Gin (rengin)

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  • rank manipulation View
      by skipole8154 on April 26, 2022 at 08:11:22 PDT

    Every now and then, I check in to see how things are going, but nothing changes. Farmer puts himself and Tdipi, behind players that haven t played in years.Why? To keep the illusion that everything is fine, The only reason some people are on the ladder is a business membership and no loyalty to this ladder. Why change the removal to 180 days? Wedidn t vote on this and EVERY other ladder is 90. The root cause remains the same.Nothing changes.
    • Re: rank manipulation View
        by farmerrich_2000 on April 30, 2022 at 17:05:28 PDT

      absurd talk skip

      Daily news shows penalties. I don't give penalties to show that things are fine. I respond to complaints and follow the rules.

      • Re: rank manipulation View
          by skipole8154 on May 1, 2022 at 12:56:50 PDT

        : absurd talk skip

        : Daily news shows penalties. I don't give penalties to show that things are fine. I respond to complaints and follow the rules.

        • Re: rank manipulation View
            by skipole8154 on May 1, 2022 at 12:58:51 PDT

          As usual, you miss the point.The removal limit(180 days, was changed by you. The positioning , is done by you.

          • Re: rank manipulation View
              by farmerrich_2000 on May 2, 2022 at 05:40:15 PDT

            As usual? First I didn't alter any 180 day limit. Period.

            The as usual is you coming into this lounge to say negative comments. As this forum is hardly used, you can refer back to your last 50-100 posts. I doubt there is one positive comment to anyone or anything.

            We are allowed to come in and say negative things. This forum is for that, but that is all you do. We need players who want to play more. We could use a host to offer tournies. Changing the purge rule or drop rule or the unfair cards that you get just isn't going to change that.


            • Re: rank manipulation View
                by skipole8154 on May 2, 2022 at 06:57:19 PDT

              : As usual? First I didn't alter any 180 day limit. Period.

              : The as usual is you coming into this lounge to say negative comments. As this forum is hardly used, you can refer back to your last 50-100 posts. I doubt there is one positive comment to anyone or anything.

              : We are allowed to come in and say negative things. This forum is for that, but that is all you do. We need players who want to play more. We could use a host to offer tournies. Changing the purge rule or drop rule or the unfair cards that you get just isn't going to change that.

              : farm

              Again, you re wrong..I d love to see 100 new members...but thats not gonna happen for the same 2 reasons that still exist.

        • Re: rank manipulation View
            by skipole8154 on May 1, 2022 at 12:58:47 PDT

          As usual, you miss the point.The removal limit(180 days, was changed by you. The positioning , is done by you.

          • Re: rank manipulation View
              by farmerrich_2000 on May 2, 2022 at 05:40:15 PDT

            As usual? First I didn't alter any 180 day limit. Period.

            The as usual is you coming into this lounge to say negative comments. As this forum is hardly used, you can refer back to your last 50-100 posts. I doubt there is one positive comment to anyone or anything.

            We are allowed to come in and say negative things. This forum is for that, but that is all you do. We need players who want to play more. We could use a host to offer tournies. Changing the purge rule or drop rule or the unfair cards that you get just isn't going to change that.


            • Re: rank manipulation View
                by skipole8154 on May 2, 2022 at 06:57:19 PDT

              : As usual? First I didn't alter any 180 day limit. Period.

              : The as usual is you coming into this lounge to say negative comments. As this forum is hardly used, you can refer back to your last 50-100 posts. I doubt there is one positive comment to anyone or anything.

              : We are allowed to come in and say negative things. This forum is for that, but that is all you do. We need players who want to play more. We could use a host to offer tournies. Changing the purge rule or drop rule or the unfair cards that you get just isn't going to change that.

              : farm

              Again, you re wrong..I d love to see 100 new members...but thats not gonna happen for the same 2 reasons that still exist.

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