Euchre (yeuchre)

Message Forum


  • All about our NAME - Lets discuss View
      by lshep_ on November 28, 2020 at 18:04:03 PST

    Dear Ladderites

    I wish to put forward that we change our name in the Safe Harbor Euchre rooms list to read Cases Euchre Ladder. Yes we were yahoo euchre but since we are about moving forward and getting with the programme, and since we are now the only cases euchre ladder still active and since we no longer have any association with yahoo I seek support to the change of our room name.

    It became apparent that other people have no idea what yeuchre means when we heard a DJ from an associated internet radio broadcast , who was announcing tlmomca's upcoming tournament and actually stated that she had no idea what yeuchre meant.

    There are so many people looking for somewhere to play and I'm sure if they actually saw our room listed as Cases Euchre Ladder they would instantly know who we are and maybe get the idea to try us out!

    How about it?

    • Re: All about our NAME - Lets discuss View
        by justplain_oldme on December 3, 2020 at 15:37:09 PST

      In my opinion, we have not been a ladder for years. We host tourneys. I would say for a change call it Cases Euchre, it truly is what we are these days.
      • Re: All about our NAME - Lets discuss View
          by lshep_ on December 3, 2020 at 16:38:54 PST

        I think that's what My Leagues are for. But should enough people want to restart playing the ladder as it was, its good to know we are still here to accomodate. I believe in miracles.

        • Re: All about our NAME - Lets discuss View
            by justplain_oldme on December 4, 2020 at 04:52:27 PST

          Miracles do happen. However this isn't a ladder anymore. There is nothing stopping anyone from playing games against each other now, but nobody does. You cannot live in the past forever. Time to move on.

          • Re: All about our NAME - Lets discuss View
              by freckles2u_98 on December 19, 2020 at 08:24:25 PST

            : Miracles do happen. However this isn't a ladder anymore. There is nothing stopping anyone from playing games against each other now, but nobody does. You cannot live in the past forever. Time to move on.

            I'm just an old fogy I've been playing cases for twenty some years and I hate to lose our yeuchre; but I'm just one person so will go along with what ever they will allow us to do.

    • My two cents View
        by tlmomca on December 2, 2020 at 06:11:02 PST

      I like the idea. It seems to me that the only thing we really need to change is the name as shown in SHG too. Other Case's ladders use an abbreviation to designate their ladder but use a more understandable name for the rooms they play in. I don't think we need to change the "yeuchre" abbreviation - if you look at our main page it says "Case's Euchre Ladder." Just make our lobby say the same and we would be good to go.

      • Re: My two cents View
          by lshep_ on December 3, 2020 at 16:33:45 PST

        yep, that is exactly my point. I noticed that cases has already changed our page header to "cases euchre ladder" and have got rid of the reference to yahoo and "y" except for the actual path name which not very many people see or look at. So if we could just change our name in SHG lobby selection to Cases Euchre Ladder then hopefully new people will know who we are as well as our older returning members.
    • Yahoo was terrible with no control or support View
        by whapemback_22 on November 29, 2020 at 04:58:19 PST

      Good enough reason to ditch the Y.

      The more obvious problem occured when people could not get into Safe harbour for various reasons.

      Browsers were not compatable. windows versions were not keeping up to speed with various sites and platforms.

      When Yahoo tossed their game to become a hack news dispenser , we had players on many different levels of windows and using various browsers. The various configurations were not linking together to make a smooth entry into Safe harbour possible. Many people over over the years were left stranded in our message forum trying to get help in order to get in.

      It seems that many of these differences should have cleared up now as older browsers and windows versions are now gone or on their last legs.

      We need a coordinated effort to document more fully , how to get into SH. Browsers that work , Windows versions that are compatible etc. I believe it's FLA66 who was trying a few weeks ago , but after initial attempts , I guess they also gave up. I remember crazy driver tried so many times to get back , always asking again in the message board , but it just never worked for various reasons.
      We lost many to the rising fad of online poker , but to lose people due to what should ne minor compatibility issues seems sad. Some of those people have now passed and it's sad that they could not simply enter a game room to play with us again. There is more hiccups when trying to initially set up what is required to play , but we veteran players just see as automatic. There is the yahoo ID to set up , which itself is a bit tougher now with their criteria including giving them a phone number. Then there is joining cases using the Yahoo Id that was just created. Then , if you get on to SH , there is another ID that needs to be set up and match yahoo name. There is sites that are needed and an understanding of what browsers will work with both your windows version , yahoo which is a ghost of itself and Safe harbour application. I am sure there is things I missed as well. If so , add to this message and maybe we can create an UPDATEd version of instructions that maybe some of the old players or even new ones can have a much more streamlined path to actually being able to play a game. Of course we could do nothing and these players past and present easily find something else to entertain themselves and friends with. I think Cases or something to that thinking works , but there is more than a room name change to properly address issues. Hope this made sanse....Running late for tourney. TC BE Safe and remember untangling and figuring out how things connect on the internet is a bit like untangling Christmas lights. Take a breath and start from the first tangle , then move along to the next one.

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