TAKIA'S ANGELS (takiasangels)


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An Overview of the MyLeague Tournament System

MyLeague offers the largest tournament system on the Internet. The automated tournament system offers players from various games across various gaming platforms the chance to be king or queen for a day. However, glory can't last long! The frequent tournaments are always looking for a new player to conquer the standings. MyLeague wishes you the best of luck in the tournament arena... may your days be filled with victory.

Tournament Formats

We offer four different tournament formats at MyLeague. Two bracket-style tournaments: single and double elimination. We also offer two swiss system formats: regular swiss and true swiss. Tournaments consist of up to 256 teams, and from 1 to 6 players per team. Additionally, there are many styles of competition to choose from, such as head-to-head, teams, or 4-person free-for-all.

Tournament Directors

MyLeague has over 1842 volunteer Tournament Directors working very diligently to help make their respective Leagues a success. Tournament Directors volunteer many hours of their own time in creating and administering tournaments. Tournament Directors have also greatly contributed to the development of the system as they provide continuous feedback, suggestions, and recommendations regarding possible improvements and changes of the tournament system. Our thanks go out to the past and present Tournament Directors of MyLeague!

Tournament Time 7:32:13 pm EDT
Now playing at Pogo
League Admins
takialynn (Head Admin)  
League Tips
Diamond members have access to the OfficeCam. Spy on MyLeague employees through a live webcam! You can peer into our daily work life...
Tournament Director
Interested in becoming a tournament director for the League? Click here for the application and more information!