by cidetwin on January 31, 2011 at 11:28:53 PST
A few chosen words in a lobby during tourney time can ruin a few moods. It sure did mine..all the name calling whether they were cuss words or not, table and lobby dicussions went beyond what Im gonna read when Im tding. Ongoing for hrs..over nonsense n years of hate is totally ridiculous. All of ya need to sit back n think before the keyboard is hit..or maybe this is the only venting place you have..w/e.How whoever feels when they are in CC isnt in my control..what is said..isnt always gonna be policed either. How the lgers see all this ..and me not running a smooth T is def what Ill be irritated over. I also dont need told in a lobby who needs a box..who needs this n who needs that. Most would like to play w/o all this drama, TD pay attn, fast n fair. If you have another motive during T time--try a quiet exit..I dont have the patience for airing juvy BS attacks!..ps..Ill Td and Admin best I can..I wont suit all..not here for a personality contest either..J