Gin (rengin)

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  • Moving This Ladder View
      by thumper91 on January 30, 2023 at 10:01:19 PST

    I think we should consider moving out game room to Safe Harbor. I seen multiple players here including myself play there already but in tourneys on other leagues.

    Why not have this room as Case's Ladder Singles Room on Safe Harbor. So we could grow and get some new faces to make our ladder bigger? We could get some people from those other leagues that don't like tourneys and would prefer Single games and ranking play.
    Also see this forum is full of dislike for Safari anyways.


    • No, to moving this ladder to another site View
        by Sweetee on February 1, 2023 at 08:15:57 PST

      I, for one, would NOT be in favor of moving this league to a different site.
      Just my opinion though!
      • Re: No, to moving this ladder to another site View
          by Thumper91 on February 1, 2023 at 09:24:28 PST

        Do you like Gaming Safari or don't like Safe Harbor?
        I just don't see how we ever get new people to join this league on GSafari, as when you look at gin rooms, they are always empty except if there's 2 or 3 in our ladder room. Don't think we would ever grow any- as people hit safari to play gin and see empty rooms in a site, they can't play against the computer. They won't come back. lol
        plus, safari hands are always so quick and can't be changed. I reached to their support, and they say it is what it is pretty much.

        Would it be worse changing rooms if we could grow and not run out on this league?
        just thinking advertisments and traffic wise it could grow there better than gaming safari(obviously as there's only 12) LOL
        open to any ideas just wanted to start a conversation about it!

        • Re: No, to moving this ladder to another site View
            by skipole8154 on February 2, 2023 at 06:07:53 PST

          As someone that plays at Safe Harbor regularly, a league there has its own problems, If you are a paying member, you can have 25 different names. A league could 100 members but actually only 4 players. Boosting is a regular event. Quitters rampant. Many nasty players because they have no other life. Many good 1s too. But they get swallowed up.
          The owner is a nice person, but there are problems.

          • Moving This Ladder View
              by Thumper91 on February 2, 2023 at 09:41:58 PST

            I agree, it could be like that. But I'm not as worried of someone really making 25 account and manipulating the rank. I mean that's pretty wild. And would take so much time. I feel we would catch on pretty quick! (plus, I could make an extra account on gaming safari and do that now if I really was wanting to use that much time to manipulate the rank)
            But I agree anywhere will have problems.
            but right now, our problem is 12 people. Plus, Safari games are a common issue we all see, some real gameplay would be nice.
            I don't feel it could be worse than it is as we are.

            But open to any other ideas on how to grow the league. but as of now it's 100% due to Gaming Safari has no traffic coming in. Who would see this league to join? No one besides the 3 people that play up in Melds Corner LOL

            • Re: Moving This Ladder View
                by Thumper91 on February 4, 2023 at 14:40:42 PST

              If you guys ever do think or talk about moving from Gaming Safari, I'd be happy to help with the movement in getting that room and helping with links and stuff as I am pretty good with the techy stuff.
              Until then I don't think I'll be playing anymore as Gaming Safari is so unrealistic that it's not that fun for me. Only having 12 people is bad enough lol but if I'm only going to win 20% of the games and most of them being 2 card hands and unrealistic scenarios. It's really not that fun if we are just picking the right seat to play on, as the hands are pretty "decided."
              Hope you guys can grow or change something, but gaming safari is not the place for me LOL those hands suck. Even when you win its so unbelievable that its laughable.
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