Euchre (yeuchre)

Message Forum


  • Ladder Standings View
      by tlmomca on July 10, 2020 at 22:14:23 PDT

    For some time there was no person occupying the #1 spot in this ladder. Tonight I have corrected this situation by moving all of the active players up in rank to fill in the ladder ranks. I have screenshots of the ladder standings both prior to and after my adjustment. If you wish to see these feel free to email me and I will send them to you. My email address is You can also email me if you have any questions on this.

    Now this ladder has standings going all the way to #1 like all of our other ladders. :)

    • Re: Ladder Standings View
        by goofybd6 on July 12, 2020 at 17:43:18 PDT

      tyvm for doing that Pat!! This is good for the ladder and especially for those that never got the opportunity to get to #1! Well done, and much appreciated!
      • Rank #1 and the Meaning of Achieving it! View
          by lshep_ on July 12, 2020 at 21:41:33 PDT

        As much as I understand the reason why and as much as I do not want to offend Pat in any way as i do appreciate her efforts to our ladder , I cannot agree to this modification of the ladder ranks. Being one of the past #1's who had to line up for days and beg for challenges and give challenges by the same measure, and win a best of 3 against #1 to achieve this rank it stinks that this is no longer going to be an achievement of any meaning. With this change as it stands now, every single player will receive a #1 rank every few days or so when the de-rankings go thru for no ladder games played, and, if things happen to work out right could possibly get and lose and get again the rank of #1 by playing 3 consecutive tourneys if the player who is #1 at the moment joins the tourneys, and all with absolutely no ladder games played. This is not how a ladder is supposed to work, and this is not fair on all the previous players who did play the ladder. If players truely want to achieve a #1 ranking then go out into the online euchre world and rattle up players so that we have a lobby with enough players to do an evenings challenge and defend but good luck on doing that. And even if you could host a tourney where once every evening/week players could enter and be sorted by ladder rank with an eventual playoff between rank#2 and #1 then maybe that would work but the way it is, being rank#1 means absolutely nothing and you are fooling yourself if you think otherwise. I think it was a good move by Cases Ladder Staff to put a freeze on the rank#1 position when our ladder was dying and in doing so allowed our ladder to continue as a tourney site until or if we get ladder players back playing ladder games as this at least protected our ladder from being disbanded which was and is the threat. Do all our previous bona fide #1's have an opinion ? Many many old players don't play any more because they don't like tourneys and had to give up because no one would play a ladder game, but they are still members of this ladder and should have been consulted before this action was taken I think. Anyhow, we are all allowed our own opinion and now I have expressed mine. I would invite everyone to express theirs also and see what the majority thinks, even maybe have a vote dare I say?
        Thanks for reading and thanks for playing to all those who do!
        Sincerely Yours


        • Re: Rank #1 and the Meaning of Achieving it! View
            by justplain_oldme on July 13, 2020 at 09:23:49 PDT

          As a former #1, it makes absolutely no difference to me. This really is not a "ladder" anymore as in days gone by. You need to learn to let it go and enjoy it for what it is today.
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