Cribbage (ycribbage)

Message Forum


  • rank Mongering accusation View
      by p_f_flyer_1 on July 8, 2013 at 07:26:28 PDT

    In answer to Precious_1_ca response to my posting yesterday. As you can see she was the one I beat while she Was #3 and I was #4. After I beat her she accused me of rank mongering. Than she turns around today and plays #1 Spicelad2007 While she is #4. Just what the heck do you call this.
    Enough said. Shame people talk out of both sides of their mouth
    Happy cribbing all with out the snide remarks
    Play and have fun
    • Re: rank Mongering accusation View
        by precious_1_ca on July 8, 2013 at 09:19:40 PDT

      : Pat: when there are only TWO CASES players in the room what do we do sit and look at each other and pray more players will come in. Did u forget that one can play the same person twice a day now. I would say to you that it is time to stop the childish bickering and strive to make this a stronger ladder than what it is. Get over it Pat and stay in the room long enough to play all. I am willing to work to strengthen this ladder.....Are you???
      • Re: rank Mongering accusation View
          by biggord on July 8, 2013 at 09:50:44 PDT

        TOO LATE

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