Cribbage (ycribbage)

Message Forum


  • appropreate play View
      by p_f_flyer_1 on October 9, 2013 at 14:43:23 PDT

    Will someone please make me under stand this. Since when is it bad edquite to challenge the player one step above you. Say the #5 challenges #4. But it is ok to challenge %3 or #2. DAAAAA. Same result if & 5 wins...Guess you should only play ranks below you.
    • Re: appropreate play View
        by biggord on October 10, 2013 at 11:04:39 PDT

      Just play Pat .... not enuff people playing .... and to the ones complaining ... get your poop in a group people .... no such thing as rank here any more.... just have fun

      • Re: appropreate play View
          by the_natural_111 on October 12, 2013 at 20:52:35 PDT

        playing for ranks what happen playing for the fun theses days????

        : Just play Pat .... not enuff people playing .... and to the ones complaining ... get your poop in a group people .... no such thing as rank here any more.... just have fun

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