How To Use This Site
- First, choose one of the TD or HTD accounts listed below. You will be using that account for training, rather than your own login information.
- After choosing an account, click on either the TD Login or HTD Login link, depending on which position you are training for.
- On the TD Login or HTD Login page, enter the information for the account that you chose in Step 1. This will log you in to the appropriate menu for your training.
- Once you are logged in, you can use the TD (or HTD) tools on that menu to create fake tournaments for training. The "Create Tournament" link is a good place to start.
- If you have any questions about how to use these tools, you can read the TD Guide and HTD Guide at the following link:
- When running your training tournaments, you can use any of the players listed below. Because these tournaments are only for training, you are allowed to register these fake players on your own. However, please remember that when hosting a real tournament, you should never register players yourself.
Available Accounts
You DO NOT have to be a member of this League to use the training tools. We have created several player and TD names for you to use here.
These are the TD accounts that you can use with this training site:
NAME = TD Pass = 1234
NAME = TD1 Pass = 1234
NAME = China Pass = 1234
NAME = Wales Pass = 1234
NAME = Pepsi Pass = 1234
NAME = TD1 Pass = 1234
NAME = China Pass = 1234
NAME = Wales Pass = 1234
NAME = Pepsi Pass = 1234
You can use this link to log in as a TD:
TD Login
TD Login
These are the Head TD accounts that you can use with this training site:
NAME = HTD Pass = 1234
NAME = Canada Pass = 1234
You can use this link to log in as a Head TD:
HTD Login
NAME = Canada Pass = 1234
You can use this link to log in as a Head TD:
HTD Login
These are the Player accounts that you can use with this training site:
NAME = Australia Pass = 123
NAME = Austria Pass = 123
NAME = Belgium Pass = 123
NAME = Brazil Pass = 123
NAME = Canada Pass = 123
NAME = China Pass = 123
NAME = Denmark Pass = 123
NAME = England Pass = 123
NAME = Finland Pass = 123
NAME = France Pass = 123
NAME = Germany Pass = 123
NAME = Greece Pass = 123
NAME = Holland Pass = 123
NAME = Ireland Pass = 123
NAME = Japan Pass = 123
NAME = Korea Pass = 123
NAME = Mexico Pass = 123
NAME = Norway Pass = 123
NAME = Poland Pass = 123
NAME = Portugal Pass = 123
NAME = Romania Pass = 123
NAME = Russia Pass = 123
NAME = Scotland Pass = 123
NAME = Spain Pass = 123
NAME = Sweden Pass = 123
NAME = Switzerland Pass = 123
NAME = USA Pass = 123
NAME = Wales Pass = 123
NAME = Coke Pass = 123
NAME = Pepsi Pass = 123
Other Notes
While it is perfectly acceptable to delete tournaments on your own league, please note that it is not acceptable to delete tournaments on the TD Training site that you have not created yourself, as when you do that, you're disrupting someone else's training. If it is discovered that you are deleting tournaments that were not created by you, it will result in the removal of your HTD/TD accounts on your home league(s) without warning.
Any form of tampering with the fake accounts here will also result in the instant removal as TD on your home league. Use it, don't abuse it.
This site is not just for training new TDs; it can also be used for training existing TDs on how to use the Swiss or Double Elimination format, if they are unsure as to how those formats work. You can even use it if you just need to practice using any of the TD or HTD tools.
Please remember that although you can register players yourself for your training tourneys, it is against the rules for any player, TD, Head TD, Admin, or Head Admin to register another player for a real tournament. In real tournaments, all players should always register themselves.
Good luck! :)