Gin (rengin)

Message Forum


  • Refusing to play View
      by gcf129 on June 20, 2022 at 04:37:45 PDT

    Skipole8154 admitting he is in two rooms, playing in other room refusing in this room???
    Loopy1> game skipole
    skipole8154> in a game looples
    Loopy1> you're in a game?
    skipole8154> another room
    Loopy1> oh
    skipole8154> been sitting here over 1/2 hour
    skipole8154> let s dance
    AFK> lol 1
    Safari_Umpire> GAME OVER! skipole8154 won against AFK. (Score 175 to 113)
    Ginsinner10> game skippy
    skipole8154> sure
    Safari_Umpire> GAME OVER! Ginsinner10 won against skipole8154. (Score 168 to 128)
    Loopy1> game emmy21

    • Re: Refusing to play View
        by skipole8154 on June 20, 2022 at 07:15:36 PDT

      : Skipole8154 admitting he is in two rooms, playing in other room refusing in this room???
      : SMH
      : Loopy1> game skipole
      : skipole8154> in a game looples
      : Loopy1> you're in a game?
      : skipole8154> another room
      : Loopy1> oh
      : skipole8154> been sitting here over 1/2 hour
      : skipole8154> let s dance
      : AFK> lol 1
      : Safari_Umpire> GAME OVER! skipole8154 won against AFK. (Score 175 to 113)
      : Ginsinner10> game skippy
      : skipole8154> sure
      : Safari_Umpire> GAME OVER! Ginsinner10 won against skipole8154. (Score 168 to 128)
      : Loopy1> game emmy21

      • Re: Refusing to play View
          by skipole8154 on June 20, 2022 at 07:19:38 PDT

        B4 you complain about the rules, you should understand them.It s against the rules to PLAY in 2 rooms, not tobe in2 rooms.2nd I was ready shortly after( waited 1/2 hour) b4 playing in another room.It was ok with loopy and she chose to leave instead of posting the 15 minute waiting period.GCF...don t stick your fork in someone elses lunch unless they ask you to eat.
        • Re: Refusing to play View
            by farmerrich_2000 on June 24, 2022 at 05:46:06 PDT


          We do have a rule that you can challenge your rank defense player who is in a game and wait 15 minutes. That rule would not apply if the player was in a game in another room or league. It would also not apply if the player challenging was not immediately above or below or not in the top 5.

          Our rules say that if you are in the room then you should be ready to play. You must answer or you can be considered away from keyboard. You must accept a game if the challenger is ranked lower.

          If you are in a game in another room then you should leave our game room as you are not available.

          Farmerrich_2000, OpManager
          Case's Ladder

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