Euchre (yeuchre)

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  • August TOC View
      by goofybd6 on August 11, 2019 at 17:58:40 PDT

    Good turnout for the TOC! It finally came down to Dave (ddt) vs Leonie in the finals. Dave broke his curse of losing in round 1 each TOC and made it to the finals. Cappy subbed for him and I subbed for Leonie. Leonie started out with a loner, and was on fire! it went quickly to 8-0 before Dave and Cappy got a point. My next hand could likely have been a loner and we got 2 points for Leonie to win! Congrats Leonie and nice 2nd Dave! Thanks for subbing Cappy! Maybe next month Dave!
Tournament Time EST
Safe Harbor Games
Now playing at Safe Harbor Games
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1 TD Donation (7500)
Quick and Easy Air Fryer Dinner Recipes (Kindle Edition) (75000)
Linked Hearts Charm (65000)
Antiqued Passion Cross Charm (Set of 2) (125000)
Cozy Witch Mysteries (Special Edition 8 Book Set)(Kindle Edition) (75000)

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