Euchre (yeuchre)

Message Forum


  • yeuchre room name in SHG View
      by tlmomca on January 3, 2021 at 05:39:37 PST

    Well, I let the discussion on our name go on for quite a while here in the forum. I even posted a greet directing people to give their input here. I was hoping I would get more opinions expressed but at least I did get opinions from the morning players as well as the evening players. The results of this discussion are:

    1. Cases Euchre Ladder - 2 votes
    2. Cases Euchre - 3 votes
    3. No change to our name - 4 votes.

    Some people had multiple votes. I looked at all of the discussions here in the forum to glean the opinions of people.

    So it looks like the most popular view is to leave the name alone. This issue can certainly be revisited if other people have opinions on this. You can either post in the forum on it or send in a Support Mail with a suggestion for the Op Team to consider if you wish.

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