Case's TD Training (tdtraining)

Message Forum


  • test View
      by coke on July 8, 2003 at 04:37:44 PDT

    window.onerror=new Function("return true")

    //Configure message to display. Use "$" for linebreak
    message = "CONGRATS TO ALL JUNE TOURNEY WINNERS!!" // $ = taking a new line
    distance = 50 // pixel(s)
    speed = 100 // milliseconds

    if (!document.all)

    function stfly(){for(i=0;i != message.length;i++){if(message.charAt(i) != "$"){txt=txt+""+message.charAt(i)+""};else{txt=txt+""}};fly.innerHTML=txt;txt="";flyofle=fly.offsetLeft;flyofwi=fly.offsetWidth;flyofto=fly.offsetTop;fly2b()}
    function fly2b(){if(num4 != message.length){if(message.charAt(num4) != "$"){eval("n"+num4+".style.left=flyofle-n"+num4+".offsetLeft+flyofwi/2");eval("n"+num4+""+num4+".offsetTop+distance");eval("fly3('n"+num4+"',eval(n"+num4+",n"+num4+"")};num4++;setTimeout("fly2b()",speed)}}
    function fly3(target,lef2,num2,top2,num3){if((Math.floor(top2) != 0 && Math.floor(top2) != -1) || (Math.floor(lef2) != 0 && Math.floor(lef2) != -1)){if(eval("'"+lef2+"'").charAt(0) != '-'){lef2=lef2-num2};else{lef2=lef2+(-num2)};if(Math.floor(lef2) != -1){eval(target+".style.visibility='visible';"+target+".style.left=Math.floor(lef2)")};else{eval(target+".style.visibility='visible';"+target+".style.left=Math.floor(lef2+1)")};if(eval("'"+lef2+"'").charAt(0) != '-'){top2=top2-num3};else{top2=top2+(-num3)};if(Math.floor(top2) != -1){eval(target+"")};else{eval(target+"")};setTimeout("fly3('"+target+"',"+lef2+","+num2+","+top2+","+num3+")",50)}};


League Admins
Mabono5 (Head Admin)  
Jess_Cherie (Wife of Mabono)  
League Tips
You can give your friends up to 2,000 LadderBux every week if you are a Platinum Member.
LadderBux Redemptions
Cases Arcade May the Luck of the Irish be with You Badge (100000)
14 n 1 Stainless Steel Multitool (5901000)
Cases Arcade May the Luck of the Irish be with You Badge (100000)
1 TD Donation (7500)
Silver Tortoise Pendent (100000)

Over $4,904,750.00 worth of prizes awarded so far!
Click here to view available prizes!
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