Euchre (yeuchre)

Message Forum


  • Whap's mom passed away View
      by whapemback_22 on November 20, 2023 at 02:10:40 PST

    Loretta Powell was my mom and will be missed by everyone who knew her. Whap will miss some time as the family deals with their loss. She passed away on Oct 19 near 5 pm .
    • Condolences to you and your family View
        by tlmomca on November 21, 2023 at 05:25:39 PST

      You and your family are in my thoughts Larry at this difficult time. We are here for you when you are ready to return.

      • Re: Condolences to you and your family View
          by whapemback_22 on November 21, 2023 at 07:19:24 PST

        : You and your family are in my thoughts Larry at this difficult time. We are here for you when you are ready to return. Thank you

    • Re: Whap's mom passed away View
        by lshep_ on November 20, 2023 at 16:52:52 PST

      Dear Larry,

      So sorry to hear of your mums passing, I know how you are feeling, hugs to you. You were a good son to her and did everything you could to make her final years the best they could be. My prayers and best thoughts are with you.

      Love always *L*

      • Re: Whap's mom passed away View
          by whapemback_22 on November 21, 2023 at 07:20:11 PST

        : Dear Larry,

        : So sorry to hear of your mums passing, I know how you are feeling, hugs to you. You were a good son to her and did everything you could to make her final years the best they could be. My prayers and best thoughts are with you.

        : Love always *L* Thank you for thoughts

    • Re: Whap's mom passed away View
        by loly on November 20, 2023 at 05:20:39 PST

      : Loretta Powell was my mom and will be missed by everyone who knew her. Whap will miss some time as the family deals with their loss. She passed away on Oct 19 near 5 pm .

      So sorry for your loss. It is always hard to lose a loved one.

      • Re: Whap's mom passed away View
          by whapemback_22 on November 20, 2023 at 08:57:33 PST

        : : Loretta Powell was my mom and will be missed by everyone who knew her. Whap will miss some time as the family deals with their loss. She passed away on Oct 19 near 5 pm .

        : So sorry for your loss. It is always hard to lose a loved one.

        Thank you for your thoughts

    • Re: Whap's mom passed away View
        by whapemback_22 on November 20, 2023 at 02:12:12 PST

      : Loretta Powell was my mom and will be missed by everyone who knew her. Whap will miss some time as the family deals with their loss. She passed away on Nov 19 near 5 pm .

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