Cribbage RC (rencrib)

Message Forum


  • Graduation View
      by AmazingGrace on July 22, 2009 at 21:11:36 PDT

    I am so sorry for the Delay in getting this out. I have had little time since Plynia's and my big day. Hopefully soon my life will be my own again.
    Dreamwisher(Plynia) is in the front and I am standing behind her.


    • trying again View
        by AmazingGrace on July 22, 2009 at 21:14:21 PDT

      : I am so sorry for the Delay in getting this out. I have had little time since Plynia's and my big day. Hopefully soon my life will be my own again.
      : Dreamwisher(Plynia) is in the front and I am standing behind her.
      : Enjoy

      : Grace

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