Euchre (yeuchre)

Message Forum


  • February monthly winner View
      by goofybd6 on March 1, 2019 at 18:41:25 PST

    The winner of the most tourneys in February (surprise surprise!) is Leonie with 7 tourneys won! Cappy was a close 2nd with 6, Heather had 5 and Sara and I each had 4. Congrats Leonie - the check is in the mail.
    I have cut back from $5K to $2K for this, because $5K takes me weeks and stops me from donating to others in need. But we don't really need the bux anyway!
    • Re: RUX View
        by lshep_ on March 11, 2019 at 16:21:14 PDT

      P;ease ! Forget about the bux! I do not need them or use them except to get into tournies and i have more than plenty for that. Thanks anyway tho,
Tournament Time 8:13:13 am EDT
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