Cribbage (ycribbage)

Message Forum


  • Anniversary Winners View
      by Dart268 on May 21, 2013 at 13:20:47 PDT

    Thank you to everyone for participating in the special tournaments as well as playing ladder matches during this weekend.

    A big Thank You to Case's Ladder for the memberships!!

    The winners of the 1 Year Gold Memberships that were awarded on Special Tournaments are:
    cmcr21 - she gave hers to Cribbernightmare
    darts007 - he gave his to Bengal_boyy

    The 6 month Diamond and 6 month Platinum Memberships were awarded to the two players that played the most Ladder matches on Saturday and Sunday combined.
    6-month Diamond - For_my_friends00 (22 games)
    6-month Platinum - spicelad2007 (19 games)
    Runners up were:
    ginl2 (17 games)
    peerlessus2000 ( 17 games)
    darts007 (14 games)

    The payout for the Big Bux tournament was:
    Ratingmeansnil - 50000 bux
    Irishjr317 - 25000 bux
    biggord - 12500 bux
    For_my_friends00 - 12500 bux

    Thanks for playing everyone!!


    • Re: Anniversary Winners View
        by bengal_boyy on May 22, 2013 at 08:04:26 PDT

      Thanks very much for setting those up, Margie Darts. And special thanks to Barry Darts 007 for donating the membership to me. I appreciate that very much.

      I was sorry that I wasn't able to play over the weekend - it's difficult for me to play during weekends these days. But I'll certainly play when I can, especially when a tournament is scheduled. The tournaments are the best source which enhance the ladder to grow.

      Dave (Bengal_boyy)

    • Re: Anniversary Winners View
        by frogwelder on May 22, 2013 at 06:07:58 PDT

      I wish I could had played but had family things to attened too. Sounds like it was fun!
    • Re: Anniversary Winners View
        by cribbernightmare on May 21, 2013 at 17:34:55 PDT

      :sorry i couldnt make it out the the tourneies last weekend...ty cm for the gold very appreciative,,,

Tournament Time 12:02:22 pm EDT
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