Cribbage (ycribbage)

Message Forum


  • You Didn't need to Leave..Yahoo Cribbage ... It Lives View
      by Sluffy1 on April 1, 2014 at 05:00:55 PDT

    In the end, after reading many passionate pleas from players like you, we decided it would be better keep the current games running in spite of their flaws rather than shut them down while we develop their replacements. This does mean, however, that the old games will have reduced support and maintenance as we focus on building and releasing the new ones. We hope you'll understand this, and bear with us through this process. 2013 is going to be an amazing year for Yahoo! Games and we hope you'll share it with us.

    • Re: You Didn't need to Leave..Yahoo Cribbage ... It Lives View
        by ralphybaby31 on April 3, 2014 at 10:37:13 PDT

      : In the end, after reading many passionate pleas from players like you, we decided it would be better keep the current games running in spite of their flaws rather than shut them down while we develop their replacements. This does mean, however, that the old games will have reduced support and maintenance as we focus on building and releasing the new ones. We hope you'll understand this, and bear with us through this process. 2013 is going to be an amazing year for Yahoo! Games and we hope you'll share it with us.


      So why would they keep em open and then shut it again ?

    • Re: You Didn't need to Leave..Yahoo Cribbage ... It Lives View
        by ralphybaby31 on April 1, 2014 at 18:20:08 PDT

      : In the end, after reading many passionate pleas from players like you, we decided it would be better keep the current games running in spite of their flaws rather than shut them down while we develop their replacements. This does mean, however, that the old games will have reduced support and maintenance as we focus on building and releasing the new ones. We hope you'll understand this, and bear with us through this process. 2013 is going to be an amazing year for Yahoo! Games and we hope you'll share it with us.


      Yup it works !!
      But no one to play lol.

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