Cribbage (ycribbage)

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  • Question View
      by frogwelder on May 11, 2013 at 09:14:11 PDT

    Since I noticed now there are going to be tournies, do they don't count as far as your rank in the standings? I knew many years ago this was quite the Hub Bub here and have forgotten what part it plays now.
    • Re: Question View
        by Dart268 on May 11, 2013 at 11:46:38 PDT

      The only thing that playing in a tournament will affect is ranks. If you win against a higher ranked player you will move up in rank.

      Tournaments do NOT count for Rank Defense, Matches Per Day or Rate of Play.

      If you are registered in a tournament that is starting within 10 minutes you do NOT need to have an open table. Once you are eliminated or have withdrawn from the tournament you must once again open a table.


Tournament Time 12:10:07 pm EDT
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