Opponent(Games Played) | Win-Loss | Last Game |
kc4ck (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/20/1999 04:40:59 |
1wild1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/27/1999 10:23:50 |
29er (2) | 1 - 1 | 02/19/1999 11:10:04 |
2leftfeet (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/08/1999 09:36:30 |
2muchcrib (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/02/1999 07:04:14 |
4thebirds (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/19/1999 12:53:53 |
4underpar (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/16/1999 01:02:54 |
5 cents (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/05/1999 08:48:48 |
AKindSir (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/13/1999 03:35:43 |
A_Wild_N_Wicked_One (6) | 4 - 2 | 11/14/1999 08:09:59 |
A_hungrywolf_EH (2) | 1 - 1 | 10/05/2001 09:16:41 |
Abree59 (2) | 2 - 0 | 09/30/2001 02:38:48 |
AdamHead34 (2) | 0 - 2 | 06/10/2001 08:33:05 |
Admiralparck (2) | 2 - 0 | 06/02/2002 01:02:48 |
Aero_Medd (1) | 1 - 0 | 07/16/2001 08:48:19 |
Aerochips (3) | 0 - 3 | 03/26/1999 10:27:59 |
Akita_Di (2) | 1 - 1 | 09/27/2000 07:44:27 |
Alextris (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/07/1999 04:15:19 |
Allhart (33) | 18 - 15 | 06/10/2002 12:02:27 |
Angel_Of_Crib60 (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/19/2000 06:03:01 |
Anonymous (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/05/1999 09:00:53 |
Anothercountrygirl (2) | 1 - 1 | 02/09/1999 10:58:15 |
Ares (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/25/1999 12:24:27 |
Arlene60 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/12/2000 06:42:02 |
Auggy2 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/16/2002 05:05:27 |
BADGERHEAD (2) | 2 - 0 | 10/31/1999 10:49:13 |
BFROAD125 (2) | 1 - 1 | 03/26/2000 04:02:43 |
BIG MIKE (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/30/1999 06:16:49 |
B_L_O_S_S_O_M (4) | 2 - 2 | 12/21/2000 06:23:48 |
Baad_Ass1 (26) | 13 - 13 | 09/08/2001 06:24:37 |
Babyygirl81 (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/11/2001 11:46:26 |
Bald_Ego (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/03/1999 10:03:21 |
Barbie_034 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/27/1999 12:18:04 |
Bayou_Man98_Op (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/15/2000 04:42:17 |
Be The Ball (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/24/1999 10:30:03 |
BeatlesMan22 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/02/1999 07:43:18 |
Beerman1958 (9) | 5 - 4 | 07/30/2001 08:11:26 |
Beerman_Az (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/07/2001 08:01:47 |
Beerstud_58 (2) | 0 - 2 | 07/08/2000 06:20:08 |
Beldin7 (5) | 1 - 4 | 12/28/2001 06:59:25 |
Beth57_au (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/04/2002 05:45:42 |
Bettiboop925 (8) | 5 - 3 | 04/30/2002 07:21:03 |
Betty_Boop_39 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/13/2000 06:49:28 |
BigCoho (3) | 2 - 1 | 06/30/2000 09:06:48 |
Bigg_Bill38 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/10/1999 09:31:43 |
Bingo11 (16) | 8 - 8 | 08/21/2000 06:01:59 |
Binski29 (3) | 0 - 3 | 11/16/1999 08:41:14 |
Blurr5 (2) | 2 - 0 | 02/04/1999 11:46:10 |
BoDean80 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/18/1999 08:05:55 |
Box_o_Trix (4) | 1 - 3 | 03/21/1999 08:15:00 |
BrPeters (4) | 1 - 3 | 07/03/2000 11:54:00 |
Brewersbaseball (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/28/1999 11:54:56 |
Browneyes_girl (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/16/1999 09:07:52 |
Built4bill (5) | 2 - 3 | 06/10/2000 09:55:22 |
Bumbleberry_Wine (5) | 2 - 3 | 02/02/2002 06:01:53 |
CA_86 (3) | 3 - 0 | 01/28/2000 08:39:43 |
CCW_Khan_WWolf (38) | 13 - 25 | 05/11/2002 06:50:53 |
CHEETAH63 (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/18/2000 06:14:19 |
CHEETTHHAA (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/16/2001 03:38:55 |
CHRIST_IS_BORN (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/26/1999 12:35:30 |
CJEEPIN (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/01/1999 08:38:52 |
CRIBCHIT (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/05/2002 06:00:22 |
CRIB_STEALER (15) | 4 - 11 | 06/23/2002 08:13:53 |
CRIB_WENCH (2) | 0 - 2 | 07/05/2001 09:09:21 |
Calgary_guy (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/24/2000 05:53:38 |
Camelian2000 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/17/2000 08:36:17 |
Capital_CPT (19) | 7 - 12 | 01/12/2000 06:38:20 |
Carlsberg_Monster (2) | 0 - 2 | 12/21/1999 11:12:02 |
CasperOz (2) | 2 - 0 | 02/27/1999 10:01:48 |
Century_NHL (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/31/2000 05:58:40 |
Charlou56 (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/01/2000 07:37:08 |
Cheetah_P (2) | 2 - 0 | 01/02/2000 05:48:54 |
Cilo66 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/03/1999 08:24:13 |
Cocky_Brocky (5) | 1 - 4 | 07/07/2000 07:40:23 |
Cole_Venske (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/01/2000 07:16:17 |
Coolswabie (11) | 5 - 6 | 10/01/2001 03:51:28 |
Copper51130 (8) | 2 - 6 | 08/14/2000 05:49:08 |
Crazwolf (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/09/2000 07:46:54 |
Crazy_Horse_321 (10) | 3 - 7 | 06/01/2002 01:02:58 |
Crib Queen (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/30/1999 11:24:42 |
CribPenguin1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/18/2002 10:22:01 |
Crib_Bet (5) | 1 - 4 | 01/27/2002 05:09:19 |
Crib_Goddess (44) | 17 - 27 | 06/12/2002 04:30:01 |
Crib_Jester (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/23/1999 11:03:51 |
Crib_Kitten (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/13/2000 08:29:13 |
Cribbyman2000 (2) | 1 - 1 | 06/30/2000 09:07:34 |
Cribjunkie (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/21/1999 11:04:51 |
Cribwarrior (9) | 6 - 3 | 11/23/1999 08:33:15 |
Cuchulainh_XXX (5) | 3 - 2 | 10/28/2000 03:08:40 |
Cuchulainh_XYZ (3) | 0 - 3 | 01/20/2002 06:27:50 |
DCee9889 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/10/1999 01:59:09 |
DEEBOWLING (4) | 2 - 2 | 05/17/2001 01:35:41 |
DOGBONE41 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/16/1999 10:45:23 |
DYNA8598 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/18/1999 01:06:37 |
Desert_Dwelling_Doll (4) | 3 - 1 | 08/18/2002 10:22:11 |
Destil_cru (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/17/1999 09:26:45 |
DianneSt (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/01/1999 01:50:29 |
Dietcoke_KaRee (2) | 1 - 1 | 03/03/2002 11:46:04 |
Dirkie_Baby (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/31/1999 11:00:30 |
Dis_Crib_Anation (3) | 3 - 0 | 10/23/2001 03:47:09 |
Diverbilly (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/19/1999 11:32:39 |
DogMeat_Awooo (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/28/2001 07:21:43 |
Dombou (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/19/1999 10:55:06 |
Dopey (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/20/1999 09:48:42 |
DrWatson9 (2) | 1 - 1 | 07/03/2001 04:48:20 |
Dreded_Goddess (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/05/1999 09:50:18 |
Dredmahawkus (5) | 2 - 3 | 01/11/2000 03:18:30 |
Dunny_53 (5) | 0 - 5 | 08/07/2000 05:29:45 |
Duplex4 (5) | 3 - 2 | 01/25/2000 06:05:37 |
ENCHANTRESS_98_99 (7) | 5 - 2 | 07/23/2001 08:11:28 |
ERjunkie1_62 (2) | 0 - 2 | 05/08/1999 08:05:23 |
EYEMAN_2U (3) | 1 - 2 | 12/11/1999 10:38:35 |
EeeDee (4) | 1 - 3 | 03/02/2002 07:37:53 |
Eeyore_60 (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/04/2001 07:01:17 |
ErBrLa (4) | 3 - 1 | 01/23/2002 11:19:14 |
Eve810 (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/11/2000 04:16:17 |
FOXYLADY_39_98 (3) | 2 - 1 | 05/27/2001 08:37:36 |
FUBAR919 (4) | 1 - 3 | 04/23/2002 05:49:55 |
FUBAR_919 (3) | 0 - 3 | 03/26/2000 06:36:15 |
FUNDI (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/04/1999 12:20:09 |
Falcons_Baby_55 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/19/2001 07:06:21 |
Fallen_Angel_987 (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/27/2000 03:17:05 |
Fansea999 (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/29/2000 07:32:52 |
Father_Lightning (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/16/2001 05:52:06 |
FiremanSam72 (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/27/2000 06:19:13 |
Fishy32 (12) | 7 - 5 | 02/19/2000 04:33:31 |
Fitzhume25 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/12/2000 09:22:17 |
Flash_in_the_pan (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/22/1999 09:11:03 |
Flathead_99 (4) | 3 - 1 | 12/07/1999 12:26:00 |
FlyingOwlet (3) | 3 - 0 | 11/30/1999 11:42:30 |
For_Doctorcards32 (3) | 2 - 1 | 12/07/1999 09:00:24 |
For_my_friends99 (15) | 10 - 5 | 03/29/2002 09:03:20 |
Fully_Partial (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/31/2001 06:38:26 |
GEM_KAT (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/12/2002 07:06:38 |
GINKABABE (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/11/2001 03:09:56 |
GINNY81543 (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/10/1999 10:03:33 |
GKL (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/30/1999 06:12:47 |
GRAP (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/14/1999 10:07:48 |
Gail_Friend (3) | 3 - 0 | 01/14/2001 06:49:32 |
GetPaddled (8) | 6 - 2 | 01/20/2002 04:55:14 |
Getpaddled (3) | 0 - 3 | 11/21/1999 12:06:15 |
Gimp503 (19) | 8 - 11 | 12/05/2001 07:03:49 |
Gingeroonie (8) | 4 - 4 | 05/13/2002 07:01:54 |
GlacePrincesse1 (2) | 0 - 2 | 01/17/2001 06:38:56 |
Glacier_Lady (11) | 2 - 9 | 10/05/2002 08:23:59 |
Green_DISCO_Daddy (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/03/2000 03:13:54 |
Gwib99 (8) | 4 - 4 | 01/20/2002 06:27:58 |
HD_super (5) | 0 - 5 | 01/14/2001 05:45:03 |
Happy_Two_Thousand_Y2K2U (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/31/1999 11:45:42 |
Hawkeye_won (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/03/1999 08:05:07 |
Hidden_Path (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/12/2000 06:04:04 |
Hilfiger13 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/08/2001 08:11:50 |
HisEng (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/15/1999 09:38:50 |
Hj_gambler (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/26/1999 10:45:27 |
Hot_Topic_0001 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/09/2002 04:00:35 |
Hurtin123 (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/30/2000 06:25:37 |
IAMSUFFER (4) | 1 - 3 | 08/04/2001 10:14:43 |
ICrib (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/09/1999 11:08:50 |
IWELDUM (10) | 6 - 4 | 04/14/2002 03:56:19 |
I_M_teaser (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/09/1999 10:56:38 |
I_am_the_game7 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/19/2001 06:35:42 |
Im_The_EEK_Mon_Im_The_Walrus (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/23/2000 07:55:35 |
Imsorich02 (2) | 2 - 0 | 03/02/2002 07:38:28 |
In8Sense (4) | 2 - 2 | 06/30/2000 08:12:43 |
In_Docs_Memory (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/11/1999 12:45:36 |
Intrigin_Eyes (2) | 1 - 1 | 07/16/2001 04:53:32 |
Irish_Lad01 (14) | 4 - 10 | 01/26/2002 05:14:38 |
Irish_Lad01_once (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/05/2001 07:23:04 |
Irish_lad01 (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/01/1999 08:54:53 |
Irshbo (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/05/1999 07:28:00 |
JAMES_90808 (9) | 5 - 4 | 02/08/2000 03:00:30 |
JC_THATS_ME (13) | 4 - 9 | 05/12/2002 08:52:54 |
JEB_WI (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/29/2000 05:30:04 |
JJAFMA (2) | 1 - 1 | 03/05/2000 08:13:26 |
JWH19 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/16/2000 02:44:02 |
Jack (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/22/1999 10:21:20 |
Jager777 (1) | 1 - 0 | 07/03/2000 07:40:14 |
Jas (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/16/1999 10:33:40 |
Jckripper_99 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/26/1999 09:53:01 |
Jelli_4 (9) | 4 - 5 | 09/11/2001 05:32:03 |
Jim B Crib (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/07/1999 04:28:30 |
JimB123 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/02/1999 12:28:56 |
Jingle_Bells_Babee (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/13/1999 11:12:34 |
Jingle_My_Blue_Bells (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/26/1999 04:43:23 |
Jittnee (4) | 2 - 2 | 11/25/2000 08:24:09 |
Jnona (4) | 1 - 3 | 08/14/2000 05:49:08 |
JohnDavis (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/13/1999 04:08:02 |
JudeAust (2) | 0 - 2 | 09/29/2001 05:50:08 |
JusJoan (4) | 3 - 1 | 03/16/2002 05:02:00 |
JustinsCJ5 (6) | 2 - 4 | 02/06/2002 12:07:12 |
KAPPYMIKE (2) | 0 - 2 | 05/05/2001 04:17:02 |
KCafcChamp (8) | 5 - 3 | 05/31/2001 03:34:31 |
KINGPIN (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/28/1999 12:46:40 |
KRS49 (18) | 6 - 12 | 07/01/2001 06:34:07 |
Kat (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/18/2000 07:26:12 |
Katsnmore (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/04/2001 04:11:06 |
Kelly (2) | 2 - 0 | 02/17/1999 12:28:41 |
Kellyy_2u (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/24/2000 06:05:05 |
Kevincribman (4) | 3 - 1 | 05/02/1999 08:35:10 |
KewiFrog (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/22/2001 11:02:14 |
Kick-N (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/30/2001 05:31:20 |
Kid_Icarrus (2) | 1 - 1 | 02/28/2000 06:31:19 |
KindKinkajou (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/06/2002 06:57:47 |
KinkyAdidas (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/18/1999 01:37:24 |
Kiss_Me_Mr_Right (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/15/2000 11:34:34 |
Knot2shore (5) | 3 - 2 | 04/03/1999 12:07:17 |
Komfy_Kozy_Kat (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/17/1999 08:56:15 |
KribijNut (7) | 4 - 3 | 08/03/2001 07:31:31 |
KushBush (3) | 2 - 1 | 02/02/2002 07:26:03 |
Kwrin (26) | 13 - 13 | 03/19/2002 07:54:28 |
LA_MEATMAN (7) | 4 - 3 | 06/29/2002 12:40:57 |
LJSHA (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/30/1999 08:35:48 |
LN_same (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/19/1999 11:19:10 |
LNsame (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/10/1999 12:01:06 |
Laddertroll (12) | 4 - 8 | 05/24/2001 06:18:46 |
LadyAstor (5) | 2 - 3 | 03/10/2002 07:05:38 |
LadyNoreen (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/17/1999 03:04:40 |
LadyNoreen_UK (6) | 2 - 4 | 01/19/2003 01:49:56 |
LarryHeadhunter (8) | 6 - 2 | 11/10/2001 03:35:08 |
Lawcamm (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/03/2000 05:16:10 |
Leeboy_25 (33) | 15 - 18 | 04/10/2000 03:16:29 |
Lexmano98 (3) | 1 - 2 | 03/19/2000 02:01:14 |
LindyNZ (3) | 1 - 2 | 01/13/2001 11:04:21 |
Lindynz (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/31/1999 08:00:07 |
Liquidized (3) | 2 - 1 | 03/04/2000 04:49:16 |
Liquidized_UK (6) | 1 - 5 | 07/19/2001 05:38:21 |
Little_magic2 (4) | 3 - 1 | 12/21/1999 07:40:18 |
Livnlife (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/19/1999 12:33:36 |
Livnlife39 (2) | 1 - 1 | 09/27/2000 07:33:37 |
LizMc3 (8) | 6 - 2 | 07/16/2001 04:51:58 |
Lobo1954 (3) | 3 - 0 | 11/09/1999 09:54:59 |
Lone Wolf (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/25/1999 11:39:25 |
Longgonegone (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/25/2001 08:57:00 |
Longshot01 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/26/2001 07:11:54 |
Lords_of_Light (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/03/2001 03:53:33 |
Loser2_2001 (5) | 3 - 2 | 08/26/2001 09:55:16 |
Lucky_Luke_99 (7) | 2 - 5 | 03/30/1999 11:41:10 |
Luckyelf (18) | 7 - 11 | 01/23/2002 11:19:07 |
MARSHALL118 (24) | 13 - 11 | 04/21/2002 07:01:28 |
MARSISME (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/31/1999 12:10:48 |
MEESHIE67 (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/10/2001 12:01:12 |
MNakaya (11) | 5 - 6 | 05/23/2000 03:05:44 |
MOTOR4045 (2) | 2 - 0 | 04/28/1999 09:03:41 |
MR_OSGOOD (2) | 1 - 1 | 06/10/2001 07:43:46 |
MaGooits420 (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/13/2001 11:37:50 |
Magister1953 (4) | 3 - 1 | 05/31/2002 05:30:01 |
Magooits420 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/11/2000 08:42:10 |
Makaii32 (7) | 4 - 3 | 01/03/2000 03:29:10 |
Make_My_Crib (2) | 1 - 1 | 05/29/2000 08:13:22 |
Makua_Bay (3) | 2 - 1 | 03/31/1999 12:08:03 |
Mamastoy (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/08/1999 10:17:09 |
Mandy_b2w (3) | 2 - 1 | 05/10/2001 05:24:37 |
Manny (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/07/1999 11:12:36 |
Marksdad37 (4) | 2 - 2 | 10/14/2000 06:14:06 |
Marksdad38 (2) | 0 - 2 | 12/31/2000 12:57:52 |
Marksdad39 (10) | 5 - 5 | 03/18/2002 06:47:42 |
Marshall118 (3) | 1 - 2 | 01/16/2001 06:26:46 |
Marshhhhhhhh (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/11/2002 06:57:20 |
Mass_Babe_2_u (2) | 0 - 2 | 09/14/2001 11:30:13 |
Massachusetts_Babe (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/03/2000 07:38:08 |
Mattyboy_16 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/05/2001 03:49:05 |
Medic_415 (5) | 2 - 3 | 05/14/2001 06:31:57 |
Merlin_3_00 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/01/1999 10:41:33 |
Millenium_Cribber (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/18/2002 06:13:18 |
Mish_L_ (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/27/1999 08:47:53 |
MnTaxLady (2) | 1 - 1 | 11/08/1999 08:19:41 |
MoeItou (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/02/2000 08:35:55 |
Mother_Thunder (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/11/2000 04:18:01 |
MrHowee99 (2) | 2 - 0 | 09/29/2001 07:07:55 |
MrTaterTot (2) | 0 - 2 | 08/08/2000 06:53:53 |
Mr_Amad (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/30/2001 06:25:11 |
Mr_Breeze_II (3) | 3 - 0 | 04/12/1999 11:30:11 |
MsBeaniac (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/25/1999 01:20:13 |
NH_Cribber (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/01/1999 09:30:05 |
NIGHTSHADE409 (3) | 1 - 2 | 07/30/2000 08:39:06 |
NSea54 (6) | 4 - 2 | 08/10/2001 08:35:15 |
NTN66 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/28/2002 07:25:56 |
NY_VINNIE (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/21/1999 12:33:44 |
Napa_valley_Boy (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/28/1999 12:56:22 |
Never_A_REMF (3) | 2 - 1 | 07/15/2001 06:16:49 |
Never_Lick_Yellow_Snow (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/20/1999 10:35:12 |
NewYearsBabe63 (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/25/1999 08:37:46 |
NickMaine_99 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/24/2003 12:55:56 |
NightShade409 (2) | 1 - 1 | 02/19/1999 11:36:32 |
No1_Travler (16) | 4 - 12 | 08/17/2002 07:57:02 |
Noel_Bay (2) | 1 - 1 | 11/25/2000 08:45:43 |
Not_4_nothing (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/01/2000 04:29:13 |
OLSUGAR (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/19/2000 08:44:04 |
October_Libran (22) | 13 - 9 | 04/28/2000 03:05:34 |
Oh_Raider (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/28/1999 10:09:12 |
OmenDragon2 (7) | 2 - 5 | 09/13/2001 06:26:17 |
Onelumpor2 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/06/1999 11:32:09 |
Oregon_ACC_911 (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/06/2000 07:48:21 |
Oregonstocks (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/04/2000 04:49:44 |
Originally_JusJoan (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/16/2000 05:59:01 |
Oso52 (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/12/2001 02:15:05 |
PIKATA_1999 (3) | 2 - 1 | 07/13/2000 05:25:56 |
PINO DIRECTOR (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/20/2000 09:44:22 |
POKEMON_NIL (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/24/2000 03:43:31 |
Pastor_Phalen (7) | 4 - 3 | 06/01/2001 03:40:04 |
PaulineSco (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/18/2000 05:52:40 |
Peaches037 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/09/1999 11:57:07 |
Peewee_Hermans_queen (3) | 2 - 1 | 05/27/2001 04:36:34 |
Pegitagain (3) | 1 - 2 | 10/25/1999 12:27:26 |
Pete_829 (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/14/2001 06:02:13 |
Phat55_99 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/02/2000 07:09:47 |
Phrwydde (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/10/1999 10:15:15 |
Phrwydde1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/26/1999 08:48:39 |
Pikata_1999 (23) | 8 - 15 | 04/27/2000 05:17:13 |
Play_me_hard (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/03/1999 10:51:57 |
Precious_1_ca (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/03/2000 07:52:44 |
Psychic_Computer (2) | 0 - 2 | 07/02/2001 06:38:06 |
Psychic_Kick (2) | 1 - 1 | 10/24/1999 11:13:21 |
Psychic_Returns (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/26/2000 03:22:13 |
Psycholooneybitch (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/10/1999 11:15:32 |
Questar44 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/12/2002 03:38:57 |
ROE5850 (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/28/1999 10:31:12 |
RRRREM (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/02/2000 08:17:03 |
Rainbow (2) | 1 - 1 | 02/19/1999 11:51:47 |
RaymondMN70 (3) | 1 - 2 | 10/11/2001 08:10:41 |
RaysLadyT (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/11/2000 05:46:08 |
RedGhost_BC (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/23/2001 08:33:34 |
RicketyCat (3) | 1 - 2 | 01/12/2002 06:22:48 |
RobertBrand (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/25/2000 07:05:02 |
RocknJ (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/04/1999 08:57:51 |
RollPro60 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/18/1999 10:20:50 |
Run_of_8 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/23/2002 01:43:51 |
RusnLvr (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/01/2000 06:16:52 |
Russian_Mafia (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/06/2001 06:55:32 |
Russian_mofia (5) | 3 - 2 | 05/05/2001 06:02:06 |
STEVE_96R (3) | 2 - 1 | 07/07/2000 07:39:26 |
SWEETBEARS1 (4) | 0 - 4 | 01/22/2000 10:18:16 |
Salmacis_fountain (4) | 1 - 3 | 06/08/2002 01:31:05 |
SamuraiHK (3) | 0 - 3 | 10/17/1999 11:10:47 |
Santa_Cribber (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/24/2000 01:30:09 |
Santa_vito (3) | 3 - 0 | 12/25/1999 12:24:27 |
SantasLittleDrunkDeer (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/17/2000 07:35:19 |
Santas_duckie (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/21/1999 09:01:39 |
Santaslittledrunkdeer (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/12/1999 01:29:48 |
Sassygrape (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/30/2000 08:13:04 |
Satin_Sweetheart (1) | 1 - 0 | 07/04/2000 03:28:00 |
SaxyJazzman (10) | 3 - 7 | 04/24/2003 12:55:53 |
Scheurich39 (2) | 2 - 0 | 08/17/2001 01:17:13 |
She_1963 (2) | 0 - 2 | 11/11/1999 10:23:34 |
Shiroi_Okami (3) | 0 - 3 | 04/23/1999 11:37:30 |
Simple_Simon0000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 07/03/2000 07:34:49 |
Sir_Oskar (2) | 2 - 0 | 12/07/2001 09:08:31 |
Six (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/09/1999 01:33:45 |
Sky Blue Waters (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/10/1999 12:23:06 |
Slappy_the_hippy_skippy (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/05/2001 07:08:45 |
SlowPeg (2) | 1 - 1 | 10/06/1999 09:13:33 |
Sniper_in_the_Dark (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/11/2002 04:04:49 |
SnowCitizen (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/16/2000 08:10:55 |
Snow_Queen_25 (5) | 1 - 4 | 09/14/2001 08:19:46 |
Snuuzuluuz (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/30/2000 09:04:45 |
So4tin8 (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/15/2001 06:17:55 |
Socko_27 (3) | 3 - 0 | 11/11/1999 06:16:44 |
Spacelab_KaPtEn (4) | 1 - 3 | 06/09/2002 01:16:28 |
Spice_Lad_98 (31) | 12 - 19 | 03/02/2002 02:15:02 |
SpiderMan_133 (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/23/1999 11:31:15 |
Spy_vs_spy0 (5) | 1 - 4 | 03/26/2000 03:51:54 |
Squirley_31 (8) | 3 - 5 | 05/05/2002 06:16:29 |
Stacispaci (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/21/1999 12:46:12 |
Statman_2 (5) | 3 - 2 | 11/26/1999 01:32:08 |
Still_ridd (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/30/2001 06:08:15 |
StoneCold29_3_16 (4) | 2 - 2 | 11/24/2000 01:30:35 |
SturmUndDrang99 (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/28/1999 09:56:35 |
Sturm_und_Drang99 (3) | 1 - 2 | 11/28/1999 09:26:37 |
Suggestiveeyes (3) | 2 - 1 | 07/31/2000 07:10:40 |
Sumi_bear (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/31/1999 12:22:35 |
SunShines4u2 (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/05/1999 10:37:00 |
Suziecruzie (6) | 5 - 1 | 02/17/2002 07:02:41 |
SweetNLacy (7) | 2 - 5 | 04/24/2000 05:28:36 |
SweetNTwisted1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/31/2002 03:03:30 |
Sweetie0630 (3) | 1 - 2 | 12/31/1999 07:19:30 |
THE_CRIB_ARTIST (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/17/1999 12:38:02 |
TIMBO5055 (11) | 6 - 5 | 05/28/2002 07:56:42 |
TOOCOOL50311 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/12/2000 11:12:35 |
TOO_LOCO1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/30/1999 11:13:18 |
TY4Game (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/20/2000 07:18:07 |
T_Bob_99 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/12/2002 07:18:47 |
TamraTamraTamra (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/27/1999 11:12:52 |
Tara70_99 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/17/2000 05:16:44 |
TheKingOfCrib (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/20/1999 10:51:08 |
TheRock_Rocks (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/02/1999 10:21:11 |
TheSoop (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/10/1999 08:57:02 |
The_Crib_Artist (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/18/1999 10:03:23 |
The_Mad_Muller (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/11/2000 02:28:04 |
Thunderwolf19 (6) | 5 - 1 | 10/18/2001 03:53:29 |
Tiger2for31 (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/16/2001 06:13:58 |
Tiggerwho_ (5) | 3 - 2 | 09/16/2001 01:28:00 |
Tiny_9ab (13) | 5 - 8 | 05/16/2002 07:45:02 |
Toni_aussie (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/05/2002 08:23:30 |
Toolmaker (7) | 4 - 3 | 05/20/2000 05:37:17 |
Top_20_Killer (2) | 1 - 1 | 10/27/1999 08:36:41 |
Trollpop (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/14/1999 01:46:21 |
Tuatara777 (3) | 1 - 2 | 12/22/2001 03:49:32 |
Twinsmom23 (5) | 3 - 2 | 01/15/2000 04:47:00 |
TylerW_1999 (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/14/2002 11:41:11 |
USNSANTA (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/18/1999 02:20:15 |
Ultimate_Cribber (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/06/1999 10:04:40 |
Umpire_Bill (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/24/1999 10:05:00 |
VITO_RI (2) | 0 - 2 | 03/21/2000 03:48:51 |
VTdreamer (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/03/1999 09:40:00 |
Vacation_Dan (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/26/1999 08:03:03 |
Vito_RI (4) | 0 - 4 | 12/09/1999 11:09:50 |
Vllyball (2) | 2 - 0 | 02/09/1999 12:18:07 |
Wench_01 (10) | 8 - 2 | 02/10/2000 03:31:07 |
WildWillie (27) | 13 - 14 | 05/29/2002 03:55:51 |
WindbreakerVII (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/05/2000 04:38:16 |
X-Hawk (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/03/1999 10:14:51 |
YO_HOWZ_EVERY1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/27/1999 09:59:03 |
YankeeInMO (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/13/2001 03:52:25 |
YanknShank (13) | 10 - 3 | 05/25/2002 10:29:01 |
Ybarby (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/26/1999 10:55:10 |
Zarzyczka (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/20/1999 11:39:22 |
Zeitzmeister2000 (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/18/2002 07:24:35 |
Zeppelin86 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/31/1999 12:15:50 |
_1boowho (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/08/1999 08:45:06 |
_Cribbet (3) | 3 - 0 | 12/06/2000 06:52:41 |
_KCAFCCHAMP (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/01/1999 11:56:22 |
_Viper_61 (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/20/1999 12:17:45 |
__2hot2touch (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/10/1999 03:10:14 |
__KINGPIN__ (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/02/1999 08:52:43 |
_angel_of_crib (2) | 0 - 2 | 04/22/1999 11:45:22 |
_fandango_ (4) | 2 - 2 | 01/03/2000 05:36:46 |
_ghost_lee (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/08/2001 10:15:15 |
_hamms (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/04/1999 10:23:42 |
_john_0675 (6) | 1 - 5 | 02/06/2000 04:24:21 |
_mares (12) | 5 - 7 | 03/09/2002 08:16:04 |
_mrlasvegas (3) | 1 - 2 | 04/18/1999 10:18:56 |
_smokinjoe (3) | 1 - 2 | 06/08/2002 08:19:58 |
_steves_world_ (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/18/2000 03:15:40 |
_wolf359 (4) | 2 - 2 | 10/22/2000 02:20:43 |
a1_bowhunter (2) | 1 - 1 | 10/23/1999 04:49:57 |
a29handeverytime (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/16/1999 03:39:23 |
a99cougar (4) | 3 - 1 | 04/10/1999 12:49:07 |
aDd_PrEsSuRE (2) | 0 - 2 | 07/08/2000 06:20:23 |
a_philly_gal (6) | 2 - 4 | 07/16/2000 08:55:02 |
a_philly_granny (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/18/1999 06:52:48 |
a_philly_guy (14) | 5 - 9 | 01/21/2000 05:40:23 |
a_quiet_stranger2000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/30/2002 07:20:55 |
abpbrown (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/09/1999 12:11:33 |
abraves1999 (4) | 2 - 2 | 02/19/1999 12:28:10 |
absolut_citrn (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/28/1999 12:07:27 |
accountant_04401 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/18/1999 10:08:24 |
aceinthehole35 (14) | 7 - 7 | 06/10/2001 08:31:34 |
aceinthehole36 (3) | 2 - 1 | 02/18/2000 04:39:28 |
aceinthehole37 (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/18/2000 07:20:51 |
action62 (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/05/2000 04:16:04 |
adamhead34 (2) | 0 - 2 | 12/10/2000 01:10:51 |
adamlapole1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/25/2000 06:59:20 |
adevilofaplayer (4) | 1 - 3 | 01/22/2000 09:14:05 |
admiral_parck (2) | 1 - 1 | 07/16/2001 04:51:27 |
aerochips (3) | 2 - 1 | 04/01/2000 06:41:06 |
ah_kit_1999 (5) | 3 - 2 | 11/25/1999 04:56:57 |
ajcirra (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/31/1999 01:57:05 |
akmariah88 (3) | 1 - 2 | 04/25/2001 07:03:34 |
akpalmer2001 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/21/2001 06:39:44 |
alfers (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/25/1999 11:49:46 |
alfonzo3 (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/06/1999 10:54:13 |
alltrek4u (16) | 7 - 9 | 06/01/2002 12:42:05 |
alternate_missed (4) | 2 - 2 | 12/06/2001 06:14:29 |
andromeda1399 (2) | 0 - 2 | 01/09/2001 12:31:48 |
andydulak (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/26/2001 07:11:57 |
angel_of_crib (5) | 2 - 3 | 03/05/2002 06:33:30 |
angel_of_dance1 (3) | 2 - 1 | 10/28/2000 06:27:04 |
angelamarie27 (7) | 5 - 2 | 12/09/2001 02:22:58 |
anniesky427 (8) | 2 - 6 | 12/07/2001 11:39:02 |
annpatty12 (8) | 2 - 6 | 12/03/2000 07:03:00 |
antaric (2) | 2 - 0 | 02/17/2002 11:07:49 |
antrogers (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/13/1999 03:28:22 |
anuenue_123 (4) | 2 - 2 | 06/10/2000 08:10:27 |
appleb16 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/19/1999 10:34:42 |
aquaries_ross (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/15/2003 05:08:22 |
aragorn2001_1999 (73) | 40 - 33 | 05/09/2004 08:00:39 |
archeomage (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/17/1999 11:29:32 |
areuhot2 (3) | 0 - 3 | 01/30/2000 04:02:35 |
ariellesdad (4) | 4 - 0 | 03/11/2000 04:10:10 |
armyscott512 (7) | 3 - 4 | 09/13/2001 11:01:22 |
arog48 (67) | 31 - 36 | 07/22/2001 05:24:30 |
asweet_thing (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/25/2002 06:22:59 |
atcdj20 (6) | 3 - 3 | 06/12/2002 04:44:18 |
atlantab_98 (3) | 2 - 1 | 04/14/1999 12:28:07 |
aude_sapere (3) | 1 - 2 | 12/30/2000 09:24:51 |
auggy2 (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/30/1999 10:42:20 |
awood73 (5) | 3 - 2 | 10/05/2002 08:23:01 |
ax_gq (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/27/1999 09:35:57 |
axel3_3 (2) | 2 - 0 | 05/28/2001 03:17:26 |
b the bert (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/31/1999 11:39:00 |
b_a_b_y_g_i_r_l_2 (1) | 1 - 0 | 07/04/2000 03:27:53 |
baad_ass1 (2) | 0 - 2 | 07/07/2000 07:40:01 |
babedo1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/07/1999 11:23:24 |
baby_now_8months (2) | 1 - 1 | 07/06/2001 03:18:12 |
babyygirl2u (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/28/2001 07:47:30 |
bacsi (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/04/1999 12:00:31 |
bad_influence_66 (2) | 2 - 0 | 05/09/2001 07:29:27 |
badboy99_99_99 (4) | 1 - 3 | 05/01/1999 11:14:43 |
badude53 (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/23/2001 06:49:16 |
baggieont (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/18/2001 07:48:59 |
baker_blaster (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/01/1999 08:08:02 |
ball598 (20) | 13 - 7 | 11/26/2001 03:59:10 |
bambi (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/20/1999 12:18:24 |
barstop (7) | 3 - 4 | 01/20/2000 06:22:05 |
baseballcardman111 (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/05/2001 03:49:05 |
bbbaye (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/18/2001 03:26:08 |
bboop50_2000 (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/29/2001 01:48:28 |
beaconl (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/30/2000 03:48:42 |
bear2eat (7) | 4 - 3 | 12/06/1999 11:37:03 |
bear_hntr (1) | 1 - 0 | 07/10/2001 05:00:50 |
becca1226 (8) | 5 - 3 | 01/11/2000 08:37:21 |
becky_senn (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/25/2002 06:22:26 |
bee_oh_bee_74 (2) | 2 - 0 | 10/16/1999 04:15:40 |
beezoo37 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/15/2000 05:37:01 |
belizemama (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/22/1999 09:22:17 |
bernard0630_1951 (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/28/1999 12:04:06 |
bettt_89119 (1) | 1 - 0 | 07/25/2000 05:44:44 |
bezycat (3) | 0 - 3 | 05/04/1999 10:48:08 |
bigbadbrairdog (4) | 3 - 1 | 11/24/2001 11:00:20 |
bigbadvoodoodaddy_oh_yea (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/27/1999 10:38:07 |
bigcael (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/31/1999 12:45:05 |
biggord (30) | 15 - 15 | 06/24/2002 04:04:48 |
bigpeterocks (3) | 2 - 1 | 05/27/2001 03:04:28 |
bill2u94 (2) | 2 - 0 | 04/19/1999 10:32:28 |
billm53_98 (7) | 1 - 6 | 02/19/2000 01:53:39 |
binskis_babe (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/01/1999 06:41:36 |
birdie_uk_98 (2) | 0 - 2 | 03/28/1999 05:39:38 |
bizzzybee (5) | 3 - 2 | 09/03/2001 03:43:16 |
bjs4444 (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/22/2001 08:38:25 |
black_cat_13ca (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/29/2001 06:21:53 |
blackfly11 (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/26/1999 10:55:12 |
blackhorse45_99 (51) | 18 - 33 | 06/04/2002 04:46:42 |
blake_b_98 (15) | 8 - 7 | 01/19/2003 01:49:46 |
blaze_421 (5) | 2 - 3 | 05/31/2002 05:32:45 |
blitzens_cousin_donner (4) | 4 - 0 | 12/23/2000 07:37:42 |
blodnurs48 (8) | 4 - 4 | 05/30/2001 06:35:32 |
bluect34 (8) | 3 - 5 | 12/19/1999 09:12:16 |
bluect64 (3) | 2 - 1 | 04/25/1999 10:17:40 |
bluediamond_wings (16) | 14 - 2 | 09/19/2000 07:28:38 |
bluefire042 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/02/2000 05:11:48 |
bluzlover (3) | 2 - 1 | 11/15/1999 10:54:57 |
blyex (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/23/2000 06:49:41 |
bob385 (4) | 4 - 0 | 12/26/2001 02:21:09 |
bob_tbear (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/12/2002 03:56:18 |
bob_tygart (7) | 3 - 4 | 06/16/2002 11:57:22 |
bobby71983 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/08/2002 11:29:00 |
boblkat (8) | 4 - 4 | 12/23/2001 04:45:02 |
boc_666 (2) | 1 - 1 | 11/11/2001 12:52:48 |
bogeygolfer98 (2) | 0 - 2 | 04/02/2000 06:22:23 |
bogie_bill (8) | 5 - 3 | 04/11/1999 10:06:34 |
bonesdiver1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/29/2000 03:34:56 |
born2bbbbad (2) | 1 - 1 | 06/21/2001 07:57:07 |
bottom_rung (7) | 2 - 5 | 04/11/2002 04:41:12 |
bowiekabel (3) | 1 - 2 | 04/27/1999 12:02:42 |
bowling_gal (12) | 5 - 7 | 02/27/2002 06:13:51 |
bowlingcribplayer (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/16/1999 08:52:03 |
bowlingkingpin (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/12/2003 05:18:45 |
brat_t_one (2) | 1 - 1 | 02/04/2000 03:56:46 |
britamsw (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/03/1999 07:25:29 |
bronco_gal_98 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/10/1999 08:41:07 |
browneyed_girl133 (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/26/2001 06:35:11 |
brpeters2000 (4) | 3 - 1 | 08/18/2002 10:22:17 |
bruce5555J (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/20/2000 09:44:39 |
bruce94558 (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/09/2000 08:02:07 |
bry_49 (13) | 6 - 7 | 06/04/2002 09:28:59 |
bthebert (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/30/1999 11:50:50 |
buckc20 (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/10/2000 03:34:51 |
bud (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/03/1999 08:45:12 |
budbuster_jfb (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/06/2001 05:19:20 |
built4bill (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/23/1999 12:08:30 |
bullryd4 (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/16/1999 09:00:14 |
burleyman (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/27/1999 12:25:48 |
bux_light (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/13/2001 07:55:02 |
c_rock44 (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/25/1999 10:05:21 |
caS_27 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/04/1999 10:09:47 |
cabo_wabo68 (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/16/2000 08:17:50 |
cacribaddict (9) | 3 - 6 | 04/22/1999 12:14:53 |
cadillackyd (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/31/1999 11:29:10 |
calendar_girl_4_u (11) | 5 - 6 | 01/15/2000 04:45:13 |
calif_blonde71 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/24/2003 12:55:56 |
cancribking (14) | 11 - 3 | 08/18/2002 10:22:21 |
candyapple35 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/01/1999 11:48:10 |
canttuchthiskjb (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/24/2001 04:56:15 |
captain_stargazer (3) | 2 - 1 | 10/16/2000 05:41:10 |
cardkiller_99 (4) | 0 - 4 | 01/12/2000 05:40:39 |
cardsbaby (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/11/1999 11:32:16 |
carolina_girl (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/19/1999 05:25:36 |
cartman00007 (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/24/2000 02:30:23 |
cartman007_td (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/27/1999 12:38:10 |
cascat98 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/28/1999 01:41:35 |
cases_up_game_please (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/15/2000 08:34:16 |
cassn (3) | 1 - 2 | 07/25/2002 06:22:45 |
cassum99 (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/02/1999 09:06:35 |
cathyfromva (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/08/2001 06:24:55 |
cattail2 (14) | 6 - 8 | 05/30/2002 11:45:49 |
cattt24 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/09/2000 07:49:28 |
cccrip (3) | 2 - 1 | 11/28/1999 09:59:22 |
ccryder420 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/06/2002 12:07:16 |
cdndawg1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/08/2002 09:40:54 |
cesarpr1 (4) | 2 - 2 | 07/17/2001 04:56:47 |
cfruchey (30) | 13 - 17 | 05/19/2002 04:51:42 |
champ2153 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/11/1999 10:46:08 |
chance_at50 (2) | 1 - 1 | 05/26/2002 12:19:29 |
chancey (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/09/1999 10:43:13 |
chantel_7143 (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/24/2000 02:30:45 |
charbonneauluc (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/28/2000 06:54:55 |
charleyg13 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/07/1999 11:51:18 |
charliehorse_4_u (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/14/1999 04:37:11 |
cheeseburger97358 (7) | 2 - 5 | 09/16/2001 01:27:59 |
chefdave56 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/08/1999 10:21:37 |
chico424 (7) | 3 - 4 | 05/11/2002 05:15:21 |
china_doll53 (2) | 0 - 2 | 08/25/2001 08:57:08 |
chinballs (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/18/1999 12:22:46 |
chipper1_scc (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/28/1999 11:21:47 |
chokin_chickens (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/02/1999 01:06:58 |
chorister1 (7) | 4 - 3 | 10/19/2000 05:30:23 |
chris1564 (2) | 0 - 2 | 03/25/1999 08:25:32 |
chris_jerichoRulz23 (4) | 4 - 0 | 11/25/1999 12:19:59 |
christina_f_ca (2) | 1 - 1 | 06/30/2000 04:28:58 |
christmas_knight_2001 (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/25/2001 12:00:31 |
chubby_514 (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/07/1999 09:16:31 |
chuckie_bro (2) | 0 - 2 | 02/06/2000 08:04:42 |
chuckslionsden (12) | 9 - 3 | 06/24/2002 03:56:17 |
chupador (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/24/1999 11:46:13 |
cindy7199 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/07/2000 02:49:04 |
cindy_289 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/11/1999 10:32:54 |
cinslaw (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/06/1999 10:44:24 |
cisco_kid_94 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/03/2000 06:58:44 |
cj2a47 (3) | 1 - 2 | 02/20/1999 02:23:32 |
cj2a47_1 (95) | 41 - 54 | 01/08/2002 03:51:59 |
cjhere (2) | 1 - 1 | 02/20/1999 12:29:33 |
cjhere02 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/04/2002 06:47:05 |
cjhere_99 (3) | 0 - 3 | 09/17/2001 06:19:25 |
cjscar (14) | 8 - 6 | 01/16/2000 02:31:34 |
cjscar1998 (2) | 0 - 2 | 02/18/2000 07:26:12 |
cleo_petra1 (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/26/1999 10:37:28 |
clifdenireland (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/26/1999 08:54:06 |
clmoon3 (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/30/2000 09:24:51 |
clmoon4 (6) | 3 - 3 | 06/18/2001 05:52:25 |
cmcr21 (12) | 6 - 6 | 12/23/2000 08:33:24 |
cmenardjr1 (4) | 2 - 2 | 03/26/1999 10:42:38 |
cmonlesplay (2) | 2 - 0 | 01/19/1999 10:28:55 |
cms59 (5) | 2 - 3 | 08/26/2001 05:36:27 |
cobra2_1959 (18) | 10 - 8 | 02/10/2002 09:26:44 |
cokeguy_1 (2) | 0 - 2 | 12/26/1999 08:47:31 |
cold196 (2) | 0 - 2 | 10/07/2001 03:36:01 |
cold_beer_rules (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/28/2000 05:57:29 |
cole_venske (6) | 0 - 6 | 06/08/2002 01:49:40 |
colin_lawlor (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/10/2000 07:33:50 |
colin_lawlor1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/29/2000 05:50:31 |
colleen_mary_erin (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/27/2000 05:26:17 |
come_back_kid (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/04/1999 10:51:11 |
common_oddities (3) | 3 - 0 | 08/18/2002 07:24:15 |
comtech2960 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/28/2001 07:03:36 |
condah (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/20/1999 10:07:57 |
conniele45 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/20/1999 11:14:36 |
consam96 (6) | 3 - 3 | 01/19/2003 01:49:48 |
cool_hand_luke_39 (4) | 1 - 3 | 07/20/2001 06:56:17 |
coolkattx33 (4) | 4 - 0 | 11/25/2000 07:00:07 |
coopah1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/15/1999 10:29:07 |
cowboyup8310 (2) | 2 - 0 | 10/16/1999 03:41:45 |
cpn_68 (2) | 1 - 1 | 05/08/2002 03:58:12 |
cpy_man (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/03/2000 08:06:38 |
crazleprechaun (2) | 1 - 1 | 08/26/2000 01:53:04 |
crazsmurf (3) | 1 - 2 | 08/12/2000 05:57:00 |
crib_bandit19 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/22/2000 07:54:33 |
crib_champ (3) | 1 - 2 | 04/11/1999 05:47:20 |
crib_duck (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/17/1999 03:12:14 |
crib_fanatic_2004 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/08/2002 11:28:41 |
crib_fundi (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/21/1999 11:44:23 |
crib_god33 (12) | 3 - 9 | 03/10/2002 07:10:26 |
crib_goddess (5) | 2 - 3 | 04/15/1999 11:01:41 |
crib_goddess_rocks_my_world (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/28/2001 06:16:40 |
crib_gods_love (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/13/2000 07:09:02 |
crib_nutt (3) | 2 - 1 | 08/30/2000 04:11:51 |
crib_prince4 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/28/2002 05:56:59 |
crib_robber (3) | 3 - 0 | 04/30/2000 03:39:42 |
crib_smasher (3) | 2 - 1 | 10/17/1999 05:27:49 |
crib_thang (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/07/1999 03:07:01 |
crib_woman (5) | 5 - 0 | 05/05/1999 07:39:17 |
cribbage_hellion (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/02/2001 08:55:33 |
cribbage_master1999 (2) | 1 - 1 | 09/15/2000 06:24:58 |
cribbage_nutt (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/29/2001 05:49:03 |
cribbagedoctor (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/28/2000 06:26:48 |
cribbagemaine (3) | 2 - 1 | 04/02/1999 09:34:42 |
cribbagemaster2083 (2) | 0 - 2 | 05/21/2001 06:47:41 |
cribbagenut (4) | 2 - 2 | 04/19/1999 12:37:17 |
cribbich2000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/11/2000 08:00:56 |
cribbin_boy_in_style (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/01/2002 07:10:55 |
cribboy2001 (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/25/2000 08:15:27 |
cribdumb (2) | 0 - 2 | 05/04/1999 11:18:55 |
cribfox (7) | 4 - 3 | 05/19/2000 03:32:08 |
cribgame (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/12/2000 05:38:46 |
cribgirl32 (5) | 3 - 2 | 04/21/1999 12:15:30 |
cribhead (9) | 5 - 4 | 05/14/2002 07:43:04 |
cribjunkie1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/10/2000 01:12:00 |
cribkiron (7) | 3 - 4 | 05/09/2004 08:06:47 |
cribmama (5) | 2 - 3 | 05/02/1999 01:23:29 |
cribmaster0311 (5) | 2 - 3 | 06/25/2000 08:00:02 |
cribmaster07 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/06/2001 05:46:21 |
cribprincess2 (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/21/2001 07:57:02 |
cribprincess3 (2) | 2 - 0 | 07/18/2001 09:54:14 |
cribpup (23) | 10 - 13 | 05/13/2001 08:16:31 |
cribrat (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/06/1999 09:06:14 |
cribsliver (1) | 1 - 0 | 07/04/2001 07:29:37 |
cribthing (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/22/2001 03:45:39 |
cribwarrior (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/03/1999 10:54:40 |
cript_cents (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/12/1999 10:31:55 |
crooked_50 (3) | 0 - 3 | 12/08/1999 11:13:43 |
crossisland (38) | 19 - 19 | 09/02/2000 05:44:44 |
crossstitch10 (2) | 1 - 1 | 05/30/2002 11:40:26 |
cuddles_98 (2) | 2 - 0 | 02/09/1999 11:44:38 |
cuddly_hugs (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/03/2000 06:58:49 |
cuemaster (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/25/1999 10:27:31 |
cuepas (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/09/1999 11:36:19 |
cuepas_is_back (2) | 2 - 0 | 09/04/2000 05:37:43 |
cuervogold175 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/04/1999 10:53:09 |
cunshine (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/02/1999 12:45:57 |
cussin_cowboy (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/10/1999 02:30:03 |
cybarton (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/15/2001 04:15:31 |
cyberj1998 (3) | 2 - 1 | 10/08/2001 07:49:05 |
cyberj1999 (5) | 0 - 5 | 05/05/1999 08:21:46 |
d2 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/27/1999 07:50:57 |
dYsFuNcTiOnAl_DoG (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/29/1999 01:25:43 |
d_ag48 (17) | 8 - 9 | 03/19/2002 11:04:33 |
d_kilba (32) | 15 - 17 | 03/04/2002 06:55:29 |
da_golfing_fool_himself (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/22/2001 11:31:15 |
dabeej (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/18/1999 10:35:02 |
daddy_johnhuntwick (5) | 2 - 3 | 06/03/2001 04:21:08 |
daddywhoo (6) | 3 - 3 | 02/17/2002 07:37:54 |
dadofmark40 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/15/2003 05:08:24 |
daleburge (4) | 2 - 2 | 07/29/2000 04:45:20 |
damion9282 (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/20/2000 03:05:40 |
danfink3 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/21/1999 10:48:10 |
dark_side_zero_six (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/23/2002 11:19:18 |
darklighter_rogue5 (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/18/2000 03:16:25 |
darkpuppy15 (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/22/2001 06:55:22 |
darts007 (18) | 10 - 8 | 10/04/2003 03:11:56 |
das_monsta (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/08/2001 06:39:36 |
dave2159 (7) | 5 - 2 | 10/28/2000 06:27:02 |
dave_22870 (2) | 2 - 0 | 05/06/2004 09:24:41 |
davef03741 (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/10/2001 09:55:46 |
david_kingsbury (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/19/1999 08:40:12 |
dawnamarie56 (2) | 2 - 0 | 02/24/2002 08:43:24 |
dawner35 (12) | 7 - 5 | 10/04/2003 02:44:02 |
dawnhall13 (3) | 3 - 0 | 07/01/2001 11:51:17 |
dbledd1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/28/2002 07:40:24 |
dcowboy5 (10) | 6 - 4 | 06/27/2001 07:10:14 |
dddagg (9) | 6 - 3 | 07/04/2000 05:22:59 |
dddagg2 (12) | 9 - 3 | 05/26/2002 06:31:11 |
ddnutzy (3) | 1 - 2 | 09/27/2001 04:13:51 |
ddyd13 (5) | 1 - 4 | 01/20/2002 04:55:17 |
deadly_wolf_dog (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/15/2000 12:40:53 |
deebles1460 (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/05/2002 11:11:20 |
deep_dish_dave (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/26/2001 07:23:37 |
deeper_flow (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/14/1999 12:25:23 |
dejanira2 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/06/2004 08:12:29 |
dejanira3 (3) | 1 - 2 | 10/16/1999 08:49:14 |
deldad1 (2) | 0 - 2 | 10/29/1999 09:30:50 |
deldad1_uk (6) | 4 - 2 | 04/17/2000 03:27:20 |
delta_swamp_monster (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/25/2001 08:56:59 |
densson (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/03/1999 11:52:17 |
depeche_mode29 (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/15/1999 11:21:22 |
derf_ca (9) | 4 - 5 | 08/29/2000 06:06:47 |
deso555 (9) | 2 - 7 | 04/26/1999 11:09:40 |
destruct (2) | 1 - 1 | 02/21/1999 10:56:38 |
detrader (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/23/1999 11:14:11 |
deuces_99 (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/31/1999 10:17:21 |
devilish_au (8) | 4 - 4 | 06/28/2002 02:52:55 |
devilpoohbear (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/06/1999 09:50:57 |
dfslim (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/04/2000 05:20:36 |
diagonal_diamonds (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/10/2002 07:04:49 |
diamond_two58 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/03/1999 10:32:29 |
diary_of_a_duck (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/21/2001 07:52:33 |
diary_of_a_lamb (9) | 2 - 7 | 07/22/2001 03:34:37 |
diastar99_99 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/11/2000 08:43:24 |
diligentdave (3) | 2 - 1 | 09/16/2001 05:30:06 |
dinamite_dave_777 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/18/1999 11:43:25 |
dirfus4000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/15/1999 09:15:16 |
diske1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/28/2001 10:18:56 |
diz_rok (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/18/2000 06:02:29 |
djinn1999 (8) | 2 - 6 | 09/14/2001 08:19:37 |
dna99_99 (2) | 0 - 2 | 06/10/2001 08:09:45 |
do_the_dew_1999 (2) | 2 - 0 | 01/15/2000 04:45:11 |
doc_hollywood_1963 (4) | 1 - 3 | 05/30/2002 06:40:01 |
dock_30062 (10) | 7 - 3 | 03/12/2000 08:38:05 |
docm76 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/18/2003 05:23:41 |
doduck (28) | 13 - 15 | 07/14/2001 03:29:12 |
dog13679 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/20/1999 01:03:06 |
donordad (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/28/1999 12:24:23 |
doom1956 (2) | 0 - 2 | 01/14/2001 10:15:06 |
doubidou66 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/30/2001 06:14:03 |
downeast80 (17) | 11 - 6 | 06/24/2000 05:34:20 |
dpak03 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/20/2002 11:15:56 |
dr_dre204460 (5) | 3 - 2 | 11/07/2001 06:56:36 |
dr_starr (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/18/2002 10:22:07 |
dragonfirefly29 (5) | 3 - 2 | 09/14/2001 08:19:53 |
dragonlady87_711 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/04/2001 06:58:43 |
dredmahawkus (3) | 2 - 1 | 12/31/1999 12:06:48 |
dropped_argument (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/24/2001 10:58:25 |
drpuppnz (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/05/2002 08:23:46 |
dsakalaukus (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/11/2001 04:38:29 |
dshamand (3) | 1 - 2 | 06/04/2002 08:17:22 |
duker47 (2) | 0 - 2 | 11/11/1999 04:18:52 |
dustnj (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/08/1999 11:17:10 |
dyanna_2000 (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/23/2002 05:58:21 |
dysfunctional_dog (3) | 1 - 2 | 01/28/2000 08:39:01 |
eagleone527 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/27/1999 11:23:13 |
earlybirdno (3) | 2 - 1 | 08/12/2001 06:22:38 |
earth_angel_or (2) | 0 - 2 | 06/10/2001 08:32:05 |
eastcoastcribber (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/12/2000 08:42:40 |
easywoody (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/18/1999 09:22:59 |
eeehhhaaa (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/08/1999 10:50:04 |
effeff63 (9) | 3 - 6 | 05/30/2002 03:07:15 |
effeff_62 (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/09/1999 12:10:54 |
effeymae_oochiepucker (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/20/1999 08:08:02 |
eh_tricia (10) | 1 - 9 | 07/07/2001 05:39:05 |
eldedo1 (4) | 2 - 2 | 02/20/2000 07:22:44 |
elixir_blue_00 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/09/2000 09:37:41 |
emjayr (3) | 2 - 1 | 05/05/1999 12:10:17 |
endorable (2) | 2 - 0 | 11/25/1999 06:17:38 |
englander59 (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/14/2001 07:21:18 |
eric_uk (7) | 3 - 4 | 05/27/2000 06:21:10 |
est3428 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/26/2001 07:37:37 |
evebeth (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/12/1999 09:01:07 |
evebeth1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/02/2002 02:21:40 |
eveninkiss (2) | 2 - 0 | 01/03/2000 06:13:50 |
ewdltd (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/25/1999 10:38:28 |
ewwa (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/04/2001 11:01:45 |
extra_innings1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/25/1999 11:32:28 |
eyeman55 (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/11/1999 11:26:12 |
eyeman_2u (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/30/1999 10:24:24 |
eyshmell (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/15/2001 05:18:11 |
f2f4 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/22/1999 11:51:58 |
faceoff (3) | 3 - 0 | 02/05/1999 08:57:25 |
falcon_crew_dawg (10) | 3 - 7 | 03/20/2002 04:40:10 |
fallen_apple (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/27/1999 12:54:31 |
fallingdown999 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/28/2000 09:16:00 |
father_mulcahey (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/03/1999 01:14:40 |
felzensouth (2) | 2 - 0 | 03/19/2002 10:53:12 |
ffilice (2) | 1 - 1 | 02/09/1999 11:19:05 |
fifteen_this (4) | 3 - 1 | 05/10/2001 05:24:13 |
fifteentwo15_4 (3) | 1 - 2 | 03/15/1999 10:37:37 |
fiij (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/17/1999 05:12:41 |
final_brethren104 (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/04/2003 02:44:04 |
fireflylite (31) | 14 - 17 | 05/19/2002 06:00:48 |
fish45_1998 (44) | 23 - 21 | 05/06/2001 10:04:14 |
fishis4me (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/10/1999 11:47:25 |
fizardwizard (4) | 2 - 2 | 12/07/2001 09:08:45 |
fjaffray (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/09/1999 11:05:09 |
fjaffray2 (2) | 2 - 0 | 10/20/1999 11:30:44 |
fjold (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/20/1999 11:08:45 |
flameroc_gq (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/29/1999 11:30:02 |
fljohn1 (7) | 2 - 5 | 06/10/2001 09:55:14 |
flsteve_ (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/26/2000 03:31:46 |
fluffywabbit (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/31/1999 10:28:09 |
flywheels2 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/07/1999 09:44:36 |
fool_lish_1 (3) | 1 - 2 | 06/17/2000 03:55:54 |
footballfb (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/25/1999 10:30:42 |
for_my_friends99 (15) | 5 - 10 | 05/08/2001 04:26:17 |
forfun_777 (12) | 6 - 6 | 12/10/2000 07:52:18 |
foxwoods1999 (65) | 39 - 26 | 07/06/2001 03:09:20 |
frankcon0103 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/10/2000 04:36:40 |
frankfurtman23 (2) | 1 - 1 | 09/16/2001 01:27:56 |
freeburden (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/23/2000 06:35:55 |
freedom649 (2) | 0 - 2 | 01/14/2000 10:17:53 |
freedom_649 (4) | 1 - 3 | 04/17/2000 05:56:53 |
freestile_99 (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/10/2000 05:58:32 |
frenchstyle_me (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/27/1999 11:12:21 |
frogwelder (21) | 12 - 9 | 06/06/2001 05:46:39 |
frugly98 (10) | 6 - 4 | 07/29/2000 05:59:26 |
frugly99 (10) | 5 - 5 | 03/15/2003 05:08:26 |
fssouth (4) | 1 - 3 | 09/30/2001 02:38:46 |
fury413 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/23/2000 08:33:29 |
g_molinski (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/06/1999 05:05:01 |
ganrak (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/07/2001 11:39:00 |
gb_gtg_34 (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/19/2000 02:35:31 |
gbsouth (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/22/2000 04:46:20 |
gbud_101 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/05/2001 03:49:03 |
gbw_0 (6) | 4 - 2 | 10/15/2001 03:23:27 |
geejay100 (21) | 13 - 8 | 09/10/2001 04:10:29 |
geminiguy618 (2) | 1 - 1 | 07/21/2001 06:25:33 |
gemllm (6) | 2 - 4 | 09/04/2000 05:39:22 |
gemstone88_2000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/25/2000 10:14:33 |
george_tte (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/24/1999 05:31:51 |
ger1ald (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/03/2001 09:05:04 |
gg_iwr (2) | 2 - 0 | 04/09/1999 09:52:54 |
gin_2u (3) | 1 - 2 | 01/15/2000 04:43:34 |
gin_yuss (5) | 2 - 3 | 12/11/2001 03:41:17 |
gingeroonie (2) | 1 - 1 | 10/05/1999 12:59:46 |
ginl2 (26) | 11 - 15 | 11/29/2002 07:13:20 |
girlie_toucan (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/04/2000 07:24:18 |
gkim3031 (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/05/2000 04:04:33 |
glacier_lady (3) | 2 - 1 | 12/18/1999 02:09:05 |
glenjane (16) | 4 - 12 | 02/16/2002 03:43:46 |
gmarshlv (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/05/2002 06:34:06 |
gnmarshall (13) | 4 - 9 | 02/17/2002 11:07:53 |
go_t_wolves0942 (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/26/2001 02:31:34 |
goblueboy (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/27/1999 10:45:08 |
gofor29 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/27/1999 09:28:27 |
gold_hearted (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/11/1999 09:04:50 |
golden_nellie1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/06/2001 06:57:43 |
golferjck (2) | 0 - 2 | 06/03/2002 06:22:59 |
golfingcribplayer (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/26/1999 09:01:42 |
good2_thelastdrop (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/03/2000 07:38:02 |
goodgame (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/20/1999 09:23:43 |
goodsam7 (13) | 7 - 6 | 05/24/2002 07:22:33 |
goof_troop_1999 (44) | 28 - 16 | 03/21/2002 08:39:05 |
goose (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/24/1999 06:04:53 |
gotta_love_cases (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/22/2002 10:14:39 |
gramaowl (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/17/1999 12:27:30 |
granddad2 (2) | 1 - 1 | 03/13/2000 03:42:13 |
granny1907 (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/05/1999 09:27:57 |
gravelgurdy5 (3) | 2 - 1 | 01/15/2000 04:42:15 |
green_eyes_brat (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/31/1999 11:58:03 |
greydrumer (17) | 7 - 10 | 06/18/2002 07:33:14 |
greywolf-56649 (3) | 2 - 1 | 07/08/2001 08:36:34 |
greywolf72733 (4) | 2 - 2 | 04/19/1999 09:40:19 |
gsa2bsa2 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/07/1999 10:10:12 |
gsy65 (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/12/2000 09:21:51 |
guardingangel4 (3) | 2 - 1 | 06/19/2000 03:44:48 |
gus_on_da_bus (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/23/2001 05:55:06 |
guy_cribber (9) | 4 - 5 | 01/16/2002 04:06:49 |
gvillars (3) | 1 - 2 | 12/18/1999 06:29:18 |
gypsy43072 (2) | 0 - 2 | 01/15/2001 11:33:20 |
h2o_fall99 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/23/2000 05:29:02 |
h_lane (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/22/2000 04:46:22 |
haamms (6) | 2 - 4 | 08/30/2000 06:49:10 |
hard2forget_98 (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/21/1999 12:29:14 |
hare_bear99 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/03/2000 03:32:03 |
hartjay (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/17/1999 02:59:37 |
hawker_54 (22) | 11 - 11 | 08/06/2001 04:04:44 |
hd_super (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/11/2000 04:22:07 |
he_has_his_fathers_eyes (3) | 3 - 0 | 05/28/2001 10:46:20 |
headache3003 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/19/2002 05:31:46 |
heavycribber (5) | 4 - 1 | 05/19/2002 05:51:55 |
heck2000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/10/1999 01:17:01 |
heinspack (4) | 3 - 1 | 10/31/1999 10:25:14 |
heldoniii (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/07/1999 07:52:54 |
help5kids (2) | 2 - 0 | 11/11/1999 09:35:31 |
herb_raven (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/24/2001 04:56:36 |
herr_a_pastor2 (2) | 0 - 2 | 05/10/2002 09:26:12 |
herrpastor2 (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/19/1999 08:03:11 |
hi_lo_yo (3) | 2 - 1 | 10/11/2001 08:11:14 |
highlander63ca (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/09/2001 04:34:33 |
hiimjimbo (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/03/2000 08:16:29 |
hillbilly_gg (10) | 9 - 1 | 12/31/2001 10:02:32 |
himynameisjackie1958 (5) | 2 - 3 | 05/15/2002 08:34:04 |
hippy_mailman (5) | 3 - 2 | 05/25/2002 10:41:26 |
hippycowgirl_2000 (6) | 3 - 3 | 04/09/2002 02:08:19 |
hit_n_deep (6) | 1 - 5 | 01/21/2003 02:00:49 |
hitcher13 (5) | 4 - 1 | 05/06/2004 08:05:40 |
hitm007 (3) | 3 - 0 | 12/21/1999 12:30:52 |
hitman24_7 (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/18/1999 02:01:21 |
hitndeep (8) | 3 - 5 | 05/27/2000 06:20:16 |
hivic1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/02/1999 02:25:07 |
hiya_all2000 (6) | 3 - 3 | 05/10/2002 12:13:48 |
honeymom_1999 (7) | 3 - 4 | 07/14/2001 02:47:34 |
honored_crib_player (2) | 2 - 0 | 02/05/1999 10:23:43 |
hooper82 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/07/2000 10:12:08 |
hopitribe98 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/20/1999 12:59:42 |
hot_tip_4_ya (8) | 1 - 7 | 06/24/2001 04:57:11 |
hubb_1976 (2) | 0 - 2 | 07/04/2000 03:26:53 |
huck_fin_1 (3) | 0 - 3 | 06/28/2000 07:01:07 |
huklbeary (3) | 2 - 1 | 10/11/1999 09:34:29 |
humblepie1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/21/2000 06:22:29 |
hunkas_hit (2) | 0 - 2 | 11/24/2001 10:40:41 |
hunny_dunny (3) | 0 - 3 | 03/17/2002 08:23:06 |
hurleys481 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/08/1999 08:35:34 |
i_am_santa_to_you (2) | 2 - 0 | 12/15/1999 11:35:17 |
i_am_suffer (2) | 0 - 2 | 05/18/2002 04:58:39 |
i_fubar36 (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/21/2001 04:23:38 |
i_would_like_the_longest_name (2) | 1 - 1 | 11/09/2001 06:59:02 |
iajai (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/21/2000 04:10:44 |
iamadewman (2) | 1 - 1 | 11/02/2000 06:29:05 |
iamkellylee (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/08/2000 04:47:55 |
ibekennee (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/16/1999 12:57:52 |
icantgetno (2) | 2 - 0 | 02/09/1999 03:03:38 |
icantgetno_1 (4) | 2 - 2 | 04/13/1999 11:52:13 |
icecritterz (2) | 2 - 0 | 05/27/2000 06:20:44 |
idiot_cribber (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/13/2001 12:55:56 |
idioticck69 (3) | 1 - 2 | 04/10/1999 10:51:48 |
igot29 (8) | 6 - 2 | 06/22/2000 07:55:00 |
ijii (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/31/1999 10:24:53 |
im29er (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/26/1999 12:12:55 |
im_a_cribber (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/15/2000 05:40:46 |
im_going_to_mexico (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/25/2001 04:12:13 |
imax3 (5) | 3 - 2 | 06/03/2000 03:58:28 |
imgkl (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/25/1999 11:52:35 |
inm9 (18) | 6 - 12 | 01/09/2001 12:30:15 |
intoxicated_koala (5) | 2 - 3 | 04/27/2002 06:36:26 |
intrigin_eyes (2) | 1 - 1 | 02/04/2002 11:43:01 |
irishjr317 (58) | 33 - 25 | 09/22/2002 06:42:37 |
irishmick (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/06/2000 07:00:22 |
isacrib (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/28/1999 10:50:37 |
ithacacrib (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/08/1999 11:08:16 |
iwas12no (2) | 0 - 2 | 12/09/2001 02:23:04 |
iwas7in75 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/02/1999 08:18:35 |
jack2 (5) | 4 - 1 | 02/16/1999 09:47:04 |
jackcrib (45) | 24 - 21 | 06/20/2001 03:41:11 |
jackcrib1 (5) | 3 - 2 | 06/16/2002 06:57:16 |
jaja (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/17/1999 11:00:11 |
jan_pegs_out (11) | 5 - 6 | 03/02/2002 07:37:36 |
jar_head_46 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/12/2003 05:18:54 |
jason_fmf (4) | 3 - 1 | 02/25/2000 07:25:09 |
javaclub (5) | 2 - 3 | 06/14/2001 06:30:29 |
jazboh (5) | 2 - 3 | 05/12/2002 03:31:58 |
jb4gb (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/24/1999 11:12:57 |
jburndu (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/02/2000 06:18:29 |
jc_5628 (8) | 2 - 6 | 07/23/2001 01:07:32 |
jc_isthe_rock (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/12/2001 07:57:11 |
jckripper_99 (13) | 5 - 8 | 06/05/2000 03:22:25 |
jcmetranoz (48) | 26 - 22 | 09/29/2000 05:45:14 |
jdcarlson0 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/19/1999 12:41:58 |
jdg1965 (3) | 1 - 2 | 02/22/1999 11:30:18 |
je_suis_folle (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/02/1999 11:02:43 |
jeb_gb (3) | 2 - 1 | 12/20/1999 11:06:26 |
jeblg (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/11/2000 09:42:02 |
jeeplady41 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/12/2003 05:18:49 |
jemstar4 (2) | 2 - 0 | 06/12/2002 11:47:33 |
jerryc1930 (2) | 1 - 1 | 09/27/2000 06:56:21 |
jewelbabe_sbi_99 (2) | 2 - 0 | 04/14/2000 03:35:49 |
jgrant88 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/18/2002 07:08:41 |
jhb67 (10) | 4 - 6 | 09/08/2001 08:23:10 |
jimee10 (4) | 4 - 0 | 06/04/2002 03:16:40 |
jiszman_33 (5) | 1 - 4 | 12/02/1999 12:08:18 |
jjafma (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/04/2001 09:16:10 |
jjazzmom (8) | 2 - 6 | 03/14/2000 03:58:20 |
jjxsn (2) | 2 - 0 | 11/11/2000 04:13:30 |
jlh_3 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/04/2000 05:09:33 |
jmariaed (2) | 2 - 0 | 04/07/2000 03:48:28 |
joe_dorrk (2) | 0 - 2 | 08/05/2001 06:22:21 |
joecrib (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/02/1999 01:00:13 |
joep66 (3) | 3 - 0 | 05/06/1999 10:14:54 |
john_mullen_1965 (7) | 7 - 0 | 03/06/2002 03:34:16 |
johnfredrick_2000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/18/2000 04:27:10 |
johnhuntwick (68) | 32 - 36 | 02/24/2002 04:30:43 |
johnhuntwick_2000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/15/2000 06:36:25 |
johnrberg (4) | 3 - 1 | 04/29/1999 01:37:14 |
jojo_bear_us (11) | 6 - 5 | 09/25/2000 11:30:56 |
jokiha (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/12/1999 10:38:44 |
jokiha_nf (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/11/2001 05:42:38 |
jolly_jackazz (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/14/2001 07:07:32 |
jolly_old_st_viper (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/23/2000 07:37:22 |
joonbug655 (14) | 5 - 9 | 06/23/2002 08:06:22 |
joyojoyojoy (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/08/2000 08:36:33 |
jrjump_31533 (3) | 1 - 2 | 04/03/2000 08:07:18 |
jrpop42 (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/18/2002 07:24:20 |
jscottd99 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/11/1999 12:52:44 |
jsme4ever (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/12/2000 07:57:54 |
judeqfe (9) | 4 - 5 | 10/11/2001 07:45:40 |
juliesr (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/03/1999 10:37:55 |
junie_girl_1 (6) | 3 - 3 | 06/10/2001 06:27:22 |
juniorjayd (9) | 3 - 6 | 05/02/2000 07:29:09 |
junkyard_dawg69 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/23/2001 04:17:25 |
juno_gal (11) | 5 - 6 | 12/30/2000 11:01:21 |
justeek (2) | 0 - 2 | 07/31/2001 06:26:35 |
justhelen99 (6) | 2 - 4 | 07/02/2001 02:05:48 |
justwhitney (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/03/2001 07:29:20 |
juts_57 (52) | 18 - 34 | 06/16/2000 03:08:10 |
k_loomer (3) | 1 - 2 | 05/05/1999 12:58:11 |
ka_y_cee (10) | 5 - 5 | 05/10/2001 05:11:10 |
kab043 (2) | 2 - 0 | 04/09/2002 07:34:41 |
kabelbowie (2) | 1 - 1 | 03/23/1999 11:01:59 |
kackarot_77 (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/27/2000 08:03:00 |
kacym1 (3) | 1 - 2 | 10/26/2000 06:15:57 |
kappymike (7) | 5 - 2 | 09/01/2000 03:25:11 |
kardshark2 (14) | 9 - 5 | 09/26/2000 02:37:14 |
kari4greg (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/10/1999 09:23:54 |
kashmir46 (7) | 5 - 2 | 09/02/2001 07:46:19 |
kat (5) | 4 - 1 | 01/09/2000 05:19:07 |
katbig2 (3) | 1 - 2 | 11/14/1999 07:53:44 |
katiebib (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/14/2000 06:59:31 |
katt54_98 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/03/1999 09:00:09 |
kdm (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/04/1999 09:59:37 |
kellyy2u (2) | 0 - 2 | 01/19/2000 05:54:49 |
kennsandy (9) | 4 - 5 | 03/15/2003 05:08:20 |
kettles37 (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/08/2001 08:13:20 |
kevj4 (3) | 0 - 3 | 06/05/2001 08:51:08 |
kg_equals_mvp (2) | 0 - 2 | 03/19/2002 12:49:05 |
ki83uk (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/03/2001 03:43:17 |
kiara_72 (19) | 13 - 6 | 12/06/2000 06:44:40 |
kid_icarrus (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/03/2000 03:41:04 |
kimmeyk (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/09/1999 03:21:29 |
kimmiee29 (2) | 1 - 1 | 06/30/2000 09:07:32 |
kindnesseeker (2) | 1 - 1 | 06/08/2001 04:40:17 |
kingofspades1999 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/20/2000 12:43:28 |
kingquad95 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/28/2000 08:58:23 |
kingsfan_53225 (4) | 3 - 1 | 09/04/2000 07:15:04 |
kinkyadidas (5) | 1 - 4 | 12/19/1999 08:26:06 |
kipster_11 (2) | 1 - 1 | 03/05/2002 02:00:09 |
kismifr (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/25/2000 05:34:06 |
kitekook (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/26/2000 06:35:12 |
kitoudouble (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/24/1999 10:52:30 |
kitoudouble_ca (3) | 0 - 3 | 01/20/2002 06:28:01 |
kittytall25 (2) | 1 - 1 | 09/01/2001 08:34:56 |
kj419 (12) | 4 - 8 | 05/10/2002 08:22:25 |
kjunspice7 (4) | 2 - 2 | 06/30/2000 09:06:46 |
kkim1998 (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/14/1999 12:36:59 |
klasin (6) | 2 - 4 | 09/01/2000 05:46:33 |
kmmicro (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/02/1999 12:39:25 |
kosacks (3) | 1 - 2 | 03/05/2002 06:33:44 |
kowala_bear (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/20/2001 02:09:20 |
krazy_kid30 (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/17/2001 06:32:22 |
krib_angel (3) | 1 - 2 | 05/27/2001 07:58:08 |
krib_kid (7) | 3 - 4 | 02/05/2002 06:13:02 |
krs49 (3) | 1 - 2 | 04/27/1999 02:49:16 |
krybtonite (2) | 1 - 1 | 07/09/2001 05:13:22 |
kt88_nz (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/14/2000 04:07:57 |
kubie (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/05/1999 09:22:06 |
kurplunkk (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/04/2000 05:22:37 |
kwr_21122 (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/01/2001 11:51:23 |
kyfho1 (6) | 4 - 2 | 05/31/2002 01:12:57 |
l2l9l (2) | 1 - 1 | 05/23/2000 06:06:54 |
la_meatman (5) | 2 - 3 | 06/16/2000 03:49:25 |
laddertroll (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/26/1999 10:39:43 |
lady_rob_uk (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/18/2002 07:24:32 |
ladybugcem (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/08/2002 11:57:07 |
ladydi_2_80 (2) | 1 - 1 | 06/30/2000 03:43:19 |
ladyj620 (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/12/2002 06:22:51 |
lag_weary1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/26/1999 11:13:36 |
lanktl (10) | 4 - 6 | 05/13/2002 07:01:54 |
laser14_99 (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/11/1999 04:27:25 |
laser_1_2 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/07/1999 11:35:48 |
lateplay (7) | 2 - 5 | 04/04/2002 03:49:16 |
lattimebigdaddy (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/28/1999 09:26:27 |
lawr72 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/08/2002 03:46:10 |
laxrox (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/07/1999 09:30:55 |
lcawthra (6) | 1 - 5 | 05/02/2001 03:35:07 |
le_Artiste4u (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/24/1999 10:51:15 |
leewit (6) | 3 - 3 | 07/27/2001 03:36:09 |
legion of doom98 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/15/2000 05:51:30 |
lentygart (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/01/2002 06:43:28 |
leshay_us_2000 (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/09/2000 08:11:48 |
lessonno1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/01/2000 10:27:01 |
lickyourselfup (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/04/1999 09:06:38 |
lifeofparty5 (2) | 2 - 0 | 12/26/2001 10:08:31 |
lightningbolt_58 (17) | 9 - 8 | 12/26/2001 07:11:57 |
lil85_99 (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/06/1999 11:17:06 |
lil_cribber_boy (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/26/1999 08:58:07 |
lilbitomagic (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/02/1999 12:23:10 |
lilboops (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/31/2002 11:32:33 |
lilcar (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/18/1999 06:52:15 |
lilsoccachica (1) | 1 - 0 | 07/12/2001 09:45:59 |
lindynz (2) | 2 - 0 | 10/23/1999 03:03:58 |
linomanaka (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/03/1999 10:27:10 |
liquidized_uk (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/26/1999 09:28:30 |
lishorngeneral (3) | 2 - 1 | 01/30/2000 04:02:35 |
little_jay_100 (4) | 3 - 1 | 04/13/1999 11:27:40 |
little_magicjr35 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/08/1999 10:48:44 |
little_pocahontas_1 (3) | 1 - 2 | 05/23/2000 03:32:56 |
littlecribber (6) | 3 - 3 | 06/09/2002 01:57:38 |
littlelouis_2000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/25/2000 05:47:33 |
littlemetoo (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/31/1999 10:32:56 |
livin4_y2k (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/02/2000 02:44:49 |
livin4football (3) | 1 - 2 | 05/25/2001 01:45:17 |
livin_for_friends99 (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/11/1999 10:03:29 |
lizam_1999 (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/05/1999 12:54:18 |
lizcyrjones (2) | 0 - 2 | 01/02/2000 04:13:41 |
lnightwing (5) | 2 - 3 | 02/13/2002 03:28:59 |
locoa46 (4) | 0 - 4 | 04/02/2000 06:23:08 |
londonbridge (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/04/1999 08:43:03 |
lookin_goood2000 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/13/2002 06:55:50 |
looneytunz16 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/20/2002 06:27:45 |
loser2_2001 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/12/2002 06:36:59 |
lovelylady_maria (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/30/2000 08:12:53 |
loveon58 (5) | 1 - 4 | 12/21/1999 12:30:45 |
loveon59 (7) | 5 - 2 | 11/29/2002 07:13:15 |
ls9580 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/22/1999 09:29:07 |
luciferscat (3) | 0 - 3 | 09/01/2000 03:30:41 |
luciferskitten (3) | 0 - 3 | 03/16/2000 05:39:19 |
lucky_lady055 (3) | 1 - 2 | 01/18/2003 04:18:20 |
lucky_lady36 (4) | 1 - 3 | 11/19/2000 05:59:59 |
macho_mann61 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/18/1999 06:43:56 |
macros_30 (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/11/2000 05:39:04 |
maddiemolly (2) | 0 - 2 | 05/10/2001 04:31:34 |
magggiimay (27) | 12 - 15 | 03/09/2002 04:42:05 |
magggiimay_hk (4) | 0 - 4 | 03/25/2000 04:49:27 |
mainechamp (6) | 2 - 4 | 02/18/1999 09:31:51 |
majortom30 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/03/1999 07:56:09 |
makaii32 (11) | 4 - 7 | 07/29/2001 03:52:45 |
malfunctioning_kidneys (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/25/2000 08:42:21 |
malfunctioning_kidneys2 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/21/2003 02:00:51 |
mamakatt_65 (45) | 26 - 19 | 05/28/2002 07:49:17 |
mamastoy (3) | 1 - 2 | 02/19/2000 05:11:37 |
manman65 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/20/1999 11:07:29 |
mannys_miracle (4) | 1 - 3 | 01/17/2000 02:59:01 |
manson9090 (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/10/1999 09:40:34 |
maraschino_m (2) | 0 - 2 | 08/31/2000 06:03:50 |
mareejam (5) | 3 - 2 | 05/27/2001 04:32:21 |
marinoman777 (8) | 4 - 4 | 01/06/2002 09:01:17 |
marlanp (3) | 2 - 1 | 02/19/2002 06:51:41 |
marlyrichey (20) | 11 - 9 | 06/09/2002 01:27:20 |
marshall118 (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/19/2000 05:58:25 |
marshall_mathers200129 (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/01/2001 09:54:47 |
marshy78au (4) | 3 - 1 | 10/23/2001 03:42:05 |
master_of_crib (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/27/1999 09:00:50 |
masterpegs (4) | 1 - 3 | 08/14/2001 06:10:34 |
mastiffk (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/30/2000 04:09:51 |
matchhunter (2) | 0 - 2 | 07/07/2000 03:33:22 |
mauigold (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/14/1999 08:51:31 |
mbgolfandbeach (6) | 3 - 3 | 07/25/2000 05:36:50 |
mctrites (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/01/1999 12:33:33 |
me85__ (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/25/1999 10:06:11 |
meeshie67 (6) | 3 - 3 | 06/17/2000 07:08:52 |
mellbunny (2) | 1 - 1 | 07/09/2000 03:29:15 |
mellbunny_3 (2) | 2 - 0 | 07/23/2001 08:10:54 |
memuffdive4u (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/24/1999 07:36:10 |
merritt0000 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/17/1999 11:50:52 |
messwiththebestlossliketherest (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/18/2002 07:47:15 |
mgoodell25 (2) | 0 - 2 | 11/23/2001 06:58:55 |
miami_freak (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/16/2002 06:56:14 |
micki_4ever (2) | 1 - 1 | 06/23/2001 09:15:36 |
midniteangel4u (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/07/2000 05:36:30 |
midnitesurfer_71 (4) | 3 - 1 | 06/05/2001 11:23:00 |
midzike (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/30/2000 10:18:56 |
mike_goodell (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/26/2000 10:29:01 |
mike_the_viper (6) | 4 - 2 | 10/05/2002 08:23:04 |
mikee3v (13) | 4 - 9 | 03/09/2000 05:25:00 |
mikejeff_ca (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/31/1999 08:07:22 |
mikelor1969 (6) | 2 - 4 | 11/27/1999 12:11:03 |
milkman4915 (2) | 0 - 2 | 07/23/2000 09:18:30 |
millennium77 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/27/1999 01:45:22 |
mimi_1670 (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/14/2001 11:30:17 |
minmin_20 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/23/2000 07:27:12 |
miracle_whiz (3) | 1 - 2 | 06/21/2001 03:45:02 |
mirrymmim (5) | 3 - 2 | 09/08/2001 08:22:53 |
misenar (5) | 3 - 2 | 02/16/2002 03:43:50 |
misery_4u (5) | 3 - 2 | 11/14/1999 10:10:49 |
miss_addict (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/07/1999 10:19:05 |
miss_sheba_2000 (11) | 7 - 4 | 08/12/2001 11:00:44 |
miss_wings49 (3) | 2 - 1 | 10/10/2000 06:35:32 |
missgpab (14) | 3 - 11 | 01/25/2002 05:37:38 |
moecards (6) | 3 - 3 | 05/07/2004 09:49:17 |
mommaswan63 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/22/1999 01:44:59 |
momthegreatof8 (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/22/2000 02:41:48 |
monkey_be_cribben (2) | 1 - 1 | 10/18/2001 07:43:48 |
monkiecat (2) | 2 - 0 | 03/25/1999 07:58:08 |
montana_nurse (4) | 2 - 2 | 12/04/2000 06:02:15 |
mook1962 (13) | 9 - 4 | 08/22/2001 06:50:50 |
moore_man_98 (4) | 3 - 1 | 07/24/2001 10:29:48 |
morgie_me (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/14/2002 04:02:30 |
morris500 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/11/1999 12:16:26 |
mother_thunder (2) | 1 - 1 | 03/27/1999 08:39:35 |
mouse1299 (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/03/1999 11:49:21 |
mouse_e_me (1) | 1 - 0 | 07/15/2001 06:17:06 |
mr. nickel (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/04/1999 09:42:23 |
mr_breeze_ii (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/19/1999 11:44:03 |
mr_govea (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/16/2002 08:43:40 |
mr_tiger31_99 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/21/1999 08:08:43 |
mrbigg33 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/10/1999 11:08:19 |
mrblue1977 (2) | 1 - 1 | 05/28/2001 11:16:04 |
mrduncan_98 (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/24/1999 04:35:16 |
mrgoose20000 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/01/1999 10:17:09 |
mrh103 (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/30/2000 04:28:57 |
mrlucky055 (2) | 1 - 1 | 05/11/2002 06:08:16 |
mrmagoostrikesagain (2) | 1 - 1 | 09/30/2001 02:38:56 |
mrpoohbearalldaway (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/30/2000 04:13:27 |
mrpowerwagon (27) | 15 - 12 | 05/13/2001 12:56:08 |
mrs_atcdj20 (8) | 2 - 6 | 06/02/2002 02:37:43 |
mrsmidge (2) | 1 - 1 | 03/13/1999 04:32:19 |
mrwoody88 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/14/2002 06:53:30 |
msauve69 (3) | 1 - 2 | 10/10/2001 06:57:07 |
msbeaches (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/25/2000 09:45:39 |
mspuffin1 (9) | 3 - 6 | 07/25/2002 06:22:38 |
muddy_h2o_98 (4) | 1 - 3 | 11/25/2000 09:44:53 |
mun_tunga (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/23/2001 07:26:39 |
munchkinsmom (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/30/1999 09:41:23 |
munsox21 (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/20/1999 09:11:26 |
murph2573 (6) | 5 - 1 | 12/23/1999 11:25:41 |
murph_pegs_29 (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/30/2001 04:04:42 |
mussea (2) | 1 - 1 | 06/04/2002 05:54:50 |
mw_kick_n (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/23/2001 06:59:01 |
my9ersrule (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/02/2000 06:23:04 |
myshka_25 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/20/1999 10:59:56 |
mystic_knight2772 (3) | 1 - 2 | 11/25/1999 05:49:31 |
name_forgotten (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/27/1999 11:52:27 |
nate13anderson (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/24/2003 12:55:52 |
ndwalleyejensen (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/07/2000 03:45:59 |
nearbyne (2) | 0 - 2 | 06/18/2001 03:08:35 |
neb_2000 (2) | 0 - 2 | 12/10/1999 12:19:58 |
neil_29_w (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/04/2000 05:22:11 |
netsybear (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/18/1999 06:21:07 |
never_wins (2) | 0 - 2 | 02/20/1999 12:12:05 |
neverfading_20 (1) | 1 - 0 | 07/03/2000 11:46:35 |
newburgdaddy (77) | 41 - 36 | 05/21/2002 03:49:31 |
nh_skate (21) | 10 - 11 | 12/21/2000 04:09:53 |
nicecombo (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/07/2000 09:36:11 |
nick4397 (2) | 0 - 2 | 03/07/2002 07:04:12 |
nightshadetd (3) | 3 - 0 | 12/10/1999 09:25:48 |
niglettwo (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/04/2000 04:42:19 |
nike100s (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/10/2000 03:48:46 |
nnannow (5) | 2 - 3 | 07/23/2000 06:17:41 |
no1big_bob (3) | 1 - 2 | 01/22/2000 04:52:00 |
no1grinch_g (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/11/1999 11:08:53 |
no1leaf (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/11/1999 12:06:14 |
nosey23 (34) | 17 - 17 | 01/18/2003 05:23:52 |
not_worth_the_bother (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/25/2000 01:26:04 |
ns_bear (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/03/2000 03:30:42 |
ns_umpire_2000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/09/2000 06:14:59 |
number1dadkenny (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/17/2002 11:07:39 |
nwf_pegger (19) | 9 - 10 | 08/21/2000 06:01:59 |
nymetsfan71567 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/06/2002 12:07:01 |
o_bugger (2) | 2 - 0 | 08/09/2000 05:47:03 |
ob1_kenobi98 (7) | 3 - 4 | 05/27/2000 01:57:56 |
obiland1 (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/21/1999 12:11:47 |
obx (4) | 1 - 3 | 01/09/2000 04:37:28 |
oldsmoothee (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/20/1999 10:22:20 |
oldsmoothie (4) | 3 - 1 | 02/20/1999 12:53:57 |
olsugar (2) | 0 - 2 | 05/07/2002 06:37:02 |
oncebittentwiceshy_99 (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/27/1999 09:28:27 |
onefred (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/25/2000 02:57:50 |
oneknottyman (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/19/2000 03:42:35 |
ont48 (8) | 3 - 5 | 12/23/1999 10:25:04 |
oo7elk (3) | 2 - 1 | 09/09/2001 09:07:10 |
ordek2003 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/06/2004 06:53:52 |
oregon_nut (2) | 1 - 1 | 06/10/2001 07:43:18 |
oso52 (3) | 1 - 2 | 12/27/2001 06:04:13 |
otay_me2 (4) | 3 - 1 | 05/17/2001 05:30:26 |
oxo_Jed_oxo (2) | 1 - 1 | 08/29/2001 04:54:23 |
oxowow (18) | 10 - 8 | 09/10/2001 03:53:12 |
p-f-flyer (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/05/1999 08:35:51 |
p_f_flyer_ (19) | 7 - 12 | 01/07/2002 03:49:29 |
pa_christmas (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/23/2000 06:49:29 |
pacleme (39) | 21 - 18 | 03/10/2002 07:08:27 |
paeshence (2) | 1 - 1 | 06/17/2001 03:09:14 |
pair_royals (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/26/1999 09:01:52 |
pairfor2 (2) | 0 - 2 | 04/10/1999 10:34:07 |
panlady_1999 (3) | 1 - 2 | 09/11/2001 08:17:09 |
papa_timmy02 (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/24/2001 05:05:10 |
papajim_1 (4) | 2 - 2 | 06/23/2001 09:15:03 |
papjim2002 (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/03/2002 03:18:38 |
parkman2k (12) | 7 - 5 | 08/07/2000 03:55:26 |
parkman_jr (2) | 1 - 1 | 10/11/1999 02:22:24 |
pasebast (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/29/1999 10:56:21 |
pc_workshop (7) | 4 - 3 | 11/25/2000 05:07:51 |
pdeskavich (16) | 7 - 9 | 08/30/2000 04:02:02 |
peerlessus2000 (2) | 2 - 0 | 06/03/2002 07:15:58 |
peggiin (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/07/2001 08:01:47 |
peggin (6) | 3 - 3 | 07/29/2000 05:59:11 |
peggin_queen (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/02/1999 08:31:33 |
peggin_redhead (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/21/2002 05:20:48 |
pegmiser (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/08/1999 10:38:27 |
pegpig (3) | 2 - 1 | 02/16/1999 11:09:28 |
pegplus (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/23/1999 04:38:08 |
pegurassoff (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/01/2000 05:21:30 |
penguinnipp1e (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/03/2000 06:22:48 |
peonyrose (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/31/2001 05:53:30 |
pepsi_ken (1) | 1 - 0 | 07/13/2000 05:35:13 |
peter rock (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/22/1999 12:06:31 |
peter__79 (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/05/2000 04:17:52 |
peteypie29 (2) | 0 - 2 | 04/05/2000 03:46:53 |
pfb15 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/11/1999 10:12:09 |
phlebo54 (15) | 8 - 7 | 07/14/2001 04:08:36 |
phyt2btyde_2 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/30/1999 09:18:48 |
piccolo_45_87 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/06/2000 03:27:53 |
picman38 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/27/2000 06:30:30 |
picton_guy (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/08/2001 08:34:16 |
piddock_2000 (2) | 2 - 0 | 02/19/2000 05:41:50 |
pikata_1999 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/05/1999 10:48:45 |
pilam (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/08/1999 09:04:42 |
pinballady409 (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/15/2000 06:24:32 |
pinkedo (2) | 1 - 1 | 06/30/2000 04:00:41 |
pinzor22 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/25/1999 12:50:48 |
pisces48_98 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/19/1999 12:07:17 |
pixiedust (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/25/1999 10:36:46 |
pixxiedustt (3) | 2 - 1 | 04/27/1999 02:29:35 |
pjscolt (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/14/1999 02:33:41 |
playerguk (2) | 1 - 1 | 06/10/2001 08:30:08 |
plheux (12) | 7 - 5 | 10/15/2001 07:10:37 |
pljane22 (10) | 4 - 6 | 07/22/2001 11:31:48 |
poco01 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/14/1999 12:51:06 |
polishprince11 (14) | 9 - 5 | 06/05/2002 06:01:18 |
pooh_22000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/26/2001 05:56:46 |
poohbear_77_98 (4) | 1 - 3 | 04/17/2002 08:06:51 |
poohbearalldaway (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/02/1999 11:13:49 |
poppa1313 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/04/1999 11:14:36 |
popsicle_74 (2) | 2 - 0 | 11/20/2000 05:48:53 |
post3296 (9) | 7 - 2 | 05/18/2002 04:50:29 |
postiee (6) | 2 - 4 | 09/22/2001 08:38:17 |
precious_1_ca (15) | 5 - 10 | 01/19/2001 07:06:43 |
prentisswj (47) | 20 - 27 | 10/04/2003 02:43:58 |
pretender_here (3) | 1 - 2 | 02/02/2000 06:04:12 |
pretty_tree_topper (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/11/2001 06:56:26 |
princesssennie (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/27/2001 06:41:34 |
promise4you (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/05/1999 01:55:55 |
prplpride (6) | 5 - 1 | 01/12/2000 06:16:43 |
psst_sailor_you_lonely (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/04/2001 11:01:02 |
pssycat2u (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/11/1999 02:20:21 |
pstnasta (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/15/2000 03:06:20 |
ptcribber (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/07/2000 06:17:35 |
putnryswope2002 (4) | 1 - 3 | 06/09/2002 02:06:18 |
pwcleme_1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/02/2000 03:19:49 |
pyjamarama (29) | 15 - 14 | 12/11/2001 03:50:18 |
pyro_pegger (2) | 1 - 1 | 02/22/2000 08:07:39 |
qube_4 (6) | 1 - 5 | 02/14/2000 07:17:15 |
questar44 (12) | 6 - 6 | 05/31/2000 05:14:32 |
quickturn1_2000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/30/2000 09:06:01 |
qurious_98 (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/25/1999 07:34:43 |
r38sh (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/05/2002 04:31:34 |
rac34_65 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/25/2000 03:41:10 |
rack8ball (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/18/1999 01:06:52 |
rakkohrs (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/18/1999 12:21:51 |
randy_v_2000_2000 (4) | 1 - 3 | 04/18/2000 05:51:52 |
ras141 (10) | 5 - 5 | 05/26/2001 06:04:53 |
rattys_hippy_girl (2) | 1 - 1 | 07/03/2001 06:44:22 |
ray_tuck_2000 (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/05/2002 08:23:30 |
rayo_20001 (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/10/2001 11:15:54 |
razor_clam (4) | 3 - 1 | 05/03/1999 10:29:37 |
rcr236 (4) | 1 - 3 | 03/01/1999 10:31:18 |
rcteen (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/12/2000 06:25:49 |
rcw2_98 (6) | 3 - 3 | 06/07/2001 11:38:02 |
reaper_22870 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/27/1999 12:05:01 |
rebeldeb1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/18/1999 12:20:29 |
redmom12 (2) | 1 - 1 | 08/03/2000 03:46:39 |
redneck_romeo_65 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/27/1999 12:39:52 |
redrocklake (2) | 1 - 1 | 10/19/1999 10:24:28 |
redrum1_uk (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/01/1999 07:55:55 |
reidsviper (14) | 9 - 5 | 03/23/2002 05:12:04 |
reidsviper_bro_1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/23/1999 10:41:49 |
retired87 (7) | 4 - 3 | 12/10/2001 05:54:47 |
rettug69 (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/09/2001 09:07:08 |
retwxman (3) | 2 - 1 | 06/25/2002 08:09:04 |
rgbrat_1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/30/1999 05:30:05 |
rgonot98 (12) | 5 - 7 | 10/05/2002 08:23:47 |
rhodan98_98 (3) | 1 - 2 | 06/27/2002 07:12:42 |
rianb8 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/14/2002 06:58:25 |
rickamortis1 (8) | 4 - 4 | 02/21/2002 07:02:10 |
rinabeana (17) | 6 - 11 | 05/06/2004 09:24:42 |
rivercrib (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/02/1999 11:34:58 |
robbedonceagain (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/05/2004 10:15:36 |
robear2828 (2) | 0 - 2 | 08/03/2001 07:29:38 |
robertvandyke (3) | 2 - 1 | 01/30/2000 04:24:28 |
rockin_crib_girly (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/07/2000 07:04:32 |
rollajr (2) | 1 - 1 | 10/10/2001 06:47:34 |
ronpop1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/10/2002 07:07:54 |
rory_richs_eviltwin (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/02/2000 05:28:55 |
rose_41450 (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/30/2000 08:38:46 |
rose_precious_gift (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/03/2000 08:16:14 |
roses35_us (19) | 10 - 9 | 02/08/2002 09:40:56 |
rpcatfish (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/22/2001 03:49:35 |
rstruve (4) | 3 - 1 | 09/02/2001 07:56:03 |
rstynailsus (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/02/2002 06:04:06 |
rtharris_nm (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/07/1999 07:57:29 |
rtopdog (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/03/2002 05:56:43 |
rubyrue5 (8) | 5 - 3 | 07/15/2001 05:57:36 |
rufryder65 (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/13/1999 05:42:52 |
runaroundsuu (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/26/1999 02:44:55 |
rusty_the_duece (3) | 1 - 2 | 12/12/2001 04:53:06 |
ryefly (2) | 2 - 0 | 02/22/1999 12:27:59 |
ryefly_98 (3) | 2 - 1 | 05/05/1999 10:31:39 |
salmonwarrior (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/26/1999 11:38:29 |
sammee4 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/18/2003 05:23:29 |
sammysam26 (12) | 6 - 6 | 08/02/2001 07:43:48 |
samuraihk (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/31/1999 02:22:52 |
santas7foottallelves (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/06/2000 04:05:48 |
santas_bunnie (5) | 3 - 2 | 12/23/1999 09:30:37 |
santastauntingelf (4) | 3 - 1 | 12/20/1999 08:44:04 |
sardene (4) | 2 - 2 | 02/24/2002 08:43:34 |
sarge125_1 (3) | 1 - 2 | 03/07/2002 11:06:18 |
sarsmom (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/29/1999 10:51:07 |
saskfan (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/19/2000 03:51:10 |
savanna32 (5) | 3 - 2 | 07/12/2001 07:18:34 |
savoie_46 (2) | 1 - 1 | 02/27/1999 11:50:16 |
scap5051 (3) | 1 - 2 | 02/06/1999 11:44:02 |
schweiz07 (7) | 4 - 3 | 07/02/2002 02:18:23 |
schweiz7 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/05/1999 09:13:10 |
schweiz7_99 (20) | 10 - 10 | 09/14/2000 07:47:51 |
scorpio13_98 (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/22/1999 10:56:21 |
scotiahuskers (3) | 1 - 2 | 09/13/2001 11:01:23 |
scotsman (2) | 0 - 2 | 01/28/1999 12:42:36 |
scott_ss64 (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/15/2001 04:03:35 |
scottmagicman (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/07/1999 03:32:00 |
screendoor_1971 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/11/2001 05:42:38 |
scrnurse (3) | 2 - 1 | 09/05/2001 07:18:11 |
seldom_seen1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/22/2000 05:43:21 |
seven (3) | 1 - 2 | 02/07/1999 02:42:53 |
sewitsky33 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/22/1999 10:48:14 |
sexy (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/20/1999 10:27:37 |
sexy_peg_legs (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/30/1999 12:04:52 |
shack6_99 (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/25/2001 05:44:21 |
shadowbrook99 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/10/1999 01:38:23 |
shadowmire (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/10/1999 12:54:23 |
shania01 (3) | 0 - 3 | 09/26/2001 06:35:11 |
shari0000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/28/2000 06:16:04 |
sharis_lonely_sailor (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/19/2001 06:24:03 |
shave_my_legs (2) | 1 - 1 | 07/12/2001 04:14:01 |
shaven_naked_lambie (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/08/2001 08:37:19 |
shawnfromva (11) | 3 - 8 | 12/12/2001 06:14:46 |
shayner44 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/13/2000 07:36:27 |
shaz67335 (2) | 2 - 0 | 11/25/2000 09:47:57 |
sheba_99_98 (8) | 5 - 3 | 02/02/2000 05:28:55 |
shelb_y (2) | 0 - 2 | 07/01/2000 07:36:44 |
shelb_y1 (2) | 2 - 0 | 01/09/2001 12:32:14 |
shellygirlt (3) | 0 - 3 | 10/31/2001 07:21:17 |
shitt_kat (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/16/2000 02:31:34 |
shred56 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/26/1999 09:01:47 |
siamese4444 (2) | 2 - 0 | 01/01/2000 04:35:07 |
sick_demented_freak68 (2) | 2 - 0 | 06/11/2001 08:15:38 |
sickestbitch (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/13/2000 03:13:53 |
sidcrib (22) | 10 - 12 | 04/03/2000 03:58:16 |
silver_kat_13 (7) | 1 - 6 | 02/23/2002 08:23:54 |
silverbullett40_99 (3) | 0 - 3 | 04/07/1999 10:25:53 |
silversally2001 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/27/2001 07:58:37 |
singing_lobby_rat (2) | 0 - 2 | 07/03/2000 11:34:13 |
sir_cribber (3) | 1 - 2 | 05/24/2002 07:52:56 |
sir_pegsalott (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/29/2001 04:33:30 |
sircribplayer (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/26/1999 11:28:09 |
sjsmith913 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/29/2000 07:18:28 |
skluth (11) | 5 - 6 | 12/28/2001 07:25:56 |
skrap07 (2) | 1 - 1 | 07/15/2001 09:50:26 |
skunkhole (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/05/2000 04:12:22 |
skuzbom (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/04/2000 07:52:01 |
skuzbom2 (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/15/2001 07:09:18 |
sky_lass (2) | 0 - 2 | 06/17/2000 09:57:25 |
slayin (6) | 2 - 4 | 12/26/1999 03:47:40 |
sleepysnail (22) | 9 - 13 | 11/22/2001 09:20:30 |
slider_28 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/30/1999 06:30:21 |
slipcovers40 (3) | 1 - 2 | 12/09/1999 09:57:42 |
sluffy1 (14) | 4 - 10 | 10/05/2002 08:24:00 |
sly_2001 (2) | 2 - 0 | 04/02/1999 07:18:52 |
slys_wife (3) | 1 - 2 | 02/28/1999 10:35:11 |
smartandsassy_2 (5) | 3 - 2 | 01/02/2000 11:09:06 |
smedley25 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/11/1999 12:41:37 |
smee19 (2) | 1 - 1 | 08/07/2001 03:47:34 |
smfczech40 (11) | 5 - 6 | 11/11/2001 09:48:57 |
smilesnz (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/29/2001 06:22:35 |
smitkodad (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/12/2001 07:06:42 |
smitty678799 (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/22/1999 11:32:47 |
smoke_who_choked_santa (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/13/1999 11:06:59 |
smokey_640 (11) | 8 - 3 | 09/17/2000 07:01:22 |
snoops7 (15) | 7 - 8 | 11/02/2001 08:23:20 |
snow_babee (4) | 3 - 1 | 09/03/2000 03:51:41 |
snow_princess_25_2000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/31/1999 01:36:06 |
snowangelprincess (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/10/2000 07:43:37 |
snowman99780 (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/19/2001 04:06:00 |
soggy34 (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/02/2002 06:02:37 |
south_dakota_cowboy_2000 (2) | 2 - 0 | 07/06/2001 07:43:08 |
southernsparkles (2) | 0 - 2 | 08/20/2001 06:49:25 |
spaads (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/30/1999 11:08:10 |
spacey_lacey2000 (7) | 4 - 3 | 05/06/2001 05:14:25 |
sparkywpg (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/11/1999 12:30:10 |
speedyyyyy (4) | 2 - 2 | 07/30/2000 08:36:12 |
spicebear111 (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/11/2000 03:37:37 |
spicelad2002 (5) | 2 - 3 | 05/31/2002 12:36:11 |
spoonone (2) | 0 - 2 | 07/02/2000 04:33:22 |
sports_queen_ct (29) | 11 - 18 | 05/10/2002 09:26:12 |
spotedog (3) | 2 - 1 | 11/22/2001 09:20:22 |
spuds4 (6) | 5 - 1 | 12/23/2000 08:03:10 |
squirley_31 (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/10/1999 08:26:12 |
sreh (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/12/1999 11:05:18 |
staceylynn1972 (3) | 2 - 1 | 07/09/2001 11:17:05 |
stacispaci (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/02/2001 02:05:51 |
stack_the_crib (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/12/2000 06:32:28 |
stargazing_virgo (2) | 2 - 0 | 07/20/2001 06:57:16 |
statman_2 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/24/1999 11:37:25 |
steeler_bill (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/10/1999 11:53:12 |
steelhead_er (8) | 2 - 6 | 01/14/2001 06:45:53 |
steelmagnolia (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/06/1999 10:25:51 |
steg1015 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/10/2000 10:34:12 |
stell2k (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/10/2000 03:05:36 |
stepandahalf99 (31) | 16 - 15 | 01/12/2003 05:19:03 |
steves_world1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/06/2002 05:34:27 |
stickman101_99 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/19/2001 06:52:50 |
sting_er98 (8) | 3 - 5 | 06/03/2000 06:55:30 |
stingers_baby (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/11/2000 09:40:51 |
stolti_54742 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/03/2002 08:59:19 |
stonecoldxox (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/04/2003 02:43:58 |
stoneface_2 (3) | 1 - 2 | 11/07/2001 07:05:31 |
storys_r_us1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/10/1999 12:15:43 |
strike3_04049 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/23/2000 07:25:53 |
striker115ca (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/08/2000 05:49:14 |
stuff_1004 (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/18/2003 05:23:37 |
stuff_my_stockings (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/11/1999 01:17:44 |
sue2337 (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/19/1999 01:04:13 |
sully53219 (2) | 0 - 2 | 02/05/2002 06:33:52 |
sumupgoodandreal (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/31/2002 03:50:29 |
sunnydaze85 (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/03/2000 06:24:32 |
super_cribber (7) | 4 - 3 | 12/09/2000 08:46:22 |
supersevens1999 (3) | 1 - 2 | 05/28/2000 10:31:59 |
surfer (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/02/1999 12:07:46 |
sweet_cdn25 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/26/2001 07:11:57 |
sweetnuttychocolate (4) | 1 - 3 | 01/30/2000 08:13:52 |
sweetsimplicity64 (2) | 0 - 2 | 03/03/2000 03:46:09 |
switchel1998 (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/14/2000 07:21:51 |
sybursue (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/09/1999 01:07:20 |
tadaiwin (4) | 3 - 1 | 03/31/2000 03:45:46 |
tadowe (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/20/1999 04:06:52 |
talltxen (4) | 2 - 2 | 06/16/2001 05:21:09 |
tangibletricia (4) | 1 - 3 | 07/31/2001 06:26:35 |
tangibletricia3 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/26/1999 09:08:45 |
tanis_ont (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/20/1999 12:04:28 |
tara29_00 (3) | 1 - 2 | 08/25/2000 06:49:48 |
taterij (3) | 0 - 3 | 02/20/1999 08:54:13 |
tazer54 (2) | 1 - 1 | 01/22/2000 04:49:37 |
tbajay2000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/23/2001 03:47:47 |
tbearb (27) | 7 - 20 | 01/01/2002 07:02:21 |
tecroad (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/02/1999 01:03:48 |
teddiebearprincess (4) | 4 - 0 | 09/08/2000 06:04:51 |
teddy_bear_1975 (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/09/2001 04:07:34 |
tedmit (11) | 6 - 5 | 12/25/2001 05:12:26 |
tee_34 (6) | 4 - 2 | 06/13/2000 06:50:51 |
teebox100 (22) | 16 - 6 | 01/23/2002 04:55:18 |
tekakouita (23) | 8 - 15 | 06/10/2002 12:10:37 |
tenacious_gin (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/19/2002 03:35:12 |
tennessee_jed_2001 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/01/2001 06:59:46 |
terilambert (11) | 2 - 9 | 01/23/2000 08:02:08 |
terrible_t_e_d (2) | 2 - 0 | 06/01/2001 04:12:15 |
terzmo (11) | 9 - 2 | 12/28/2001 06:49:02 |
the_NUT_cracker01 (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/12/1999 12:28:37 |
the_avenger07 (2) | 1 - 1 | 05/31/2002 05:37:37 |
the_avenger17 (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/29/2002 07:13:36 |
the_beast10 (2) | 0 - 2 | 07/14/2001 02:49:10 |
the_dudley_boys2000 (2) | 0 - 2 | 08/25/2001 09:04:44 |
the_intoxicated_koala (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/11/2000 03:59:46 |
the_wolf_2 (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/25/1999 08:56:02 |
thedonld (28) | 17 - 11 | 05/31/2002 11:20:38 |
thekidd35 (1) | 1 - 0 | 07/30/2000 08:37:58 |
thekingof_crib (3) | 1 - 2 | 12/19/1999 02:58:57 |
thekingofcrib (4) | 4 - 0 | 12/06/2000 04:13:21 |
thesoop (4) | 2 - 2 | 08/19/2000 07:01:11 |
theunknown37 (4) | 3 - 1 | 08/07/2001 07:17:13 |
theuntitled37 (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/21/2001 07:55:14 |
thevirus68 (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/23/2001 10:51:36 |
thewineangel (2) | 0 - 2 | 03/31/1999 11:07:10 |
thewizard1711 (15) | 3 - 12 | 12/22/2001 08:33:27 |
thewizard542000 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/06/2002 05:29:18 |
thienel (15) | 5 - 10 | 09/22/2002 06:42:35 |
thin_man_98 (1) | 1 - 0 | 05/19/2000 08:27:08 |
thomlil (8) | 3 - 5 | 05/27/2002 05:48:17 |
thoran6 (3) | 0 - 3 | 11/19/2001 03:43:19 |
three_mythics (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/18/2003 04:18:22 |
three_ster (2) | 2 - 0 | 09/17/2001 05:54:26 |
thrudepette (9) | 4 - 5 | 06/25/2000 06:31:59 |
thunderdav (6) | 3 - 3 | 04/25/2001 04:18:59 |
thurdgls (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/29/1999 08:31:04 |
tiffanyc843 (3) | 2 - 1 | 07/10/2000 07:25:47 |
tiger_lily_4ever (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/29/1999 11:09:11 |
tiger_lily_ll (4) | 0 - 4 | 10/25/1999 12:57:57 |
tigger0598_98 (2) | 1 - 1 | 06/05/2001 07:09:09 |
tima_tim (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/26/1999 12:44:29 |
timbo5055 (27) | 11 - 16 | 12/03/2000 07:01:04 |
timewarp (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/20/1999 11:35:46 |
tiny9ab (9) | 5 - 4 | 12/14/1999 01:57:45 |
titless_tuppie (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/04/2000 12:11:33 |
tjcw58 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/18/1999 07:27:33 |
tobeall88 (2) | 0 - 2 | 01/14/2001 06:50:17 |
tollerdog (2) | 0 - 2 | 12/23/2001 08:33:36 |
toni_aussie (3) | 1 - 2 | 05/23/2000 03:23:07 |
tonytt76 (2) | 1 - 1 | 05/27/2001 08:37:06 |
topre (6) | 2 - 4 | 06/01/2001 09:56:58 |
torqued_off (3) | 2 - 1 | 03/24/2002 04:50:34 |
tourney_loser (1) | 1 - 0 | 07/01/2001 09:47:12 |
toycaller (8) | 5 - 3 | 05/04/1999 11:48:30 |
toytrucker (5) | 1 - 4 | 03/30/2000 03:32:55 |
trackerbr59 (6) | 2 - 4 | 02/25/1999 10:57:58 |
trapper6363 (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/26/1999 11:01:09 |
trapper_30_2000 (2) | 0 - 2 | 05/17/2002 05:27:18 |
travri (3) | 2 - 1 | 05/20/2000 10:26:27 |
trnelwll (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/06/2001 10:26:38 |
trophyqueen98 (2) | 0 - 2 | 04/10/1999 12:35:31 |
troy_be_trippin (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/16/2001 08:42:10 |
truc9_2000 (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/01/2000 04:56:32 |
ttas316 (1) | 0 - 1 | 10/17/1999 02:12:47 |
tubbin2000 (4) | 1 - 3 | 03/04/2002 07:01:24 |
turkey1001 (3) | 2 - 1 | 02/08/2002 03:50:49 |
twig_44_2001 (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/26/2001 05:43:32 |
u_know_me_as_jay (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/17/2000 07:08:50 |
u_vill_die (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/02/2000 07:05:03 |
ultimate_cribber (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/23/1999 12:42:24 |
uml1999 (2) | 2 - 0 | 10/11/1999 10:05:13 |
uncle_baseball (40) | 26 - 14 | 12/10/2001 06:09:45 |
undiedog36 (1) | 0 - 1 | 12/10/2000 07:46:41 |
unforglvin2001 (1) | 0 - 1 | 07/27/2001 03:45:41 |
usahockey (2) | 1 - 1 | 10/14/1999 08:33:51 |
usmc68_72 (2) | 1 - 1 | 10/15/1999 10:27:10 |
usmc68_72s_wife (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/20/1999 01:19:59 |
usn28yrs (4) | 1 - 3 | 05/18/2001 05:02:08 |
vichi1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 06/17/2000 10:58:41 |
vickie1945 (7) | 2 - 5 | 04/28/2001 07:00:44 |
vinickie (2) | 2 - 0 | 02/26/1999 09:57:08 |
viper31573 (7) | 2 - 5 | 03/28/2000 05:23:45 |
viper_the_snowman (3) | 1 - 2 | 12/26/1999 12:47:15 |
vipersgirl19 (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/15/2000 06:24:00 |
vman_caca (3) | 3 - 0 | 04/21/2002 06:23:12 |
vortexofevil (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/27/1999 11:59:07 |
w0oh0o99 (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/03/2001 06:06:11 |
waif_99 (6) | 3 - 3 | 01/15/2000 12:57:10 |
waltwasi (39) | 18 - 21 | 11/28/2001 04:02:29 |
waltwasi2 (3) | 1 - 2 | 05/27/2002 04:31:22 |
wamcpeek (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/30/1999 08:06:26 |
wander_69 (2) | 0 - 2 | 02/28/1999 12:24:26 |
wasbarrow0 (3) | 1 - 2 | 07/06/2001 07:41:38 |
wasp (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/09/1999 10:54:14 |
waterboy_50 (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/27/2000 07:07:18 |
weebitts36 (4) | 1 - 3 | 04/28/2002 05:22:00 |
well_ROAST_my_NUTS (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/20/1999 11:14:01 |
westsideaskews (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/01/2000 05:49:21 |
whofan_ (52) | 29 - 23 | 05/31/2002 06:20:11 |
whoflungdung99 (1) | 1 - 0 | 11/26/2000 10:28:06 |
whoozthere (6) | 5 - 1 | 07/22/2001 05:24:47 |
whyeek (3) | 3 - 0 | 04/26/1999 11:45:22 |
wi_sky (2) | 0 - 2 | 06/15/2002 07:22:43 |
wild_cat_tiff_0001 (1) | 1 - 0 | 12/21/2001 05:05:20 |
wildbnch (6) | 2 - 4 | 07/03/2000 07:40:50 |
wildmac9 (5) | 2 - 3 | 07/08/2000 10:39:36 |
wildmoose1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/25/2000 02:33:42 |
willie_nelsonfan (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/13/2001 11:04:21 |
win_ngo (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/16/1999 05:15:57 |
windchime13 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/29/2000 07:19:50 |
wineguy (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/18/1999 07:48:31 |
wineguy68 (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/22/1999 06:44:04 |
wing_nut_nike (2) | 0 - 2 | 12/07/2001 09:08:49 |
wingnut54 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/28/1999 12:46:34 |
winkifuwantme (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/12/1999 10:09:27 |
winmachin (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/08/2000 02:22:28 |
wmulberryshoney (6) | 2 - 4 | 11/11/1999 10:54:55 |
wolfpac-red99 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/25/1999 11:03:40 |
wolfpac_red99 (4) | 1 - 3 | 12/12/1999 01:21:58 |
wont_compute (9) | 6 - 3 | 04/30/1999 11:37:37 |
woodtick_63 (3) | 0 - 3 | 10/24/2001 03:50:46 |
wopjr1 (25) | 8 - 17 | 11/02/2001 08:23:20 |
wsquisher (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/07/1999 08:01:22 |
wycountrygal (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/28/1999 10:11:51 |
x182 (1) | 0 - 1 | 05/31/2000 07:02:16 |
x_cape_con (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/03/1999 12:15:10 |
xenon_2000_uk (1) | 0 - 1 | 08/06/2000 04:10:25 |
xerotoo (13) | 6 - 7 | 01/01/2002 07:35:05 |
xkey (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/18/2002 07:47:16 |
xsbucks (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/21/1999 12:19:50 |
xtreme_romance (17) | 8 - 9 | 02/28/2000 06:53:59 |
yabo7 (7) | 2 - 5 | 12/06/2001 06:34:39 |
yazz_8 (3) | 1 - 2 | 05/06/2001 07:36:15 |
ybarby (3) | 0 - 3 | 11/26/1999 11:00:15 |
yes_poison (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/08/2000 04:52:34 |
yibbie_73 (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/02/2000 06:14:39 |
yibbies_crib (2) | 1 - 1 | 12/09/2001 02:22:56 |
yogi_202001 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/17/2002 08:23:25 |
yogkl (1) | 0 - 1 | 01/06/2001 06:43:09 |
yooper_ray (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/25/1999 08:16:40 |
yorkme_99 (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/02/2000 07:39:44 |
yru4be (9) | 5 - 4 | 06/09/2001 07:27:11 |
yshutze (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/25/1999 11:54:23 |
yub42 (7) | 3 - 4 | 06/18/2002 07:27:00 |
z28zoooom (18) | 8 - 10 | 11/29/2002 07:13:02 |
zaxx12000 (4) | 2 - 2 | 08/12/2001 08:13:48 |
zimmers_daddy (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/29/1999 10:28:35 |
zking62 (1) | 0 - 1 | 03/05/1999 10:48:12 |
zomax4 (2) | 2 - 0 | 10/12/1999 11:27:46 |
zz_1_n_only (3) | 2 - 1 | 09/24/2000 12:42:13 |