Cribbage (ycribbage)

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  • 12 games played thursday View
      by ralphybaby31 on January 11, 2014 at 08:08:53 PST

    I got reported for playing the same individual twice in a row. I was not aware of this fact as the games were3 hours apart. However some person one of you active 12 ...deemed it necessary to report this fact (even tho the action did not bump anybody as I lost the second game) However it did AGAIN illustrate what is wrong with this ladder. Even with only 12 ppl active (and falling) this person felt it was necessary to annoy another member. all I can say is "I pity your puny existance on this planet" Again i will say...just play the game people there is not enough people here to go on with this pettiness. Perhaps you will be happy being #1 all by yourself with no one else to play against.
    • Re: 12 games played thursday View
        by kingquad95 on January 13, 2014 at 15:05:44 PST

      Well said Dennis. It was me that Dennis played twice in a row. I guess I will have to ask everyone I play... Was I your last game? Like Dennis said it had been over 3 hours later, I got 2 other games in, but come to find out he didn't.
      What did you hope to accomplish? Get him boxed for a week so we only have 11 players instead of 12?
      Just come in play the games and be happy, be polite, enjoy the games and be glad there is still a few players to play.
      I just come in to play. I don't care if I'm 2 and you're 3, I'm 3 and you're 4. Play me. Please.
      If you were able to suffer through all this drivel, thanks, and I hope to see you all in the room playing. And playing nice.

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