- my reply got kinda jumbled in so im reposting separate View
by sweetholly169 on December 5, 2010 at 09:53:03 PST
Believe it or not you THINK you spoke the truth tonight....the only truth that u just said is...you cant prove anything....reason being...ITS NOT TRUE...speaking for myself you dont really know me...all you think you know of me is what you may of heard and think that you have witnessed....I have NEVER cheated at an online game lg or non lg...Yes I admit I have regular p's that I enjoy playing with reason being they are my friends and we have fun playing...I am far from a whore as well...I have many FRIENDS we joke have fun as many of you/us all do and many of you take that all in wrong context...maybe just maybe if you had taken the time to REALLY get to know me you would know that....maybe YOU need to get on your knees and speak to him...I dont feel I have too cause im very well aware of who I am and how I am as a person and I will die one day knowing what I say IS THE TRUTH.
On another note...I will be gone next week as Im having surgery on my back again... Chelle will have updates as my mom will be calling her...Happy Spading to all my FRIENDS and be good !