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  • another injustice View
      by skipole8154 on October 9, 2022 at 19:57:31 PDT

    How does farmer dq tdipi from 3rd place to inactive? Another case of incompetence
    • re: Farmerrich's job performance View
        by tlmomca on October 10, 2022 at 05:40:28 PDT

      tdipi was moved to the bottom of the standings - but he was not made inactive. It will not take him long to rise back up in the ranks as he wins some matches. tdipi was also given a complete explanation of why he was moved in rank. If tdipi does not like what was done perhaps he could try behaving according to the ladder's rules.

      From where I sit, farmerrich is merely enforcing the Ladder's rules. You can refresh your memory on just what our rules are if you wish.

      If you have proof that farmerrich is not performing his duties competently, you are welcome to submit an application to be a LadderOp for the ladder. We can always use more Ops. :)

      • Re: re: Farmerrich's job performance View
          by skipole8154 on October 10, 2022 at 08:04:24 PDT

        With all due respect, if you look at the inactive standings...tdipi is at the top........also farmer bragged to me he elevated a player that hadn t played since 2014. that doesn t sound like proper management to me.
        • Re: re: Farmerrich's job performance View
            by farmerrich_2000 on October 10, 2022 at 09:41:50 PDT

          This is false information. Nobody was ever elevated , unless someone was put below them by penalty or by voluntary rank reduction. False information. There was no bragging as this never happened ever. This was probably the tenth similar violation by the same player and it should be of no surprise to anyone. Each time the rules were explained and many times a defiant reply was received.
          • Re: re: Farmerrich's job performance View
              by skipole8154 on October 10, 2022 at 11:27:32 PDT

            What is the false part? that you bragged you reset a person that hadm t played for 8 years?. That you put tdipi on the inactive list?.......wrong.If you want to help this ladder prove it. Let the ladder vote on changes, just not you pretending to be king. With only 13 players, make the non playing limit 3 days,not 2. Go back to 90 days with no activity, as removal.(which you changed to 180) without any authority. Put Tdipi should be put behind the lowest playing member, not the inactive list. This ladder exists because of the players, not yiu.
      • Re: re: Farmerrich's job performance View
          by skipole8154 on October 10, 2022 at 08:04:17 PDT

        With all due respect, if you look at the inactive standings...tdipi is at the top........also farmer bragged to me he elevated a player that hadn t played since 2014. that doesn t sound like proper management to me.
        • Re: re: Farmerrich's job performance View
            by farmerrich_2000 on October 10, 2022 at 09:41:50 PDT

          This is false information. Nobody was ever elevated , unless someone was put below them by penalty or by voluntary rank reduction. False information. There was no bragging as this never happened ever. This was probably the tenth similar violation by the same player and it should be of no surprise to anyone. Each time the rules were explained and many times a defiant reply was received.
          • Re: re: Farmerrich's job performance View
              by skipole8154 on October 10, 2022 at 11:27:32 PDT

            What is the false part? that you bragged you reset a person that hadm t played for 8 years?. That you put tdipi on the inactive list?.......wrong.If you want to help this ladder prove it. Let the ladder vote on changes, just not you pretending to be king. With only 13 players, make the non playing limit 3 days,not 2. Go back to 90 days with no activity, as removal.(which you changed to 180) without any authority. Put Tdipi should be put behind the lowest playing member, not the inactive list. This ladder exists because of the players, not yiu.
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