Cribbage RC (rencrib)

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  • Word Scramble View
      by AmazingGrace on May 8, 2009 at 10:35:49 PDT

    These are scrambled states from the US.










    • Re: Word Scramble View
        by TiggyT on May 16, 2009 at 09:52:35 PDT

      Well, if nobody else is having a go, here is my take!!

      Welaread = Delaware

      Knewyor = New York

      Manylard = Maryland

      Nectutccion = Connecticut

      Oaiw = Iowa

      Bamalaa = Alabama

      Lardfoi = Florida

      Haswingnot = Washington

      Xesat = Texas

      Saksan = Kansas


      • how about Counties in the UK ? View
          by A-la-Viv on May 19, 2009 at 08:00:12 PDT

        : Well, if nobody else is having a go, here is my take!!

        : Welaread = Delaware

        : Knewyor = New York

        : Manylard = Maryland

        : Nectutccion = Connecticut

        : Oaiw = Iowa

        : Bamalaa = Alabama

        : Lardfoi = Florida

        : Haswingnot = Washington

        : Xesat = Texas

        : Saksan = Kansas

        : Tiggy

        • Re: how about Counties in the UK ? View
            by AmazingGrace on May 20, 2009 at 23:20:22 PDT

          Send me a list of all of them and I will give it a shot!

          : : Well, if nobody else is having a go, here is my take!!

          : : Welaread = Delaware

          : : Knewyor = New York

          : : Manylard = Maryland

          : : Nectutccion = Connecticut

          : : Oaiw = Iowa

          : : Bamalaa = Alabama

          : : Lardfoi = Florida

          : : Haswingnot = Washington

          : : Xesat = Texas

          : : Saksan = Kansas

          : : Tiggy

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