      : It doesn't matter to me if the ladder is small, people are all friends etc etc, it has always been this way. It's wrong plain and simple.

      RC Never obeyed Rules--they play here too in GD and try No Rules--don't work here

    • Re: #1 vs #2 not honored View
        by vengy on November 15, 2015 at 05:05:39 PST

      : Hello,

      : On 10/26/15 at the end of the day I was ranked #2. The last match played was a #2 vs #1 match of which I was involved.

      : Today the #1 player bob_tygart plays other players and bounces me from the #2 spot before playing 1 vs 2 with me.

      : 1. bob_tygart
      : 2. p_f_flyer_1
      : 3. spicelad2007
      : 4. SLAYURCRU

      : The following are matches played/reported as of right now

      : bob_tygart(1) defeated spicelad2007(3)
      : spicelad2007(5) defeated bob_tygart(1)
      : bob_tygart(1) defeated spicelad2007(5)
      : p_f_flyer_1(3) defeated bob_tygart(1)
      : p_f_flyer_1(5) defeated bob_tygart(1)
      : bob_tygart(1) defeated p_f_flyer_1(5)

      : Why wasn't the #1 vs #2 match held first before bouncing me out of #2?

      : It doesn't matter to me if the ladder is small, people are all friends etc etc, it has always been this way. It's wrong plain and simple.

      this ladder never changes...which is why it is so small ....for a while it was only the 4 of 'em....dunno how they got youse guys playing on it now....

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