Case's TD Training (tdtraining)

Message Forum


  • while training a td, someone deleted almost all the tourneys! View
      by Wrenchster2000 on December 28, 2004 at 09:59:33 PST

    :( its hard enough to train a td, then have someone delete it before he gets it started! grrr

    • Re: while training a td, someone deleted almost all the tourneys! View
        by Wrenchster2000 on December 28, 2004 at 10:09:08 PST

      then he created another tourney, and someone started running that one too. i give up!!!
      • Re: while training a td, someone deleted almost all the tourneys! View
          by mssunshinetn on January 30, 2005 at 05:28:17 PST

        : then he created another tourney, and someone started running that one too. i give up!!!

        eeeekkkkkk....don't give up......Let them know who did it and they will deal with it...I was just looking if I can get in here and try alone to practice making a tourney and saw this..Cheer up...if you don't succeed....try try again..thats the american way I was told 43 years ago when I came to the seems to have always worked for me...Good Luck..Sunny

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Jess_Cherie (Wife of Mabono)  
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Cases Arcade May the Luck of the Irish be with You Badge (100000)
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Cases Arcade May the Luck of the Irish be with You Badge (100000)
1 TD Donation (7500)
Silver Tortoise Pendent (100000)

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