by en_dk on December 29, 2015 at 09:36:46 PST
As you get to know our staff, feel free to add them on Yahoo Messenger and contact any if you want to play tourneys. Obviously, we cannot man our room 24/7 but when there are enough players to run a tourney, simply seek out a TD and see if a few can be run (apologies in advance if nobody is available).
Chevy (chevy.babe_10), Dee (sexyleggs943), Fahd (notorious_hunk), Heather (tricksr4rabbits), Nigel (en_dk), Shelle (shelle4461) or Stacey (awaiting Yahoo ID). We welcome new TDs so if you feel you'd like to host tourneys, please apply to be a TD (see the Quick Links panel on the right). Remember that these lovely people do work and have commitments, but they will do what they can when they can! Have fun in SS!