- my inactivity View
by finette64 on May 30, 2016 at 14:47:49 PDT
I am sorry everyone for not taking part in tours over the weekend. My son had a baseball tournament Friday and Saturday and we went to watch him play. Sunday, we were hit by really bad storms and because of the high wind and lightning, I shut down my computer until this morning.
I also woke up with a very sore throat and have been coughing all day long. My throat is still very sore and now, I may lose my voice. I have been taking cough drops and eaten soup and I am drinking a lot of ginger ale and water. Hoping all goes back to normal real soon. I hate having a cold during the warm season.
Anyways, I have not forgotten about you all and will take part in tours as soon as I feel a little better. I'm hoping a good night sleep tonight will help me.
Thank you.
Suzie aka finette64