Cribbage (ycribbage)

Message Forum


  • Please join me in congratulating... View
      by BonziPogo on July 12, 2013 at 16:22:19 PDT

    Please join me in congratulating your newest fully-trained LadderOp, coopnf!

    Coopnf has completed his LadderOp training, and is ready to go out on his own to serve the Ladder members!

    Congrats Coop!!

    Best regards,

    The Op Training Team
    Case's Ladder

    • Re: Please join me in congratulating... View
        by CribFool1 on August 1, 2013 at 17:40:07 PDT

      congradulation coopnf welcome to the team. I look forward to working with you.

      CribFool1, LeadOp
      Case's Ladder

      : Please join me in congratulating your newest fully-trained LadderOp, coopnf!

      : Coopnf has completed his LadderOp training, and is ready to go out on his own to serve the Ladder members!

      : Congrats Coop!!

      : Best regards,

      : BonziPogo
      : The Op Training Team
      : Case's Ladder

    • Welcome to the team View
        by LizMc3 on July 14, 2013 at 06:17:19 PDT

      : Please join me in congratulating your newest fully-trained LadderOp, coopnf!

      : Coopnf has completed his LadderOp training, and is ready to go out on his own to serve the Ladder members!

      : Congrats Coop!!

      : Best regards,

      : BonziPogo
      : The Op Training Team
      : Case's Ladder

    • Re: Please join me in congratulating... View
        by precious_1_ca on July 13, 2013 at 09:33:56 PDT

      Congrads Wayne....Now lets get this ladder on the up swing...



    • Re: Please join me in congratulating... View
        by coopnf on July 12, 2013 at 16:38:21 PDT

      : Please join me in congratulating your newest fully-trained LadderOp, coopnf!

      : Coopnf has completed his LadderOp training, and is ready to go out on his own to serve the Ladder members!

      : Congrats Coop!!

      : Best regards,

      Thanks Mike, it has been apleasure ad I look forward in assisting our Memberes where everI can.
      And I would like to thank my Members for their condifence in voting me in, I am here to help one and all.
      Wayne aka Coop

      : BonziPogo
      : The Op Training Team
      : Case's Ladder

      • Re: Please join me in congratulating... View
          by cribbernightmare on September 17, 2013 at 07:35:02 PDT

        Oh #!*^ there goes the neighbourhood

        [Post automatically censored for profanity]

    • Congratulations!!n/t View
        by Dart268 on July 12, 2013 at 16:36:17 PDT

      : Please join me in congratulating your newest fully-trained LadderOp, coopnf!

      : Coopnf has completed his LadderOp training, and is ready to go out on his own to serve the Ladder members!

      : Congrats Coop!!

      : Best regards,

      : BonziPogo
      : The Op Training Team
      : Case's Ladder

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