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  • My apology View
      by davzlove on December 5, 2010 at 00:47:38 PST

    Believe it or not, I am able to admit when I am wrong. I feel that I spoke the truth with what I said in the lobby tonight HOWEVER it shouldnt have been in our leagues lobby. I should have in no way exhibited such an outburst of anger at anytime whether online or out here in the real world. To the league members who keep it real and come and support this league I sincerely apologize. To those who it was directed to, in the future you shall be on ignore. I cant prove what you are and at this point, I simply refuse to even acknowledge your existance. You know what you are and you may hide it well online but there is one you can hide nothing from! I suggest that you get on your knees and reaquaint (spelling might be wrong but u get it) yourselves with him!
    So with this said, I shall be back around Christmas. Hug your loved ones tight, you just never know! Merry Christmas to you all and may you all have a safe one!
    • My apology View
        by sweetholly169 on December 6, 2010 at 18:42:42 PST

      Why are you STILL responding to what I write?? At some point u really do need to seek help! I can say same need the help...I dont attack people with untruths or judge people on things I think is true..............SHERRY,JOYCE...I LOVE YOU GUYS SO FOR YOU ONLY IM DONE !!!

      Believe it or not, I am able to admit when I am wrong. I feel that I spoke the truth with what I said in the lobby tonight HOWEVER it shouldnt have been in our leagues lobby. I should have in no way exhibited such an outburst of anger at anytime whether online or out here in the real world. To the league members who keep it real and come and support this league I sincerely apologize. To those who it was directed to, in the future you shall be on ignore. I cant prove what you are and at this point, I simply refuse to even acknowledge your existance. You know what you are and you may hide it well online but there is one you can hide nothing from! I suggest that you get on your knees and reaquaint (spelling might be wrong but u get it) yourselves with him! So with this said, I shall be back around Christmas. Hug your loved ones tight, you just never know! Merry Christmas to you all and may you all have a safe one!

    • My apology View
        by davzlove on December 6, 2010 at 18:19:20 PST

      Why are you STILL responding to what I write?? At some point u really do need to seek help!
    • My apology View
        by sweetholly169 on December 6, 2010 at 18:10:01 PST

      I wasnt 'ASSuming" anything...I was replying to your post about stating "TRUTHS" (in regards to me) which was infact NOT TRUE... as far as "LEAVING YOU ALONE" I have I dont say a word to you or about you but yet im "RUDE" ive been called spineless for not replying to you or others in lobby but the difference between you and me and others is im not about the bs drama I choose to not say a word. yall are the ones making fools of yourselves... I have no guilt im simply replying to stupid untruths that happen to be about say you havent judged when in fact you judged that my p and I cheated when infact we didnt...I dont need to cheat at this online game to win I like to kick #*^fairly. So now I can say same thing to you.."LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!!! GOT IT?? GET IT?? DO IT !!!

      Believe it or not, I am able to admit when I am wrong. I feel that I spoke the truth with what I said in the lobby tonight HOWEVER it shouldnt have been in our leagues lobby. I should have in no way exhibited such an outburst of anger at anytime whether online or out here in the real world. To the league members who keep it real and come and support this league I sincerely apologize. To those who it was directed to, in the future you shall be on ignore. I cant prove what you are and at this point, I simply refuse to even acknowledge your existance. You know what you are and you may hide it well online but there is one you can hide nothing from! I suggest that you get on your knees and reaquaint (spelling might be wrong but u get it) yourselves with him! So with this said, I shall be back around Christmas. Hug your loved ones tight, you just never know! Merry Christmas to you all and may you all have a safe one!

      [Post automatically censored for profanity]

    • My apology View
        by davzlove on December 6, 2010 at 16:57:36 PST

      What I DO know about you Holly is this......You are very rude, when a TD speaks to you regarding the tourney you cant even be adult enough to respond. You dont have to hugs, say "hi baby" or whatever to anyone BUT common courtesy is definitly not one of your finest attributes. You owe me nothing as I owe you nothing at this point as my apology was made BUT since once again you ASSume its all started again. LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!! Get it?? Got it?? DO IT!! They say the guilty shall speak but Im just saying thats what they say........
      Sherry, BINGO! U were not there.....U havent a clue! I didnt judge tho.....please before someone else yet again ASSumes you find out the whole story before you feel the need to reply.
    • My apology View
        by l_really_d0_nt_care on December 6, 2010 at 12:14:52 PST

      Believe it or not, I am able to admit when I am wrong. I feel that I spoke the truth with what I said in the lobby tonight HOWEVER it shouldnt have been in our leagues lobby. I should have in no way exhibited such an outburst of anger at anytime whether online or out here in the real world. To the league members who keep it real and come and support this league I sincerely apologize. To those who it was directed to, in the future you shall be on ignore. I cant prove what you are and at this point, I simply refuse to even acknowledge your existance. You know what you are and you may hide it well online but there is one you can hide nothing from! I suggest that you get on your knees and reaquaint (spelling might be wrong but u get it) yourselves with him! So with this said, I shall be back around Christmas. Hug your loved ones tight, you just never know! Merry Christmas to you all and may you all have a safe one!

      • My apology View
          by l_really_d0_nt_care on December 6, 2010 at 12:37:33 PST

        I feel the need to reply here. I wasnt here the other night, but I have known Holly many years. We have had our ups and downs. But I would bet on anything that she does not cheat. I am not a religious person, nor do I know much that is in the bible, but from what I have heard, I thought judging someone without proof is just as bad. I have been an admin in 2 other lgs, have watched alot of games, know how the game is played and I have alot of good instincts when cheating is going on. I for one am a thinker when I play, I know alot of my partners would disagree lol, but alot of times I look at last play or sometimes think, so I am slow at times. Here is something also to think about. If a member in a lg plays with 3 or 4 reg partners and there reg p is in same tourney and such and such wins against them, arent they gonna go to lobby and say I think I was cheated? If you cheat with someone and play against them arent you gonna be wondering if your getting a fair game? With this being said, please think first before ya go to lobby and speak badly of anyone, or the best thing to do is go to an admin, if that doesnt work, go to another. Demand an admin meeting. Whatever it takes, but dont go to lobby.

        Believe it or not, I am able to admit when I am wrong. I feel that I spoke the truth with what I said in the lobby tonight HOWEVER it shouldnt have been in our leagues lobby. I should have in no way exhibited such an outburst of anger at anytime whether online or out here in the real world. To the league members who keep it real and come and support this league I sincerely apologize. To those who it was directed to, in the future you shall be on ignore. I cant prove what you are and at this point, I simply refuse to even acknowledge your existance. You know what you are and you may hide it well online but there is one you can hide nothing from! I suggest that you get on your knees and reaquaint (spelling might be wrong but u get it) yourselves with him! So with this said, I shall be back around Christmas. Hug your loved ones tight, you just never know! Merry Christmas to you all and may you all have a safe one!

    • My apology View
        by sweetholly169 on December 5, 2010 at 09:51:23 PST

      Believe it or not, I am able to admit when I am wrong. I feel that I spoke the truth with what I said in the lobby tonight HOWEVER it shouldnt have been in our leagues lobby. I should have in no way exhibited such an outburst of anger at anytime whether online or out here in the real world. To the league members who keep it real and come and support this league I sincerely apologize. To those who it was directed to, in the future you shall be on ignore. I cant prove what you are and at this point, I simply refuse to even acknowledge your existance. You know what you are and you may hide it well online but there is one you can hide nothing from! I suggest that you get on your knees and reaquaint (spelling might be wrong but u get it) yourselves with him! So with this said, I shall be back around Christmas. Hug your loved ones tight, you just never know! Merry Christmas to you all and may you all have a safe one!

      Believe it or not you THINK you spoke the truth tonight....the only truth that u just said cant prove anything....reason being...ITS NOT TRUE...speaking for myself you dont really know me...all you think you know of me is what you may of heard and think that you have witnessed....I have NEVER cheated at an online game lg or non lg...Yes I admit I have regular p's that I enjoy playing with reason being they are my friends and we have fun playing...I am far from a whore as well...I have many FRIENDS we joke have fun as many of you/us all do and many of you take that all in wrong context...maybe just maybe if you had taken the time to REALLY get to know me you would know that....maybe YOU need to get on your knees and speak to him...I dont feel I have too cause im very well aware of who I am and how I am as a person and I will die one day knowing what I say IS THE TRUTH.
      On another note...I will be gone next week as Im having surgery on my back again... Chelle will have updates as my mom will be calling her...Happy Spading to all my FRIENDS and be good !

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