- challengers View
by coopnf on October 10, 2013 at 15:43:48 PDT
A challenge is defined as a request for a match with a better-ranked member. Whether you are the challenger or the one being challenged, there are some rules that must be followed. Violating these rules may result in penalties. If you notice anyone violating these rules, please feel free to contact us using the SUPPORT links.
The best way to find Ladder matches is to announce in chat that you are looking for a Case's Ladder match so that other members will know you are interested in Ladder-play. You can also directly challenge a specific member in chat.
If you are ranked in the Top 25 of the Ladder, then you may E-mail a member of the Top Ten to request a match. E-mail challenges should be reserved for situations in which you have failed in your attempts to get a match with a Top Ten member in chat.
You are forbidden to issue an E-mail challenge if you have played against a Top Ten member within the last seven days.
If you are found to be issuing E-mail challenges excessively and without first attempting to request a match in chat, then your account may be penalized.
IM Services
It is forbidden to use any type of Instant Messenger Service (ICQ, YIM, AIM, etc.) to request a match.
Formal Challenges
Most Ladders permit the use of FormalI hope this answers and questions in relation to Challengers
Case's Ladder