Cribbage (ycribbage)

Message Forum


  • Voting Booth View
      by biggord on August 2, 2013 at 06:06:33 PDT

    When are you going to remove the post for voting ... we have been told he got the job ... so why is it still available for votes .... maybe the new OP could do it

    • Re: Voting Booth View
        by coopnf on August 2, 2013 at 16:51:01 PDT

      : When are you going to remove the post for voting ... we have been told he got the job ... so why is it still available for votes .... maybe the new OP could do it

      Hi Gord,
      I have spoken to out OPM and thematter will be attendedto.

      Please feel fre to return to the Tables ad enjoy your games.
      coopnf, Ladderop
      Case's Ladder

      • Re: Voting Booth View
          by biggord on August 6, 2013 at 06:50:54 PDT

        must be a hard thing to do as people can still vote on it

        • Re: Voting Booth View
            by biggord on August 7, 2013 at 06:32:48 PDT

          OK ... so now we can't vote ... but also .. can NOT see results

          • Re: Voting Booth View
              by Dart268 on August 7, 2013 at 16:31:50 PDT

            Thank you for letting us know that it was still in the booth. The Voting Booth team removed it. The results are never shown for a person applying for Ladder Op. The team that looks after the Booth only inform us whether they get voted in or not, not the amounts of votes for or against.


            • Re: Voting Booth View
                by biggord on August 8, 2013 at 03:32:45 PDT

              Sounds like a crock odf ..... to me

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